未验证 提交 a25c3974 编写于 作者: S Shiwen Cheng 提交者: GitHub

[Improvement][README] Update official website link in readme (#4903)

上级 bfc5d1e4
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ assignees: ''
*For better global communication, please give priority to using English description, thx! *
*Please review https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/docs/development/issue.html when describe an issue.*
*Please review https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/development/issue.html when describe an issue.*
**Describe the feature**
A clear and concise description of what the feature is.
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ assignees: ''
*For better global communication, please give priority to using English description, thx! *
*Please review https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/docs/development/issue.html when describe an issue.*
*Please review https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/development/issue.html when describe an issue.*
**Describe the question**
A clear and concise description of what the improvement is.
## *Tips*
- *Thanks very much for contributing to Apache DolphinScheduler.*
- *Please review https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/index.html before opening a pull request.*
- *Please review https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/development/pull-request.html before opening a pull request.*
## What is the purpose of the pull request
Dolphin Scheduler Official Website
[![Total Lines](https://tokei.rs/b1/github/apache/Incubator-DolphinScheduler?category=lines)](https://github.com/apache/Incubator-DolphinScheduler)
......@@ -12,8 +13,7 @@ Dolphin Scheduler Official Website
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### Design Features:
## Design Features
DolphinScheduler is a distributed and extensible workflow scheduler platform with powerful DAG visual interfaces, dedicated to solving complex job dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available `out of the box`.
......@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ Its main objectives are as follows:
- Support internationalization.
- More features waiting for partners to explore...
### What's in DolphinScheduler
## What's in DolphinScheduler
Stability | Accessibility | Features | Scalability |
-- | -- | -- | --
......@@ -43,8 +42,7 @@ Decentralized multi-master and multi-worker | Visualization of workflow key info
support HA | Visualization of all workflow operations, dragging tasks to draw DAGs, configuring data sources and resources. At the same time, for third-party systems, provide API mode operations. | Users on DolphinScheduler can achieve many-to-one or one-to-one mapping relationship through tenants and Hadoop users, which is very important for scheduling large data jobs. | The scheduler supports distributed scheduling, and the overall scheduling capability will increase linearly with the scale of the cluster. Master and Worker support dynamic adjustment.
Overload processing: By using the task queue mechanism, the number of schedulable tasks on a single machine can be flexibly configured. Machine jam can be avoided with high tolerance to numbers of tasks cached in task queue. | One-click deployment | Support traditional shell tasks, and big data platform task scheduling: MR, Spark, SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, hive, spark SQL), Python, Procedure, Sub_Process | |
### User Interface Screenshots
## User Interface Screenshots
![home page](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15833811/75218288-bf286400-57d4-11ea-8263-d639c6511d5f.jpg)
......@@ -55,11 +53,15 @@ Overload processing: By using the task queue mechanism, the number of schedulabl
### QuickStart in Docker
Please referer the official website document:[[QuickStart in Docker](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/docs/1.3.5/user_doc/docker-deployment.html)]
## QuickStart in Docker
Please referer the official website document: [QuickStart in Docker](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/docs/latest/user_doc/docker-deployment.html)
### How to Build
## QuickStart in Kubernetes
Please referer the official website document: [QuickStart in Kubernetes](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/docs/latest/user_doc/kubernetes-deployment.html)
## How to Build
./mvnw clean install -Prelease
......@@ -72,24 +74,26 @@ dolphinscheduler-dist/target/apache-dolphinscheduler-incubating-${latest.release
dolphinscheduler-dist/target/apache-dolphinscheduler-incubating-${latest.release.version}-src.zip: Source code package of DolphinScheduler
### Thanks
## Thanks
DolphinScheduler is based on a lot of excellent open-source projects, such as google guava, guice, grpc, netty, ali bonecp, quartz, and many open-source projects of Apache and so on.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to all the open-source projects used in Dolphin Scheduler. We hope that we are not only the beneficiaries of open-source, but also give back to the community. Besides, we hope everyone who have the same enthusiasm and passion for open source could join in and contribute to the open-source community!
### Get Help
## Get Help
1. Submit an [[issue](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/issues/new/choose)]
1. Subscribe to this mail list: https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/development/subscribe.html, then email dev@dolphinscheduler.apache.org
## Community
### Community
You are so much welcomed to communicate with the developers and users of Dolphin Scheduler freely. There are two ways to find them:
1. Join the slack channel by [this invitation link](https://join.slack.com/t/asf-dolphinscheduler/shared_invite/zt-mzqu52gi-rCggPkSHQ0DZYkwbTxO1Gw).
