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# API resources

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/api_resources.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/api_resources.html)

*   [Project resources](#project-resources)
*   [Group resources](#group-resources)
*   [Standalone resources](#standalone-resources)
*   [Templates API resources](#templates-api-resources)

# API resources[](#api-resources "Permalink")

可在以下上下文中对[GitLab API 的](README.html)可用资源进行分组:

*   [Projects](#project-resources).
*   [Groups](#group-resources).
*   [Standalone](#standalone-resources).


*   [V3 to V4](v3_to_v4.html).
*   Adding [deploy keys for multiple projects](deploy_key_multiple_projects.html).
*   [API Resources for various templates](#templates-api-resources).

## Project resources[](#project-resources "Permalink")

在项目上下文中可以使用以下 API 资源:

| Resource | 可用端点 |
| --- | --- |
| [Access requests](access_requests.html) | `/projects/:id/access_requests` (也可用于组) |
| [Award emoji](award_emoji.html) | `/projects/:id/issues/.../award_emoji`, `/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../award_emoji`, `/projects/:id/snippets/.../award_emoji` |
| [Branches](branches.html) | `/projects/:id/repository/branches/`, `/projects/:id/repository/merged_branches` |
| [Commits](commits.html) | `/projects/:id/repository/commits`, `/projects/:id/statuses` |
| [Container Registry](container_registry.html) | `/projects/:id/registry/repositories` |
| [Custom attributes](custom_attributes.html) | `/projects/:id/custom_attributes` (也适用于组和用户) |
| [Dependencies](dependencies.html) | `/projects/:id/dependencies` |
| [Deploy keys](deploy_keys.html) | `/projects/:id/deploy_keys` (也可以独立使用) |
| [Freeze Periods](freeze_periods.html) | `/projects/:id/freeze_periods` |
| [Deployments](deployments.html) | `/projects/:id/deployments` |
| [讨论](discussions.html) (主题注释) | `/projects/:id/issues/.../discussions``/projects/:id/snippets/.../discussions``/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../discussions``/projects/:id/commits/.../discussions` (也适用于团体) |
| [Environments](environments.html) | `/projects/:id/environments` |
| [Error Tracking](error_tracking.html) | `/projects/:id/error_tracking/settings` |
| [Events](events.html) | `/projects/:id/events` (也可用于用户和独立用户) |
| [Feature Flags](feature_flags.html) | `/projects/:id/feature_flags` |
| [Feature Flag User Lists](feature_flag_user_lists.html) | `/projects/:id/feature_flags_user_lists` |
| [Issues](issues.html) | `/projects/:id/issues` (也可用于团体和独立团体) |
| [Issues Statistics](issues_statistics.html) | `/projects/:id/issues_statistics` (也适用于组和独立用户) |
| [Issue boards](boards.html) | `/projects/:id/boards` |
| [Issue links](issue_links.html) | `/projects/:id/issues/.../links` |
| [Jobs](jobs.html) | `/projects/:id/jobs`, `/projects/:id/pipelines/.../jobs` |
| [Labels](labels.html) | `/projects/:id/labels` |
| [Managed licenses](managed_licenses.html) | `/projects/:id/managed_licenses` |
| [Members](members.html) | `/projects/:id/members` (也可用于组) |
| [Merge request approvals](merge_request_approvals.html) | `/projects/:id/approvals`, `/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../approvals` |
| [Merge requests](merge_requests.html) | `/projects/:id/merge_requests` (也可用于组和独立) |
| [Notes](notes.html) (comments) | `/projects/:id/issues/.../notes` : `/projects/:id/snippets/.../notes` / `/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../notes` `/projects/:id/issues/.../notes` ,/ `/projects/:id/snippets/.../notes` : `/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../notes` `/projects/:id/issues/.../notes` ,/ `/projects/:id/snippets/.../notes` : `/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../notes` (也可用于团体) |
| [Notification settings](notification_settings.html) | `/projects/:id/notification_settings` (也可用于组和独立) |
| [Packages](packages.html) | `/projects/:id/packages` |
| [Pages domains](pages_domains.html) | `/projects/:id/pages` (也可以独立使用) |
| [Pipelines](pipelines.html) | `/projects/:id/pipelines` |
| [Pipeline schedules](pipeline_schedules.html) | `/projects/:id/pipeline_schedules` |
| [Pipeline triggers](pipeline_triggers.html) | `/projects/:id/triggers` |
| [项目](projects.html)包括设置 Webhooks | `/projects``/projects/:id/hooks` (也可供用户使用) |
| [Project badges](project_badges.html) | `/projects/:id/badges` |
| [Project clusters](project_clusters.html) | `/projects/:id/clusters` |
| [Project-level variables](project_level_variables.html) | `/projects/:id/variables` |
| [Project import/export](project_import_export.html) | `/projects/:id/export`, `/projects/import`, `/projects/:id/import` |
| [Project milestones](milestones.html) | `/projects/:id/milestones` |
| [Project snippets](project_snippets.html) | `/projects/:id/snippets` |
| [Project templates](project_templates.html) | `/projects/:id/templates` |
| [Protected environments](protected_environments.html) | `/projects/:id/protected_environments` |
| [Protected branches](protected_branches.html) | `/projects/:id/protected_branches` |
| [Protected tags](protected_tags.html) | `/projects/:id/protected_tags` |
| [Releases](releases/index.html) | `/projects/:id/releases` |
| [Release links](releases/links.html) | `/projects/:id/releases/.../assets/links` |
| [Remote mirrors](remote_mirrors.html) | `/projects/:id/remote_mirrors` |
| [Repositories](repositories.html) | `/projects/:id/repository` |
| [Repository files](repository_files.html) | `/projects/:id/repository/files` |
| [Repository submodules](repository_submodules.html) | `/projects/:id/repository/submodules` |
| [Resource label events](resource_label_events.html) | `/projects/:id/issues/.../resource_label_events` : `/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../resource_label_events` `/projects/:id/issues/.../resource_label_events` ,/ `/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../resource_label_events` : `/projects/:id/issues/.../resource_label_events` / `/projects/:id/merge_requests/.../resource_label_events` (也可用于团体) |
| [Runners](runners.html) | `/projects/:id/runners` (也可以独立使用) |
| [Search](search.html) | `/projects/:id/search` (also available for groups and standalone) |
| [Services](services.html) | `/projects/:id/services` |
| [Tags](tags.html) | `/projects/:id/repository/tags` |
| [User-starred metrics dashboards](metrics_user_starred_dashboards.html) | `/projects/:id/metrics/user_starred_dashboards` |
| [Visual Review discussions](visual_review_discussions.html) | `/projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/visual_review_discussions` |
| [Vulnerabilities](vulnerabilities.html) | `/vulnerabilities/:id` |
| [Vulnerability exports](vulnerability_exports.html) | `/projects/:id/vulnerability_exports` |
| [Project vulnerabilities](project_vulnerabilities.html) | `/projects/:id/vulnerabilities` |
| [Vulnerability findings](vulnerability_findings.html) | `/projects/:id/vulnerability_findings` |
| [Wikis](wikis.html) | `/projects/:id/wikis` |

