提交 9788b5cc 编写于 作者: C chenyuntc

update readme

上级 d49dc2e4
......@@ -8,6 +8,14 @@ This project is a **Simplified** Faster R-CNN implementation based on [chainercv
- Make the code more straightforward (*Flat is better than nested*)
- Match the performance reported in [origin paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497) (*Speed Counts and mAP Matters*)
And it has the following features:
- It can be run as pure Python code, no more build affair. (cuda code moves to cupy, Cython acceleration are optional)
- It's a minimal implemention in around 2000 lines valid code with a lot of comment and instruction.(thanks to chainercv's excellent documentation)
- It achieves higher mAP than the origin implementation (0.712 VS 0.699)
- It achieve performance compariable with other implementation (6fps and 12fps for train and test in TITAN XP with cython)
- It's memory-efficient (about 3GB for vgg16)
## Performance
### mAP
......@@ -29,27 +37,34 @@ VGG16 train on `trainval` and test on `test` split.
| :--------------------------------------: | :------: | :-------: | :--------: |
| [origin paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497) | K40 | 5 fps | NA |
| This[^1] | TITAN Xp | 12 fps | 5-6 fps |
| [pytorch-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/ruotianluo/pytorch-faster-rcnn) | TITAN Xp | NA | 5-6fps |
| [pytorch-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/ruotianluo/pytorch-faster-rcnn) | TITAN Xp | NA | 6fps |
[^1]: make sure you install cupy correctly and only one program run on the GPU.
It could be even faster by removing visualization, logging, averaging loss etc.
## Install dependencies
requires python3 and PyTorch 0.3
- install PyTorch >=0.3 with GPU (code are GPU-only), refer to [official website](http://pytorch.org)
- install cupy, you can install via `pip install` but it's better to read the [docs](https://docs-cupy.chainer.org/en/latest/install.html#install-cupy-with-cudnn-and-nccl) and make sure the environ is correctly set
- install cupy, you can install via `pip install` but it's better to read the [docs](https://docs-cupy.chainer.org/en/latest/install.html#install-cupy-with-cudnn-and-nccl) and make sure the environ is correctly set
- install other dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt `
- build `nms_gpu_post`: `cd model/utils/nms/; python3 build.py build_ext --inplace`
- start vidom for visualize
- Optional, but strongly recommended: build cython code `nms_gpu_post`:
cd model/utils/nms/
python3 build.py build_ext --inplace
- start vidom for visualize
nohup python3 -m visdom.server &
If you're in China and have encounter problem with visdom (i.e. timeout, blank screen), you may refer to [visdom issue](https://github.com/facebookresearch/visdom/issues/111#issuecomment-321743890), ~~and a temporary solution provided by me~~
If you're in China and have encounter problem with visdom (i.e. timeout, blank screen), you may refer to [visdom issue](https://github.com/facebookresearch/visdom/issues/111#issuecomment-321743890), ~~and a temporary and fast solution provided by me~~
## Demo
......@@ -111,7 +126,7 @@ If you want to use torchvision pretrained model, you may skip this step.
**NOTE**, caffe pretrained model has shown slight better performance.
**NOTE**: caffe model require images in BGR 0-255, while torchvision model requires images in RGB and 0-1. See `data/dataset.py`for more detail.
**NOTE**: caffe model require images in BGR 0-255, while torchvision model requires images in RGB and 0-1. See `data/dataset.py`for more detail.
### begin training
......@@ -127,7 +142,7 @@ you may refer to `config.py` for more argument.
Some Key arguments:
- `--caffe-pretrain`=True: use caffe pretrain model or use torchvision pretrained model (Default: torchvison)
- `--caffe-pretrain`: use caffe pretrain model or use torchvision pretrained model (Default: torchvison)
- `--plot-every=n`: visualize predict, loss etc every n batches.
- `--env`: visdom env for visualization
- `--voc_data_dir`: where the VOC data stored
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