未验证 提交 a616f82b 编写于 作者: 陈云 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1 from chenyuntc/caffe

merge code using caffe pretrain model 
A Pythonic, Extensible and Minimal Implemention of Faster RCNN Without Harming Performance
## Introduction
This project is a **Simplified** Faster R-CNN implementation mostly based on [chainercv](https://github.com/chainer/chainercv) and Other [projects](#Acknowledgement) . It aims to:
- Simplify the code (*Simple is better than complex*)
- Make the code more straight forward (*Flat is better than nested*)
- Match the performance reported in [ origin paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497) (*Speed Counts and mAP Matters*)
## Performance
- mAP
VGG16 train on trainval and test on test, Note, the training show great randomness, you may need to train more epoch to reach the highest mAP. However, it should be easy to reach the lowerboud. It's also reported that train it with more epochs may
| Implementation | mAP |
| :--------------------------------------: | ----------- |
| [origin paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497) | 0.699 |
| using caffe pretrained model (enable with`--caffe-pretrain`) | 0.700-0.708 |
| using torchvision pretrained model | 0.690-0.701 |
| model converted from [chainercv](https://github.com/chainer/chainercv/tree/master/examples/faster_rcnn) (reported 0.706) | 0.7053 |
| current the best i've ever seen (ruotian's) | 0.711 |
- Speed
| Implementation | GPU | Inference | Trainining |
| ---------------------------------------- | -------- | --------- | ---------- |
| [origin paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497) | K40 | 5 fps | NA |
| This | TITAN Xp | 12 fps^*^ | 5-6 fps |
| [pytorch-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/ruotianluo/pytorch-faster-rcnn) | TITAN Xp | NA | 5-6fps^**^ |
\* include reading images from disk, preprocessing, etc. see `eval` in `train.py` for more detail.
** it depends on the environment.
**NOTE that** you should make sure you install cupy correctly to reach the benchmark.
## Install Prerequisites
- install PyTorch >=0.3 with GPU (code are gpu-only), refer to [official website](http://pytorch.org)
- install cupy, you can install via `pip install` but it's better to read the [docs](https://docs-cupy.chainer.org/en/latest/install.html#install-cupy-with-cudnn-and-nccl) and make sure the environ is correctly set
- install other dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt `
- Optional but recommended: build `nms_gpu_post`: `cd model/utils/nmspython3 build.py build_ext --inplace`
- start vidom for visualize
nohup python3 -m visdom.server &
If you're in China and have encounter problem with visdom (i.e. timeout, blank screen), you may refer to [visdom issue](https://github.com/facebookresearch/visdom/issues/111#issuecomment-321743890), and a temporay solution provided by me
## Demo
download pretrained model from [..............................................]
see `demo.ipynb` for detail
## Train
### Data
#### Pascal VOC2007
1. Download the training, validation, test data and VOCdevkit
wget http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
wget http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
wget http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/VOCdevkit_08-Jun-2007.tar
2. Extract all of these tars into one directory named `VOCdevkit`
tar xvf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
tar xvf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
tar xvf VOCdevkit_08-Jun-2007.tar
3. It should have this basic structure
$VOCdevkit/ # development kit
$VOCdevkit/VOCcode/ # VOC utility code
$VOCdevkit/VOC2007 # image sets, annotations, etc.
# ... and several other directories ...
4. specifiy the `voc_data_dir` in `config.py`, or pass it to program using argument like '--voc-data-dir=/path/to/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/' .
#### COCO
### preprare caffe-pretrained vgg16
if you want to use caffe-pretrain model, you can run:
python misc/convert_caffe_pretrain.py
then you should speicified where caffe-pretraind model `vgg16_caffe.pth` stored in `config.py`
if you want to use torchvision pretrained model, you may skip this.
### begin traininig
make checkpoints/ # make dir for storing snapshots
python3 train.py train --env='fasterrcnn-caffe' --plot-every=100 --caffe-pretrain
you may refer to `config.py` for more argument.
Some Key arguments:
- `--caffe-pretrain`=True: use caffe pretrain model or use torchvision pretrained model(Default: torchvison)
- `--plot-every=n`: visulize predict, loss etc every n batches.
- `--env`: visdom env for visulization
- `--voc_data_dir`: where the VOC data stored
- `--use-drop`: use dropout in roi head, default without dropout
- `--use-adam`: use adam instead of SGD, default SGD
- `--load-path`: pretrained model path, default `None`, if it's specified, the pretrained model would be loaded.
