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# Data Pipline

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## Introduction

The data pipeline is responsible for loading and converting data. Each
resulting data sample is a tuple of np.ndarrays.
For example, Faster R-CNN training uses samples of this format: `[(im,
im_info, im_id, gt_bbox, gt_class, is_crowd), (...)]`.

### Implementation

The data pipeline consists of four sub-systems: data parsing, image
pre-processing, data conversion and data feeding APIs.

SunAhong1993 已提交
Data samples are collected to form `data.Dataset`s, usually 3 sets are
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needed for training, validation, and testing respectively.

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First, `data.source` loads the data files into memory, then
`data.transform` processes them, and lastly, the batched samples
are fetched by `data.Reader`.
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Sub-systems details:
1. Data parsing
SunAhong1993 已提交
Parses various data sources and creates `data.Dataset` instances. Currently,
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following data sources are supported:

- COCO data source
Loads `COCO` type datasets with directory structures like this:

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  ├── annotations
wangguanzhong 已提交
  │   ├── instances_train2014.json
  │   ├── instances_train2017.json
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  │   ├── instances_val2014.json
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104
  │   ├── instances_val2017.json
  |   ...
  ├── train2017
  │   ├── 000000000009.jpg
  │   ├── 000000580008.jpg
  |   ...
  ├── val2017
  │   ├── 000000000139.jpg
  │   ├── 000000000285.jpg
  |   ...

- Pascal VOC data source
Loads `Pascal VOC` like datasets with directory structure like this:

  │   ├── i000050.jpg
  │   ├── 003876.xml
  |   ...
  ├── ImageSets
  │   ├──Main
              └── train.txt
              └── val.txt
              └── test.txt
              └── dog_train.txt
              └── dog_trainval.txt
              └── dog_val.txt
              └── dog_test.txt
              └── ...
  │   ├──Layout
  │   ├── Segmentation
  ├── JPEGImages
  │   ├── 000050.jpg
  │   ├── 003876.jpg
  |   ...

- Roidb data source
A generalized data source serialized as pickle files, which have the following
(records, cname2id)
# `cname2id` is a `dict` which maps category name to class IDs
# and `records` is a list of dict of this structure:
    'im_file': im_fname,    # image file name
    'im_id': im_id,         # image ID
    'h': im_h,              # height of image
    'w': im_w,              # width of image
    'is_crowd': is_crowd,   # crowd marker
    'gt_class': gt_class,   # ground truth class
    'gt_bbox': gt_bbox,     # ground truth bounding box
    'gt_poly': gt_poly,     # ground truth segmentation

We provide a tool to generate roidb data sources. To convert `COCO` or `VOC`
like dataset, run this command:
# --type: the type of original data (xml or json)
# --annotation: the path of file, which contains the name of annotation files
# --save-dir: the save path
# --samples: the number of samples (default is -1, which mean all datas in dataset)
wangguanzhong 已提交
python ./ppdet/data/tools/
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            --type=json \
            --annotation=./annotations/instances_val2017.json \
            --save-dir=./roidb \

 2. Image preprocessing
SunAhong1993 已提交
the `data.transform.operator` module provides operations such as image
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decoding, expanding, cropping, etc. Multiple operators are combined to form
larger processing pipelines.

 3. Data transformer
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Transform a `data.Dataset` to achieve various desired effects, Notably: the
`data.transform.paralle_map` transformer accelerates image processing with
multi-threads or multi-processes. More transformers can be found in
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 4. Data feeding apis
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To facilitate data pipeline building, we combine multiple `data.Dataset` to
form a `data.Reader` which can provide data for training, validation and
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testing respectively. Users can simply call `Reader.[train|eval|infer]` to get
the corresponding data stream. Many aspect of the `Reader`, such as storage
location, preprocessing pipeline, acceleration mode can be configured with yaml

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### APIs

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The main APIs are as follows:

1. Data parsing

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 - `source/`: COCO dataset parser. [source](../ppdet/data/source/
 - `source/`: Pascal VOC dataset parser. [source](../ppdet/data/source/
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 [Note] To use a non-default label list for VOC datasets, a `label_list.txt`
 file is needed, one can use the provided label list
 (`data/pascalvoc/ImageSets/Main/label_list.txt`) or generate a custom one (with `tools/`). Also, `use_default_label` option should
 be set to `false` in the configuration file
SunAhong1993 已提交
 - `source/`: Roidb dataset parser. [source](../ppdet/data/source/
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2. Operator
Guanghua Yu 已提交
 `transform/`: Contains a variety of data augmentation methods, including:
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- `DecodeImage`: Read images in RGB format.
- `RandomFlipImage`: Horizontal flip.
- `RandomDistort`: Distort brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue.
- `ResizeImage`: Resize image with interpolation.
- `RandomInterpImage`: Use a random interpolation method to resize the image.
- `CropImage`: Crop image with respect to different scale, aspect ratio, and overlap.
- `ExpandImage`: Pad image to a larger size, padding filled with mean image value.
- `NormalizeImage`: Normalize image pixel values.
- `NormalizeBox`: Normalize the bounding box.
- `Permute`: Arrange the channels of the image and optionally convert image to BGR format.
Guanghua Yu 已提交
- `MixupImage`: Mixup two images with given fraction<sup>[1](#mix)</sup>.
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<a name="mix">[1]</a> Please refer to [this paper](

`transform/`: Assemble the data samples needed by different models.
3. Transformer
`transform/`: Transformations that operates on whole batches, mainly for:
- Padding whole batch to given stride values
- Resize images to Multi-scales
- Randomly adjust the image size of the batch data
`transform/`: Data filtering batching.
`transform/`: Accelerate data processing with multi-threads/multi-processes.
4. Reader
``: Combine source and transforms, return batch data according to `max_iter`.
``: Configure default parameters for ``.

### Usage

#### Canned Datasets

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Preset for common datasets, e.g., `COCO` and `Pascal Voc` are included. In
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most cases, user can simply use these canned dataset as is. Moreover, the
whole data pipeline is fully customizable through the yaml configuration files.

#### Custom Datasets

- Option 1: Convert the dataset to COCO or VOC format.
 # a small utility (`tools/`) is provided to convert
 # Labelme-annotated dataset to COCO format.
wangguanzhong 已提交
 python ./ppdet/data/tools/ --json_input_dir ./labelme_annos/
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                                --image_input_dir ./labelme_imgs/
                                --output_dir ./cocome/
                                --train_proportion 0.8
                                --val_proportion 0.2
                                --test_proportion 0.0
 # --json_input_dir:The path of json files which are annotated by Labelme.
 # --image_input_dir:The path of images.
 # --output_dir:The path of coverted COCO dataset.
 # --train_proportion:The train proportion of annatation data.
 # --val_proportion:The validation proportion of annatation data.
 # --test_proportion: The inference proportion of annatation data.

- Option 2:

1. Add `source/` and implement the `load` function, following the
   example of `source/` and `source/`.
2. Modify the `load` function in `source/` to make use of the newly
   added data loader.
3. Modify `/source/` accordingly.
if data_cf['type'] in ['VOCSource', 'COCOSource', 'RoiDbSource']:
    source_type = 'RoiDbSource'
# Replace the above code with the following code:
if data_cf['type'] in ['VOCSource', 'COCOSource', 'RoiDbSource', 'XXSource']:
    source_type = 'RoiDbSource'
4. In the configure file, define the `type` of `dataset` as `XXSource`.

#### How to add data pre-processing?

- To add pre-processing operation for a single image, refer to the classes in
  `transform/`, and implement the desired transformation with a new
- To add pre-processing for a batch, one needs to modify the `build_post_map`
  function in `transform/`.