2. Follow the [twitter account of Dolphin Scheduler](https://twitter.com/dolphinschedule) and get the latest news just on time.
## How to Contribute
### How to Contribute
The community welcomes everyone to participate in contributing, please refer to this website to find out more: [[How to contribute](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/development/contribute.html)]
## License
### License
Please refer to the [LICENSE](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/blob/dev/LICENSE) file.
Dolphin Scheduler Official Website
[![Total Lines](https://tokei.rs/b1/github/apache/Incubator-DolphinScheduler?category=lines)](https://github.com/apache/Incubator-DolphinScheduler)
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> Dolphin Scheduler for Big Data
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## 设计特点
**设计特点:** 一个分布式易扩展的可视化DAG工作流任务调度系统。致力于解决数据处理流程中错综复杂的依赖关系,使调度系统在数据处理流程中`开箱即用`
- 以DAG图的方式将Task按照任务的依赖关系关联起来,可实时可视化监控任务的运行状态
- 支持丰富的任务类型:Shell、MR、Spark、SQL(mysql、postgresql、hive、sparksql),Python,Sub_Process、Procedure等
- 支持工作流定时调度、依赖调度、手动调度、手动暂停/停止/恢复,同时支持失败重试/告警、从指定节点恢复失败、Kill任务等操作
......@@ -33,8 +34,7 @@ Dolphin Scheduler Official Website
- 支持国际化
- 还有更多等待伙伴们探索
### 系统部分截图
## 系统部分截图
![home page](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15833811/75208819-abbad000-57b7-11ea-8d3c-67e7c270671f.jpg)
......@@ -50,42 +50,51 @@ Dolphin Scheduler Official Website
### 近期研发计划
## 近期研发计划
DolphinScheduler的工作计划:<a href="https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/projects/1" target="_blank">研发计划</a> ,其中 In Develop卡片下是正在研发的功能,TODO卡片是待做事项(包括 feature ideas)
### 参与贡献
## 参与贡献
### How to Build
## 快速试用 Docker
请参考官方文档: [快速试用 Docker 部署](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/latest/user_doc/docker-deployment.html)
## 快速试用 Kubernetes
请参考官方文档: [快速试用 Kubernetes 部署](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/latest/user_doc/kubernetes-deployment.html)
## 如何构建
./mvnw clean install -Prelease
dolphinscheduler-dist/target/apache-dolphinscheduler-incubating-${latest.release.version}-dolphinscheduler-bin.tar.gz: Binary package of DolphinScheduler
dolphinscheduler-dist/target/apache-dolphinscheduler-incubating-${latest.release.version}-src.zip: Source code package of DolphinScheduler
dolphinscheduler-dist/target/apache-dolphinscheduler-incubating-${latest.release.version}-dolphinscheduler-bin.tar.gz: DolphinScheduler 二进制包
dolphinscheduler-dist/target/apache-dolphinscheduler-incubating-${latest.release.version}-src.zip: DolphinScheduler 源代码包
### 感谢
## 感谢
Dolphin Scheduler使用了很多优秀的开源项目,比如google的guava、guice、grpc,netty,ali的bonecp,quartz,以及apache的众多开源项目等等,
正是由于站在这些开源项目的肩膀上,才有Dolphin Scheduler的诞生的可能。对此我们对使用的所有开源软件表示非常的感谢!我们也希望自己不仅是开源的受益者,也能成为开源的贡献者,也希望对开源有同样热情和信念的伙伴加入进来,一起为开源献出一份力!
## 获得帮助
### 获得帮助
1. 提交issue
2. 先订阅邮件开发列表:[订阅邮件列表](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/zh-cn/community/development/subscribe.html), 订阅成功后发送邮件到dev@dolphinscheduler.apache.org.
### 社区
## 社区
1. 通过[该申请链接](https://join.slack.com/t/asf-dolphinscheduler/shared_invite/zt-mzqu52gi-rCggPkSHQ0DZYkwbTxO1Gw)加入slack channel
2. 关注[Apache Dolphin Scheduler的Twitter账号](https://twitter.com/dolphinschedule)获取实时动态
### 版权
## 版权
请参考 [LICENSE](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/blob/dev/LICENSE) 文件.
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