## Troubleshooting
- visdom
- dataloader/ulimit
- cupy
- vgg
[] training on coco
[] resnet
[] replace cupy with THTensor+cffi?
## Acknowledge
This work builds on many excellent works, which include:
- [Yusuke Niitani's ChainerCV](https://github.com/chainer/chainercv)
- [Ruotian Luo's pytorch-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/ruotianluo/pytorch-faster-rcnn) which based on [ Xinlei Chen's tf-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/endernewton/tf-faster-rcnn)
- [faster-rcnn.pytorch by Jianwei Yang and Jiasen Lu](https://github.com/jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch).It's mainly based on [longcw's faster_rcnn_pytorch](https://github.com/longcw/faster_rcnn_pytorch)
- All the above Repositories have refer to [py-faster-rcnn by Ross Girshick and Sean Bell](https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn) either directly or indirectly.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ class Config:
# model
load_path = None # '/mnt/3/rpn.pth'
caffe_pretrain = False
caffe_pretrain_path = 'checkpoints/vgg16-caffe.pth'
def _parse(self, kwargs):
state_dict = self._state_dict()
for k, v in kwargs.items():
......@@ -3,9 +3,38 @@ from .voc_dataset import VOCBboxDataset
from skimage import transform as sktsf
from torchvision import transforms as tvtsf
from . import util
import numpy as np
from config import opt
from util import array_tool as at
def inverse_normalize(img):
if opt.caffe_pretrain:
img = img + (np.array([122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801]).reshape(3,1,1))
return img[::-1, :, :]
# approximate un-normalize for visualize
return (img*0.225+0.45).clip(min=0,max=1)*255
def pytorch_normalze(img):
return appr -1~1 RGB
normalize = tvtsf.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
img = normalize(t.from_numpy(img))
return img.numpy()
def caffe_normalize(img):
return appr -125-125 BGR
img = img[[2,1,0],:,:] #RGB-BGR
img = img*255
mean=np.array([122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801]).reshape(3,1,1)
img = (img - mean).astype(np.float32, copy=True)
return img
def preprocess(img, min_size=600, max_size=1000):
"""Preprocess an image for feature extraction.
......@@ -30,22 +59,15 @@ def preprocess(img, min_size=600, max_size=1000):
scale1 = min_size / min(H, W)
scale2 = max_size / max(H, W)
scale = min(scale1, scale2)
img = img / 255.
img = sktsf.resize(img, (C, H * scale, W * scale), mode='reflect')
# both the longer and shorter should be less than
# max_size and min_size
img = img / 256.
img = sktsf.resize(img, (C, H * scale, W * scale), mode='reflect')
normalize = tvtsf.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
img = normalize(t.from_numpy(img))
return img.numpy()
# unNOTE: original implementation in chainer:
# mean=np.array([122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801],
# img = (img - self.mean).astype(np.float32, copy=False)
# Answer: https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/223
# the input of vgg16 in pytorch:
# rgb 0 to 1, instead of bgr 0 to 255
if opt.caffe_pretrain:
normalize = caffe_normalize
normalize = pytorch_normalze
return normalize(img)
class Transform(object):
......@@ -82,7 +104,7 @@ class Dataset():
img, bbox, label, scale = self.tsf((ori_img, bbox, label))
# TODO: check whose stride is negative to fix this instead copy all
# some of the strides of a given numpy array are negative.
return img.copy(), bbox.copy(), label.copy(), scale, ori_img
return img.copy(), bbox.copy(), label.copy(), scale
def __len__(self):
return len(self.db)
......@@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ def test_roi_module():
neq = (cc != variable.data.cpu().numpy())
assert neq.sum() == 0, 'test failed: %s' % info
# chainer version
# chainer version,if you're going to run this
# pip install chainer
import chainer.functions as F
from chainer import Variable
x_cn = Variable(t2c(x))
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import torch as t
import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
from util import array_tool as at
# from chainercv.transforms.image.resize import resize
from model.utils.bbox_tools import loc2bbox
from model.utils.nms import non_maximum_suppression
......@@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
score = np.concatenate(score, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
return bbox, label, score
def predict(self, imgs,visualize=False):
def predict(self, imgs,sizes=None,visualize=False):
"""Detect objects from images.
This method predicts objects for each image.