## Group resources[](#group-resources "Permalink")

组上下文中提供了以下 API 资源:

| Resource | 可用端点 |
| --- | --- |
| [Access requests](access_requests.html) | `/groups/:id/access_requests/` (也可用于项目) |
| [Custom attributes](custom_attributes.html) | `/groups/:id/custom_attributes` (也适用于项目和用户) |
| [讨论](discussions.html) (主题注释) | `/groups/:id/epics/.../discussions` (也可用于项目) |
| [Epic issues](epic_issues.html) | `/groups/:id/epics/.../issues` |
| [Epic links](epic_links.html) | `/groups/:id/epics/.../epics` |
| [Epics](epics.html) | `/groups/:id/epics` |
| [Groups](groups.html) | `/groups`, `/groups/.../subgroups` |
| [Group badges](group_badges.html) | `/groups/:id/badges` |
| [Group issue boards](group_boards.html) | `/groups/:id/boards` |
| [Group labels](group_labels.html) | `/groups/:id/labels` |
| [Group-level variables](group_level_variables.html) | `/groups/:id/variables` |
| [Group milestones](group_milestones.html) | `/groups/:id/milestones` |
| [Issues](issues.html) | `/groups/:id/issues` (也可用于项目和独立版本) |
| [Issues Statistics](issues_statistics.html) | `/groups/:id/issues_statistics` (也可用于项目和独立版本) |
| [Members](members.html) | `/groups/:id/members` (也可用于项目) |
| [Merge requests](merge_requests.html) | `/groups/:id/merge_requests` (也可用于项目和独立版本) |
| [Notes](notes.html) (comments) | `/groups/:id/epics/.../notes` (也适用于项目) |
| [Notification settings](notification_settings.html) | `/groups/:id/notification_settings` (也可用于项目和独立版本) |
| [Resource label events](resource_label_events.html) | `/groups/:id/epics/.../resource_label_events` (也可用于项目) |
| [Search](search.html) | `/groups/:id/search` (也可用于项目和独立版本) |

