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# Installation

## Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [PaddlePaddle](#paddlepaddle)
- [Other Dependencies](#other-dependencies)
- [PaddleDetection](#paddle-detection)
- [Datasets](#datasets)

## Introduction

This document covers how to install PaddleDetection, its dependencies
(including PaddlePaddle), together with COCO and PASCAL VOC dataset.

For general information about PaddleDetection, please see [](../

## PaddlePaddle

jerrywgz 已提交
Running PaddleDetection requires PaddlePaddle Fluid v.1.5 and later. please follow the instructions in [installation document](
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Please make sure your PaddlePaddle installation was successful and the version
of your PaddlePaddle is not lower than required. Verify with the following commands.

# To check if PaddlePaddle installation was sucessful
python -c "from paddle.fluid import fluid; fluid.install_check.run_check()"

# To check PaddlePaddle version
python -c "import paddle; print(paddle.__version__)"

### Requirements:

- Python2 or Python3
- CUDA >= 8.0
- cuDNN >= 5.0
- nccl >= 2.1.2

## Other Dependencies


COCO-API is needed for training. Installation is as follows:

    git clone
    cd cocoapi/PythonAPI
    # if cython is not installed
    pip install Cython
    # Install into global site-packages
    make install
    # Alternatively, if you do not have permissions or prefer
    # not to install the COCO API into global site-packages
    python install --user

## PaddleDetection

**Clone Paddle models repository:**

You can clone Paddle models and change working directory to PaddleDetection
with the following commands:

cd <path/to/clone/models>
git clone
cd models/PaddleCV/object_detection

**Install Python dependencies:**

Required python packages are specified in [requirements.txt](./requirements.txt), and can be installed with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

**Make sure the tests pass:**

python ppdet/modeling/tests/

## Datasets

PaddleDetection includes support for [MSCOCO]( and [PASCAL VOC]( by default, please follow these instructions to set up the dataset.

**Create symlinks for local datasets:**

Default dataset path in config files is `data/coco` and `data/voc`, if the
datasets are already available on disk, you can simply create symlinks to
their directories:

ln -sf <path/to/coco> <path/to/paddle_detection>/data/coco
ln -sf <path/to/voc> <path/to/paddle_detection>/data/voc

**Download datasets manually:**

On the other hand, to download the datasets, run the following commands:


cd dataset/coco


cd dataset/voc

**Download datasets automatically:**

If a training session is started but the dataset is not setup properly (e.g,
not found in `data/coc` or `data/voc`), PaddleDetection can automatically
download them from [MSCOCO-2017]( and
[VOC2012](, the decompressed datasets
will be cached in `~/.cache/paddle/dataset/` and can be discovered automatically

**NOTE:** For further informations on the datasets, please see [](