......@@ -226,14 +225,15 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
if visualize:
prepared_imgs = list()
sizes = list()
for img in imgs:
size = img.shape[1:]
img = preprocess(img.numpy())
prepared_imgs = list()
sizes = list()
for img in imgs:
size = img.shape[1:]
img = preprocess(at.tonumpy(img))
prepared_imgs = imgs
bboxes = list()
labels = list()
scores = list()
......@@ -278,81 +278,6 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
return bboxes, labels, scores
def predict2(self, prepared_imgs, sizes):
"""Detect objects from images.
This method predicts objects for each image.
imgs (iterable of numpy.ndarray): Arrays holding images.
All images are in CHW and RGB format
and the range of their value is :math:`[0, 255]`.
tuple of lists:
This method returns a tuple of three lists,
:obj:`(bboxes, labels, scores)`.
* **bboxes**: A list of float arrays of shape :math:`(R, 4)`, \
where :math:`R` is the number of bounding boxes in a image. \
Each bouding box is organized by \
:math:`(y_{min}, x_{min}, y_{max}, x_{max})` \
in the second axis.
* **labels** : A list of integer arrays of shape :math:`(R,)`. \
Each value indicates the class of the bounding box. \
Values are in range :math:`[0, L - 1]`, where :math:`L` is the \
number of the foreground classes.
* **scores** : A list of float arrays of shape :math:`(R,)`. \
Each value indicates how confident the prediction is.
# self.use_preset('visualize')
bboxes = list()
labels = list()
scores = list()
for img, size in zip(prepared_imgs, sizes):
img = t.autograd.Variable(at.totensor(img).float()[None], volatile=True)
scale = img.shape[3] / size[1]
roi_cls_loc, roi_scores, rois, _ = self(img, scale=scale)
# We are assuming that batch size is 1.
# roi_cls_loc = at.tonumpy(roi_cls_locs)#.data.numpy()
roi_score = roi_scores.data
roi_cls_loc = roi_cls_loc.data
roi = at.totensor(rois) / scale
# Convert predictions to bounding boxes in image coordinates.
# Bounding boxes are scaled to the scale of the input images.
mean = t.Tensor(self.loc_normalize_mean).cuda(). \
std = t.Tensor(self.loc_normalize_std).cuda(). \
roi_cls_loc = (roi_cls_loc * std + mean)
roi_cls_loc = roi_cls_loc.view(-1, self.n_class, 4)
roi = roi.view(-1, 1, 4).expand_as(roi_cls_loc)
cls_bbox = loc2bbox(at.tonumpy(roi).reshape((-1, 4)),
at.tonumpy(roi_cls_loc).reshape((-1, 4)))
cls_bbox = at.totensor(cls_bbox)
cls_bbox = cls_bbox.view(-1, self.n_class * 4)
# clip bounding box
cls_bbox[:, 0::2] = (cls_bbox[:, 0::2]).clamp(min=0, max=size[0])
cls_bbox[:, 1::2] = (cls_bbox[:, 1::2]).clamp(min=0, max=size[1])
prob = at.tonumpy(F.softmax(at.tovariable(roi_score), dim=1))
raw_cls_bbox = at.tonumpy(cls_bbox)
raw_prob = at.tonumpy(prob)
bbox, label, score = self._suppress(raw_cls_bbox, raw_prob)
# self.use_preset('evaluate')
return bboxes, labels, scores
def get_optimizer_group(self):
self.lr1, self.lr2, self.lr3 = opt.lr1, opt.lr2, opt.lr3
......@@ -12,7 +12,14 @@ from config import opt
def decom_vgg16(pretrained=True):
# the 30th layer of features is relu of conv5_3
model = vgg16(pretrained)
if opt.caffe_pretrain:
model = vgg16(pretrained=False)
if not opt.load_path:
model = vgg16(not opt.load_path)
features = list(model.features)[:30]
classifier = model.classifier
......@@ -138,8 +145,10 @@ class FasterRCNNVGG16(FasterRCNN):
ratios=[0.5, 1, 2], anchor_scales=[8, 16, 32]
if opt.use_chainer:decom = decom_vgg16_chainer
else: decom = decom_vgg16
if opt.use_chainer:
decom = decom_vgg16_chainer
decom = decom_vgg16
extractor, classifier = decom(not opt.load_path)
rpn = RegionProposalNetwork(
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from tqdm import tqdm
import torch as t
from config import opt
from data.dataset import Dataset, TestDataset
from data.dataset import Dataset, TestDataset,inverse_normalize
from model import FasterRCNNVGG16
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.utils import data as data_
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def eval(dataloader, faster_rcnn, test_num=10000):
gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults = list(), list(), list()
for ii, (imgs, sizes, gt_bboxes_, gt_labels_, gt_difficults_) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
sizes = [sizes[0][0], sizes[1][0]]
