提交 78ba66c1 编写于 作者: K Karim Nosir 提交者: TensorFlower Gardener

Remove pattern for FusedBatchNormV3 and add the generated C++ version with...

Remove pattern for FusedBatchNormV3 and add the generated C++ version with added extra conditions about broadcastability.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 336802159
Change-Id: Ib0ce51f6df8f9eba4d3e4d8dce67df8d82a1734a
上级 66c99931
......@@ -666,4 +666,11 @@ func @xla_gather_to_slice(%arg0 : tensor<1x9x104x768xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: return %[[V0]] : tensor<*xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: DontMatchFusedBatchNormV3
func @DontMatchFusedBatchNormV3(%arg0 :tensor<?x576x1x1xf32>, %arg1 : tensor<576xf32>, %arg2 : tensor<576xf32>, %arg3 : tensor<576xf32>,%arg4 : tensor<576xf32>) -> (tensor<?x576x1x1xf32>) {
%result:6 = "tf.FusedBatchNormV3"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg4) {data_format = "NHWC", device = "", epsilon = 0.001 : f32, exponential_avg_factor = 1.0 : f32, is_training = false} : (tensor<?x576x1x1xf32>, tensor<576xf32>, tensor<576xf32>, tensor<576xf32>, tensor<576xf32>) -> (tensor<?x576x1x1xf32>, tensor<576xf32>, tensor<576xf32>, tensor<576xf32>, tensor<576xf32>, tensor<*xf32>)
return %result : tensor<?x576x1x1xf32>
// CHECK: "tf.FusedBatchNormV3"
......@@ -40,42 +40,6 @@ def : Pat<
(TF_MulOp $t, (TF_MulOp:$mul (TF_RsqrtOp (TF_AddOp $v, (TF_ConstOp $variance_epsilon))), $gamma)),
(TF_SubOp $beta, (TF_MulOp $m, $mul)))>;
// Converts tf.FusedBatchNormV3 into a sequence of more primitive arithmetic
// operations. Specifically, performs the following calculation:
// (x - mean) * scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + offset
// Let multiplier = scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon),
// to compute
// (x - mean) * scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + offset,
// is then to compute
// (x * multiplier) + (offset - mean * multiplier).
def : Pattern<
$x, $scale, $offset, $mean, $variance,
F32Attr:$epsilon, $exponential_avg_factor,
$data_format, FalseBoolAttr:$is_training),
(TF_AddOp $variance,
(TF_ConstOp $epsilon))))),
(TF_SubOp $offset, (TF_MulOp $mean, $multiplier))),
// We already guaranteed that the last five results have no use so it does
// not matter what value we provide here for replacement.
/*batch_mean=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*batch_variance=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_1=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_2=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_3=*/(replaceWithValue $x)],
[(HasNoUseOf:$root__1), (HasNoUseOf:$root__2),
(HasNoUseOf:$root__3), (HasNoUseOf:$root__4),
class TFi32<int v> : ConstantAttr<I32ElementsAttr, !cast<string>(v)>;
// Matmul without transpose on b to matmul with explicit transpose op and
......@@ -765,6 +765,278 @@ struct ConvertFusedBatchNorm : public OpRewritePattern<TF::FusedBatchNormOp> {
// The below pattern is equivalent to the DRR rule below
// The checks are dependent on generated values, so we can't add
// the checks on intermediate values, ideally we should find equivalent
// checks that guarantees the resultant ops are valid.
// The extra conditions are the broadcasting conditions.
// The pattern lower FusedBatchNormV3 to arithmetic ops.
// Specifically, performs the following calculation:
// (x - mean) * scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + offset
// Let multiplier = scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon),
// to compute
// (x - mean) * scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + offset,
// is then to compute
// (x * multiplier) + (offset - mean * multiplier).
// def : Pattern<
// (TF_FusedBatchNormV3Op:$root
// $x, $scale, $offset, $mean, $variance,
// F32Attr:$epsilon, $exponential_avg_factor,
// $data_format, FalseBoolAttr:$is_training),
// [(TF_AddOp
// (TF_MulOp
// $x,
// (TF_MulOp:$multiplier
// $scale,
// (TF_RsqrtOp
// (TF_AddOp $variance,
// (TF_ConstOp $epsilon))))),
// (TF_SubOp $offset, (TF_MulOp $mean, $multiplier))),
// // We already guaranteed that the last five results have no use so it does
// // not matter what value we provide here for replacement.
