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# Uploads migrate Rake tasks

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/raketasks/uploads/migrate.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/raketasks/uploads/migrate.html)

*   [Migrate to object storage](#migrate-to-object-storage)
    *   [All-in-one Rake task](#all-in-one-rake-task)
    *   [Individual Rake tasks](#individual-rake-tasks)
*   [Migrate to local storage](#migrate-to-local-storage)
    *   [All-in-one Rake task](#all-in-one-rake-task-1)

# Uploads migrate Rake tasks[](#uploads-migrate-rake-tasks-core-only "Permalink")


## Migrate to object storage[](#migrate-to-object-storage "Permalink")

在为 GitLab 的上传[配置对象存储](../../uploads.html#using-object-storage-core-only)后,使用此任务将现有的上传从本地存储迁移到远程存储.

阅读有关[在 GitLab 上](../../object_storage.html)使用[对象存储的](../../object_storage.html)更多信息.

**注意:**所有处理将在后台工作人员中完成, **无需停机** .

### All-in-one Rake task[](#all-in-one-rake-task "Permalink")

GitLab 提供了一个包装 Rake 任务,可将所有上载的文件(例如,头像,徽标,附件和网站图标)迁移到对象存储中. 包装器任务调用各个 Rake 任务来逐一迁移属于这些类别的文件.

这些[单独的 Rake 任务](#individual-rake-tasks)将在下一部分中介绍.



gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate:all" 


sudo RAILS_ENV=production -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:uploads:migrate:all 

### Individual Rake tasks[](#individual-rake-tasks "Permalink")

如果您已经运行了[多合一 Rake 任务](#all-in-one-rake-task) ,则无需运行这些单独的任务.

Rake 任务使用三个参数来查找要迁移的上载:

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `uploader_class` | string | 要从中迁移的上传者的类型. |
| `model_class` | string | 要迁移的模型的类型. |
| `mount_point` | string/symbol | 上传器安装在其上的模型列的名称. |

**注意:**这些参数主要是在 GitLab 结构的内部,您可能想参考下面的任务列表.


| Variable | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `BATCH` | integer | 指定批处理的大小. 默认为 200. |

下面显示了如何针对各种类型的上传运行`gitlab:uploads:migrate` .


# gitlab-rake gitlab:uploads:migrate[uploader_class, model_class, mount_point]

# Avatars
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AvatarUploader, Project, :avatar]"
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AvatarUploader, Group, :avatar]"
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AvatarUploader, User, :avatar]"

# Attachments
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AttachmentUploader, Note, :attachment]"
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AttachmentUploader, Appearance, :logo]"
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AttachmentUploader, Appearance, :header_logo]"

# Favicon
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[FaviconUploader, Appearance, :favicon]"

# Markdown
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[FileUploader, Project]"
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[PersonalFileUploader, Snippet]"
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[NamespaceFileUploader, Snippet]"
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[FileUploader, MergeRequest]"

# Design Management design thumbnails
gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[DesignManagement::DesignV432x230Uploader, DesignManagement::Action, :image_v432x230]" 


**注意:**为每个任务使用`RAILS_ENV=production` .

# sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:uploads:migrate

# Avatars
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AvatarUploader, Project, :avatar]"
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AvatarUploader, Group, :avatar]"
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AvatarUploader, User, :avatar]"

# Attachments
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AttachmentUploader, Note, :attachment]"
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AttachmentUploader, Appearance, :logo]"
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[AttachmentUploader, Appearance, :header_logo]"

# Favicon
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[FaviconUploader, Appearance, :favicon]"

# Markdown
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[FileUploader, Project]"
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[PersonalFileUploader, Snippet]"
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[NamespaceFileUploader, Snippet]"
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[FileUploader, MergeRequest]"

# Design Management design thumbnails
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate[DesignManagement::DesignV432x230Uploader, DesignManagement::Action]" 

## Migrate to local storage[](#migrate-to-local-storage "Permalink")

如果出于任何原因需要禁用[对象存储](../../object_storage.html) ,则必须首先将数据从对象存储中迁移出来,然后再迁移回本地存储中.

**Warning:** **需要延长停机时间** so no new files are created in object storage during the migration. A configuration setting will be added soon to allow migrating from object storage to local files with only a brief moment of downtime for configuration changes. To follow progress, see the [relevant issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/30979).

### All-in-one Rake task[](#all-in-one-rake-task-1 "Permalink")

GitLab 提供了一个包装 Rake 任务,可将所有上载的文件(例如,头像,徽标,附件和网站图标)迁移到本地存储中. 包装器任务调用各个 Rake 任务来逐一迁移属于这些类别的文件.

有关这些 Rake 任务的详细信息,请参阅" [个人 Rake 任务"](#individual-rake-tasks) ,请记住,在这种情况下,任务名称为`gitlab:uploads:migrate_to_local` .


1.  同时禁用`direct_upload``background_upload``uploads`的设置`gitlab.rb` .
2.  运行 Rake 任务:


    gitlab-rake "gitlab:uploads:migrate_to_local:all" 


    sudo RAILS_ENV=production -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:uploads:migrate_to_local:all 

运行 Rake 任务后,您可以通过撤消[配置对象存储](../../uploads.html#using-object-storage-core-only)的说明中所述的更改来禁用[对象存储](../../uploads.html#using-object-storage-core-only) .