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# Admin Area settings

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/admin_area/settings/](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/admin_area/settings/)

*   [General](#general)
*   [Integrations](#integrations)
*   [Repository](#repository)
*   [Templates](#templates-premium-only)
*   [CI/CD](#cicd)
*   [Reporting](#reporting)
*   [Metrics and profiling](#metrics-and-profiling)
*   [Network](#network)
*   [Geo](#geo)
*   [Preferences](#preferences)

# Admin Area settings[](#admin-area-settings-core-only "Permalink")

作为 GitLab 自我管理实例的管理员,您可以管理部署的行为. 为此,请选择 **管理区域>设置** .

在 GitLab.com 上无法访问管理区域,并且只能由 GitLab.com 管理员更改设置. 有关 GitLab.com 实例上的所有当前设置和限制,请参阅[GitLab.com 设置](../../gitlab_com/index.html)文档.

## General[](#general "Permalink")

通过导航到来访问管理区域设置的默认页面 **管理区域>设置>常规**

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Visibility and access controls](visibility_and_access_controls.html) | 设置默认值并限制可见性级别. 配置导入源和 Git 访问协议. |
| [Account and limit](account_and_limit_settings.html) | 设置项目和最大大小限制,会话持续时间,用户选项,并检查名称空间计划的功能可用性. |
| [Diff limits](../diff_limits.html) | 差异含量限制. |
| [Sign-up restrictions](sign_up_restrictions.html) | 配置用户创建新帐户的方式. |
| [Sign in restrictions](sign_in_restrictions.html) | 设置用户登录要求. 启用强制性两因素身份验证. |
| [Terms of Service and Privacy Policy](terms.html) | 包括所有用户必须接受的服务条款协议和隐私政策. |
| [External Authentication](external_authorization.html#configuration) | 外部分类政策授权 |
| [Web terminal](../../../administration/integration/terminal.html#limiting-websocket-connection-time) | 设置 Web 终端的最大会话时间. |
| [Web IDE](../../project/web_ide/index.html#enabling-live-preview) | 管理 Web IDE 功能. |

## Integrations[](#integrations "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Elasticsearch](../../../integration/elasticsearch.html#enabling-elasticsearch) | Elasticsearch 集成. Elasticsearch AWS IAM. |
| [PlantUML](../../../administration/integration/plantuml.html#gitlab) | 允许在 AsciiDoc 文档中呈现 PlantUML 图. |
| [Slack application](../../../user/project/integrations/gitlab_slack_application.html#configuration) | Slack 集成使您可以通过聊天窗口中的斜杠命令与 GitLab 进行交互. 此选项仅在 GitLab.com 上可用,尽管[将来](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/28164)可能会[用于自我管理的实例](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/28164) . |
| [Third party offers](third_party_offers.html) | 控制第三方报价的显示. |
| [Snowplow](../../../development/telemetry/snowplow.html) | 配置 Snowplow 集成. |
| [Google GKE](../../project/clusters/add_gke_clusters.html) | Google GKE 集成使您可以从 GitLab 配置 GKE 集群. |
| [Amazon EKS](../../project/clusters/add_eks_clusters.html) | Amazon EKS 集成允许您从 GitLab 预置 EKS 集群. |

## Repository[](#repository "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Repository’s custom initial branch name](../../project/repository/branches/index.html#custom-initial-branch-name-core-only) | 为您实例中创建的所有新存储库设置一个自定义分支名称而不是 master. |
| [Repository mirror](visibility_and_access_controls.html#allow-mirrors-to-be-set-up-for-projects) | 配置存储库镜像. |
| [Repository storage](../../../administration/repository_storage_types.html) | 配置存储路径设置. |
| 仓库维护 | ( [存储库检查](../../../administration/repository_checks.html)[内务处理](../../../administration/housekeeping.html) ). 在存储库上配置自动 Git 检查和内务处理. |
| [Repository static objects](../../../administration/static_objects_external_storage.html) | 从外部存储(例如 CDN)提供存储库静态对象(例如,归档文件,blob 等). |