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict2(imgs, [sizes])
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict(imgs, [sizes])
gt_bboxes += list(gt_bboxes_.numpy())
gt_labels += list(gt_labels_.numpy())
gt_difficults += list(gt_difficults_.numpy())
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def train(**kwargs):
best_map = 0
for epoch in range(opt.epoch):
for ii, (img, bbox_, label_, scale, ori_img) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
for ii, (img, bbox_, label_, scale) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
scale = at.scalar(scale)
img, bbox, label = img.cuda().float(), bbox_.cuda(), label_.cuda()
img, bbox, label = Variable(img), Variable(bbox), Variable(label)
......@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ def train(**kwargs):
# plot groud truth bboxes
ori_img_ = (img * 0.225 + 0.45).clamp(min=0, max=1) * 255
gt_img = visdom_bbox(at.tonumpy(ori_img_)[0],
ori_img_ = inverse_normalize(at.tonumpy(img[0]))
gt_img = visdom_bbox(ori_img_,
trainer.vis.img('gt_img', gt_img)
# plot predicti bboxes
_bboxes, _labels, _scores = trainer.faster_rcnn.predict(ori_img,visualize=True)
pred_img = visdom_bbox( at.tonumpy(ori_img[0]),
_bboxes, _labels, _scores = trainer.faster_rcnn.predict([ori_img_],visualize=True)
pred_img = visdom_bbox( ori_img_,
......@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ def train(**kwargs):
if eval_result['map'] > best_map:
best_map = eval_result['map']
best_path = trainer.save(best_map=best_map)
if epoch==9:
# trainer.load(best_path)
if epoch==10:
# if epoch ==0:
# trainer.optimizer = trainer.faster_rcnn.get_optimizer()
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def eval(dataloader, faster_rcnn, test_num=10000):
gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults = list(), list(), list()
for ii, (imgs, sizes, gt_bboxes_, gt_labels_, gt_difficults_) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
sizes = [sizes[0][0], sizes[1][0]]
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict2(imgs, [sizes])
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict(imgs, [sizes])
gt_bboxes += list(gt_bboxes_.numpy())
gt_labels += list(gt_labels_.numpy())
gt_difficults += list(gt_difficults_.numpy())
......@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ def train(**kwargs):
trainer.vis.text(str(trainer.rpn_cm.value().tolist()), win='rpn_cm')
# roi confusion matrix
trainer.vis.img('roi_cm', at.totensor(trainer.roi_cm.conf, False).float())
if epoch<9:
# if epoch<9:
# continue
eval_result = eval(test_dataloader, faster_rcnn, test_num=opt.test_num)
best_map = eval_result['map']
best_path = trainer.save(best_map=best_map)
if eval_result['map']>best_map:
best_map = eval_result['map']
best_path = trainer.save(best_map=best_map)
if epoch ==9:
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def train(**kwargs):
if epoch == 14:break
if epoch == 19:break
# t.save(trainer.state_dict(),'checkpoints/fasterrcnn_%s.pth' %epoch)
# t.vis.save([opt.env])
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def eval(dataloader, faster_rcnn, test_num=10000):
gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults = list(), list(), list()
for ii, (imgs, sizes, gt_bboxes_, gt_labels_, gt_difficults_) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
sizes = [sizes[0][0], sizes[1][0]]
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict2(imgs, [sizes])
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict(imgs, [sizes])
gt_bboxes += list(gt_bboxes_.numpy())
gt_labels += list(gt_labels_.numpy())
gt_difficults += list(gt_difficults_.numpy())
......@@ -59,18 +59,6 @@ def vis_image(img, ax=None):
def vis_bbox(img, bbox, label=None, score=None, ax=None):
"""Visualize bounding boxes inside image.
>>> from chainercv.datasets import VOCDetectionDataset
>>> from chainercv.datasets import voc_bbox_label_names
>>> from chainercv.visualizations import vis_bbox
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
>>> dataset = VOCDetectionDataset()
>>> img, bbox, label = dataset[60]
>>> vis_bbox(img, bbox, label,
... label_names=voc_bbox_label_names)
>>> plot.show()
img (~numpy.ndarray): An array of shape :math:`(3, height, width)`.
This is in RGB format and the range of its value is
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