// /*batch_mean=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
// /*batch_variance=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
// /*reserve_space_1=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
// /*reserve_space_2=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
// /*reserve_space_3=*/(replaceWithValue $x)],
// [(HasNoUseOf:$root__1), (HasNoUseOf:$root__2),
// (HasNoUseOf:$root__3), (HasNoUseOf:$root__4),
// (HasNoUseOf:$root__5), (AreBroadcastableTypes $multiplier, $x)]>;
struct FusedBatchNormV3Pat : public ::mlir::RewritePattern {
explicit FusedBatchNormV3Pat(::mlir::MLIRContext *context)
: ::mlir::RewritePattern(
{"tf.Add", "tf.Const", "tf.Mul", "tf.Rsqrt", "tf.Sub"}, 1,
context) {}
::mlir::LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(
::mlir::Operation *fused_batch_norm,
::mlir::PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Variables for capturing values and attributes used for creating ops
Operation::operand_range mean(fused_batch_norm->getOperands());
::mlir::FloatAttr exponential_avg_factor;
::mlir::StringAttr data_format;
::mlir::TF::FusedBatchNormV3Op root;
Operation::operand_range offset(fused_batch_norm->getOperands());
Operation::operand_range x(fused_batch_norm->getOperands());
Operation::operand_range scale(fused_batch_norm->getOperands());
Operation::operand_range variance(fused_batch_norm->getOperands());
::mlir::FloatAttr epsilon;
::mlir::BoolAttr is_training;
// Match
auto fused_batch_norm_op =
root = fused_batch_norm_op;
x = fused_batch_norm_op.getODSOperands(0);
scale = fused_batch_norm_op.getODSOperands(1);
offset = fused_batch_norm_op.getODSOperands(2);
mean = fused_batch_norm_op.getODSOperands(3);
variance = fused_batch_norm_op.getODSOperands(4);
epsilon = fused_batch_norm_op.getAttrOfType<::mlir::FloatAttr>("epsilon");
if (!epsilon)
epsilon = rewriter.getFloatAttr(rewriter.getF32Type(), 0.0001f);
if (!(((epsilon.isa<::mlir::FloatAttr>())) &&
((epsilon.cast<::mlir::FloatAttr>().getType().isF32())))) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
fused_batch_norm_op, [&](::mlir::Diagnostic &diag) {
diag << "op 'tf.FusedBatchNormV3' attribute 'epsilon' failed to "
"satisfy constraint: 32-bit float attribute";
exponential_avg_factor =
if (!exponential_avg_factor)
exponential_avg_factor =
rewriter.getFloatAttr(rewriter.getF32Type(), 1.0f);
data_format =
if (!data_format) data_format = rewriter.getStringAttr("NHWC");
is_training =
if (!is_training) is_training = rewriter.getBoolAttr(true);
if (!((!is_training.getValue()))) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
fused_batch_norm_op, [&](::mlir::Diagnostic &diag) {
diag << "op 'tf.FusedBatchNormV3' attribute 'is_training' failed "
"to "
"satisfy constraint: FalseBoolAttr";
if (!(((*root.getODSResults(1).begin()).use_empty()))) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
fused_batch_norm_op, [&](::mlir::Diagnostic &diag) {
diag << "entities '' failed to satisfy constraint: has no use";
if (!(((*root.getODSResults(2).begin()).use_empty()))) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
fused_batch_norm_op, [&](::mlir::Diagnostic &diag) {
diag << "entities '' failed to satisfy constraint: has no use";
if (!(((*root.getODSResults(3).begin()).use_empty()))) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
fused_batch_norm_op, [&](::mlir::Diagnostic &diag) {
diag << "entities '' failed to satisfy constraint: has no use";
if (!(((*root.getODSResults(4).begin()).use_empty()))) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
fused_batch_norm_op, [&](::mlir::Diagnostic &diag) {
diag << "entities '' failed to satisfy constraint: has no use";
if (!(((*root.getODSResults(5).begin()).use_empty()))) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
fused_batch_norm_op, [&](::mlir::Diagnostic &diag) {
diag << "entities '' failed to satisfy constraint: has no use";
// Rewrite
auto odsLoc = rewriter.getFusedLoc({fused_batch_norm->getLoc()});
::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4> replace_values;
::mlir::TF::ConstOp epsilon_const_op;
epsilon_const_op =
::mlir::TF::AddOp add_op_1;
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_0 = (*variance.begin());
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_1 =
add_op_1 = rewriter.create<::mlir::TF::AddOp>(odsLoc,
// We need to make sure the Add operands are broadcastable.
