未验证 提交 75bc2893 编写于 作者: B Bubbliiiing 提交者: GitHub

Update README.md

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| 训练数据集 | 权值文件名称 | 测试数据集 | 输入图片大小 | mAP 0.5:0.95 | mAP 0.5 |
| :-----: | :-----: | :------: | :------: | :------: | :-----: |
| VOC07+12+COCO | [yolo4_voc_weights.h5](https://github.com/bubbliiiing/yolov4-keras/releases/download/v1.0/yolo4_voc_weights.h5) | VOC-Test07 | 416x416 | - | 81.4
| COCO-Train2017 | [yolo4_weight.h5](https://github.com/bubbliiiing/yolov4-keras/releases/download/v1.0/yolo4_weight.h5) | COCO-Val2017 | 416x416 | 42.2 | 65.0
| COCO-Train2017 | [yolo4_weight.h5](https://github.com/bubbliiiing/yolov4-keras/releases/download/v1.0/yolo4_weight.h5) | COCO-Val2017 | 416x416 | 43.1 | 66.0
### 实现的内容
- [x] 主干特征提取网络:DarkNet53 => CSPDarkNet53
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