## Standalone resources[](#standalone-resources "Permalink")

在项目和组上下文(包括`/users` )之外可以使用以下 API 资源:

| Resource | 可用端点 |
| --- | --- |
| [Instance-level CI/CD variables](instance_level_ci_variables.html) | `/admin/ci/variables` |
| [Admin Sidekiq queues](admin_sidekiq_queues.html) | `/admin/sidekiq/queues/:queue_name` |
| [Appearance](appearance.html) | `/application/appearance` |
| [Applications](applications.html) | `/applications` |
| [Audit Events](audit_events.html) | `/audit_events` |
| [Avatar](avatar.html) | `/avatar` |
| [Broadcast messages](broadcast_messages.html) | `/broadcast_messages` |
| [Code snippets](snippets.html) | `/snippets` |
| [Custom attributes](custom_attributes.html) | `/users/:id/custom_attributes` (也可用于组和项目) |
| [Deploy keys](deploy_keys.html) | `/deploy_keys` (也可用于项目) |
| [Events](events.html) | `/events``/users/:id/events` (也可用于项目) |
| [Feature flags](features.html) | `/features` |
| [Geo Nodes](geo_nodes.html) | `/geo_nodes` |
| [Group Activity Analytics](group_activity_analytics.html) | `/analytics/group_activity/{issues_count | merge_requests_count | new_members_count }` |
| [Import repository from GitHub](import.html) | `/import/github` |
| [Instance clusters](instance_clusters.html) | `/admin/clusters` |
| [Issues](issues.html) | `/issues` (也可用于小组和项目) |
| [Issues Statistics](issues_statistics.html) | `/issues_statistics` (也适用于小组和项目) |
| [Keys](keys.html) | `/keys` |
| [License](license.html) | `/license` |
| [Markdown](markdown.html) | `/markdown` |
| [Merge requests](merge_requests.html) | `/merge_requests` (也适用于小组和项目) |
| [Metrics dashboard annotations](metrics_dashboard_annotations.html) | `/environments/:id/metrics_dashboard/annotations`, `/clusters/:id/metrics_dashboard/annotations` |
| [Namespaces](namespaces.html) | `/namespaces` |
| [Notification settings](notification_settings.html) | `/notification_settings` (也适用于小组和项目) |
| [Pages domains](pages_domains.html) | `/pages/domains` (也可用于项目) |
| [Projects](projects.html) | `/users/:id/projects` (也可用于项目) |
| [Project repository storage moves](project_repository_storage_moves.html) | `/project_repository_storage_moves` |
| [Runners](runners.html) | `/runners` (也可用于项目) |
| [Search](search.html) | `/search` (也可用于小组和项目) |
| [Settings](settings.html) | `/application/settings` |
| [Statistics](statistics.html) | `/application/statistics` |
| [Sidekiq metrics](sidekiq_metrics.html) | `/sidekiq` |
| [Suggestions](suggestions.html) | `/suggestions` |
| [System hooks](system_hooks.html) | `/hooks` |
| [Todos](todos.html) | `/todos` |
| [Users](users.html) | `/users` |
| [Validate `.gitlab-ci.yml` file](lint.html) | `/lint` |
| [Version](version.html) | `/version` |

## Templates API resources[](#templates-api-resources "Permalink")


*   [Dockerfile templates](templates/dockerfiles.html).
*   [`.gitignore` templates](templates/gitignores.html).
*   [GitLab CI/CD YAML templates](templates/gitlab_ci_ymls.html).
*   [Open source license templates](templates/licenses.html).