if (mlir::OpTrait::impl::verifyCompatibleOperandBroadcast(add_op_1)
.value == LogicalResult::Failure) {
return failure();
::mlir::TF::RsqrtOp rsqrt_op;
::mlir::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4> tblgen_values;
::mlir::SmallVector<::mlir::NamedAttribute, 4> tblgen_attrs;
rsqrt_op = rewriter.create<::mlir::TF::RsqrtOp>(odsLoc, tblgen_values,
::mlir::TF::MulOp multiplier;
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_0 = (*scale.begin());
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_1 = (*rsqrt_op.getODSResults(0).begin());
// We need to make sure the Add operands are broadcastable.
multiplier = rewriter.create<::mlir::TF::MulOp>(odsLoc,
if (mlir::OpTrait::impl::verifyCompatibleOperandBroadcast(multiplier)
.value == LogicalResult::Failure) {
return failure();
::mlir::TF::MulOp mul_op_1;
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_0 = (*x.begin());
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_1 = (*multiplier.getODSResults(0).begin());
mul_op_1 = rewriter.create<::mlir::TF::MulOp>(odsLoc,
// We need to make sure the Mul operands are broadcastable.
if (mlir::OpTrait::impl::verifyCompatibleOperandBroadcast(mul_op_1)
.value == LogicalResult::Failure) {
return failure();
::mlir::TF::MulOp mul_op_2;
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_0 = (*mean.begin());
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_1 = (*multiplier.getODSResults(0).begin());
mul_op_2 = rewriter.create<::mlir::TF::MulOp>(odsLoc,
if (mlir::OpTrait::impl::verifyCompatibleOperandBroadcast(mul_op_2)
.value == LogicalResult::Failure) {
return failure();
::mlir::TF::SubOp sub_op;
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_0 = (*offset.begin());
::mlir::Value tblgen_value_1 = (*mul_op_2.getODSResults(0).begin());
sub_op = rewriter.create<::mlir::TF::SubOp>(odsLoc,
if (mlir::OpTrait::impl::verifyCompatibleOperandBroadcast(sub_op).value ==
LogicalResult::Failure) {
return failure();
::mlir::TF::AddOp add_op_2;
::mlir::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4> tblgen_values;
::mlir::SmallVector<::mlir::NamedAttribute, 4> tblgen_attrs;
::mlir::SmallVector<::mlir::Type, 4> tblgen_types;
for (auto v : fused_batch_norm_op.getODSResults(0)) {
add_op_2 = rewriter.create<::mlir::TF::AddOp>(
odsLoc, tblgen_types, tblgen_values, tblgen_attrs);
// We need to make sure the Add operands are broadcastable.
if (mlir::OpTrait::impl::verifyCompatibleOperandBroadcast(add_op_2)
.value == LogicalResult::Failure) {
return failure();
for (auto v :
::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4>{add_op_2.getODSResults(0)}) {
for (auto v : ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4>{x}) {
for (auto v : ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4>{x}) {
for (auto v : ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4>{x}) {
for (auto v : ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4>{x}) {
for (auto v : ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Value, 4>{x}) {
rewriter.replaceOp(fused_batch_norm, replace_values);
return success();
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/transforms/generated_prepare_tf.inc"
// Returns success if all the operations in the `op`'s regions including `op`
......@@ -927,7 +1199,7 @@ void PrepareTFPass::runOnFunction() {
// This pattern will try to identify and optimize for dilated convolution.
// e.g. Patterns like "SpaceToBatchND -> Conv2D -> BatchToSpaceND" will be
// replaced with a single Conv op with dilation parameter.
patterns.insert<ConvertTFDilatedConvOp<TF::Conv2DOp>, FusedBatchNormV3Pat,
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