## Templates[](#templates-premium-only "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Templates](instance_template_repository.html#configuration) | 设置实例范围的模板存储库. |
| [Custom project templates](../custom_project_templates.html) | 选择自定义项目模板源组. |

## CI/CD[](#cicd "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Continuous Integration and Deployment](continuous_integration.html) | Auto DevOps,跑步者和工作工件. |
| [Required pipeline configuration](continuous_integration.html#required-pipeline-configuration-premium-only) | 设置实例范围的自动包含[管道配置](../../../ci/yaml/README.html) . 该管道配置将在项目自己的配置之后运行. |
| [Package Registry](continuous_integration.html#package-registry-configuration-premium-only) | 与使用 GitLab 的 Package Registry 的使用和体验有关的设置. 请注意,启用其中一些设置会[涉及风险](./../../packages/container_registry/index.html#use-with-external-container-registries) . |

## Reporting[](#reporting "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Spam and Anti-bot Protection](../../../integration/recaptcha.html) | 启用 reCAPTCHA 或 Akismet 并设置 IP 限制. 对于 reCAPTCHA,我们目前仅支持[v2](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/versions) . |
| [Abuse reports](../abuse_reports.html) | 为滥用情况报告设置通知电子邮件. |

## Metrics and profiling[](#metrics-and-profiling "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Metrics - Prometheus](../../../administration/monitoring/prometheus/gitlab_metrics.html) | 启用和配置 Prometheus 指标. |
| [Metrics - Grafana](../../../administration/monitoring/performance/grafana_configuration.html#integration-with-gitlab-ui) | 启用并配置 Grafana. |
| [Profiling - Performance bar](../../../administration/monitoring/performance/performance_bar.html#enable-the-performance-bar-via-the-admin-panel) | 启用对给定组的性能栏的访问. |
| [Self monitoring](../../../administration/monitoring/gitlab_self_monitoring_project/index.html#creating-the-self-monitoring-project) | Enable or disable instance self monitoring. |
| [Usage statistics](usage_statistics.html) | 启用或禁用版本检查和用法 ping. |
| [Pseudonymizer data collection](../../../administration/pseudonymizer.html) | 启用或禁用 Pseudonymizer 数据收集. |

## Network[](#network "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| 性能优化 | [写入" authorized_keys"文件,](../../../administration/operations/fast_ssh_key_lookup.html#setting-up-fast-lookup-via-gitlab-shell)并执行[Push 事件活动限制和批量 push 事件](push_event_activities_limit.html) . 影响 GitLab 性能的各种设置. |
| [User and IP rate limits](user_and_ip_rate_limits.html) | 配置 Web 和 API 请求的限制. |
| [Outbound requests](../../../security/webhooks.html) | 允许从挂钩和服务到本地网络的请求. |
| [Protected Paths](protected_paths.html) | 配置路径以受机架攻击保护. |
| [Incident Management](../../incident_management/index.html) Limits | 配置可以发送到项目的入站警报数量的限制. |

## Geo[](#geo "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Geo | Geo 允许您将 GitLab 实例复制到其他地理位置. 重定向到 **管理区>** **地理位置>** **设置** ,并且将不再提供 **管理区>** **设置>** [GitLab 13.0 中的](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/36896) **Geo** . |

## Preferences[](#preferences "Permalink")

| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Email](email.html) | 各种电子邮件设置. |
| [Help page](../../../customization/help_message.html) | 帮助页面文本和支持页面 URL. |
| [Pages](../../../administration/pages/index.html#custom-domain-verification) | 静态网站的大小和域设置 |
| [Real-time features](../../../administration/polling.html) | 更改此值可影响 GitLab UI 轮询更新的频率. |
| [Gitaly timeouts](gitaly_timeouts.html) | 配置 Gitaly 超时. |
| Localization | [Default first day of the week](../../profile/preferences.html) and [Time tracking](../../project/time_tracking.html#limit-displayed-units-to-hours-core-only). |

**注意:**您可以在**管理区域>设置>首选项****本地化**部分中更改整个 GitLab 实例的[默认一周的第一天](../../profile/preferences.html) .