提交 fd3d2931 编写于 作者: C chenyuntc

remove chainer dependencies

上级 2a949675
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def crop_bbox(
This method is mainly used together with image cropping.
This method translates the coordinates of bounding boxes like
:func:`~chainercv.transforms.translate_bbox`. In addition,
:func:`data.util.translate_bbox`. In addition,
this function truncates the bounding boxes to fit within the cropped area.
If a bounding box does not overlap with the cropped area,
this bounding box will be removed.
# Mofidied work:
# Original works by:
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Faster R-CNN implementation In ChainerCV
# Copyright (c) 2017 Preferred Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
# https://github.com/chainer/chainercv
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Faster R-CNN implementation by Chainer
# Copyright (c) 2016 Shunta Saito
# Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
# https://github.com/mitmul/chainer-faster-rcnn
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Faster R-CNN
# Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft
# Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
# Written by Ross Girshick and Sean Bell
# https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn
# ----------------------------------------------------
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
......@@ -51,7 +31,7 @@ class VOCBboxDataset:
The labels are packed into a one dimensional tensor of shape :math:`(R,)`.
:math:`R` is the number of bounding boxes in the image.
The class name of the label :math:`l` is :math:`l` th element of
The array :obj:`difficult` is a one dimensional boolean array of shape
:math:`(R,)`. :math:`R` is the number of bounding boxes in the image.
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
in the RoIs and improve localizations.
Each stage is carried out by one of the callable
:class:`chainer.Chain` objects :obj:`feature`, :obj:`rpn` and :obj:`head`.
:class:`torch.nn.Module` objects :obj:`feature`, :obj:`rpn` and :obj:`head`.
There are two functions :meth:`predict` and :meth:`__call__` to conduct
object detection.
......@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
extractor (nn.Module): A module that takes a BCHW image
array and returns feature maps.
rpn (nn.Module): A module that has the same interface as
Please refer to the documentation found there.
head (nn.Module): A callable that takes
a BCHW array, RoIs and batch indices for RoIs. This returns class
head (nn.Module): A module that takes
a BCHW variable, RoIs and batch indices for RoIs. This returns class
dependent localization paramters and class scores.
loc_normalize_mean (tuple of four floats): Mean values of
localization estimates.
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
the :math:`L` th class.
x (~chainer.Variable): 4D image variable.
x (autograd.Variable): 4D image variable.
scale (float): Amount of scaling applied to the raw image
during preprocessing.
......@@ -261,6 +261,10 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
return bboxes, labels, scores
def get_optimizer(self):
return optimizer, It could be overwriten if you want to specify
special optimizer
lr = opt.lr
params = []
for key, value in dict(self.named_parameters()).items():
......@@ -37,58 +37,17 @@ def decom_vgg16():
class FasterRCNNVGG16(FasterRCNN):
"""Faster R-CNN based on VGG-16.
When you specify the path of a pre-trained chainer model serialized as
a :obj:`.npz` file in the constructor, this chain model automatically
initializes all the parameters with it.
When a string in prespecified set is provided, a pretrained model is
loaded from weights distributed on the Internet.
The list of pretrained models supported are as follows:
* :obj:`voc07`: Loads weights trained with the trainval split of \
PASCAL VOC2007 Detection Dataset.
* :obj:`imagenet`: Loads weights trained with ImageNet Classfication \
task for the feature extractor and the head modules. \
Weights that do not have a corresponding layer in VGG-16 \
will be randomly initialized.
For descriptions on the interface of this model, please refer to
supports finer control on random initializations of weights by arguments
:obj:`vgg_initialW`, :obj:`rpn_initialW`, :obj:`loc_initialW` and
It accepts a callable that takes an array and edits its values.
If :obj:`None` is passed as an initializer, the default initializer is
n_fg_class (int): The number of classes excluding the background.
pretrained_model (str): The destination of the pre-trained
chainer model serialized as a :obj:`.npz` file.
If this is one of the strings described
above, it automatically loads weights stored under a directory
where :obj:`$CHAINER_DATASET_ROOT` is set as
:obj:`$HOME/.chainer/dataset` unless you specify another value
by modifying the environment variable.
min_size (int): A preprocessing paramter for :meth:`prepare`.
max_size (int): A preprocessing paramter for :meth:`prepare`.
ratios (list of floats): This is ratios of width to height of
the anchors.
anchor_scales (list of numbers): This is areas of anchors.
Those areas will be the product of the square of an element in
:obj:`anchor_scales` and the original area of the reference
vgg_initialW (callable): Initializer for the layers corresponding to
the VGG-16 layers.
rpn_initialW (callable): Initializer for Region Proposal Network
loc_initialW (callable): Initializer for the localization head.
score_initialW (callable): Initializer for the score head.
proposal_creator_params (dict): Key valued paramters for
......@@ -128,14 +87,12 @@ class VGG16RoIHead(nn.Module):
This class is used as a head for Faster R-CNN.
This outputs class-wise localizations and classification based on feature
maps in the given RoIs.
n_class (int): The number of classes possibly including the background.
roi_size (int): Height and width of the feature maps after RoI-pooling.
spatial_scale (float): Scale of the roi is resized.
vgg_initialW (callable): Initializer for the layers corresponding to
the VGG-16 layers.
loc_initialW (callable): Initializer for the localization head.
score_initialW (callable): Initializer for the score head.
classifier (nn.Module): Two layer Linear ported from vgg16
......@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ class RegionProposalNetwork(nn.Module):
initialize weight.
May also be a callable that takes an array and edits its values.
proposal_creator_params (dict): Key valued paramters for
.. seealso::
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class RegionProposalNetwork(nn.Module):
* :math:`A` is number of anchors assigned to each pixel.
x (~chainer.Variable): The Features extracted from images.
x (~torch.autograd.Variable): The Features extracted from images.
Its shape is :math:`(N, C, H, W)`.
img_size (tuple of ints): A tuple :obj:`height, width`,
which contains image size after scaling.
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class RegionProposalNetwork(nn.Module):
reading them from files.
(~chainer.Variable, ~chainer.Variable, array, array, array):
(~torch.autograd.Variable, ~torch.autograd.Variable, array, array, array):
This is a tuple of five following values.
import numpy as np
from chainer import cuda
import cupy
from model.utils.bbox_tools import bbox2loc, bbox_iou, loc2bbox
from model.utils.nms import non_maximum_suppression
......@@ -419,9 +419,10 @@ class ProposalCreator:
# Apply nms (e.g. threshold = 0.7).
# Take after_nms_topN (e.g. 300).
# NOTE: somthing is wrong here!
# unNOTE: somthing is wrong here!
# TODO: remove cuda.to_gpu
keep = non_maximum_suppression(
if n_post_nms > 0:
keep = keep[:n_post_nms]
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