提交 408aacbb 编写于 作者: A andrewleo

add batt monitor

上级 6f1f27df
......@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
android:textColor="#FFFFFF" />
android:textColor="#FFFFFF" />
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ public class EmmageeService extends Service {
private TextView txtTotalMem;
private TextView txtUnusedMem;
private TextView txtTraffic;
private TextView txtBatt;
private ImageView imgViIcon;
private Button btnWifi;
private int delaytime;
......@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ public class EmmageeService extends Service {
int level = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, 0);
int scale = intent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1);
currentBatt = String.valueOf(level * 100 / scale) + "%";
totalBatt = String.valueOf(level * 100 / scale) + "%";
voltage = String.valueOf(intent.getIntExtra(
BatteryManager.EXTRA_VOLTAGE, -1) * 1.0 / 1000);
......@@ -188,6 +189,8 @@ public class EmmageeService extends Service {
txtTotalMem = (TextView) viFloatingWindow
txtBatt = (TextView) viFloatingWindow
txtTraffic = (TextView) viFloatingWindow.findViewById(R.id.traffic);
btnWifi = (Button) viFloatingWindow.findViewById(R.id.wifi);
......@@ -277,7 +280,7 @@ public class EmmageeService extends Service {
+ uid + "\r\n");
bw.write("时间" + "," + "应用占用内存PSS(MB)" + "," + "应用占用内存比(%)" + ","
+ " 机器剩余内存(MB)" + "," + "应用占用CPU率(%)" + "," + "CPU总使用率(%)"
+ "," + "流量(KB)" + "\r\n");
+ "," + "流量(KB)"+ "," + "电量(%)"+ "," + "电流(mA)"+ "," + "温度(C)"+ "," + "电压(V)" + "\r\n");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, e.getMessage());
......@@ -400,7 +403,8 @@ public class EmmageeService extends Service {
long freeMemory = memoryInfo.getFreeMemorySize(getBaseContext());
String freeMemoryKb = fomart.format((double) freeMemory / 1024);
String processMemory = fomart.format((double) pidMemory / 1024);
ArrayList<String> processInfo = cpuInfo.getCpuRatioInfo();
String currentBatt = String.valueOf(currentInfo.getValue());
ArrayList<String> processInfo = cpuInfo.getCpuRatioInfo(totalBatt,currentBatt,temperature,voltage);
if (isFloating) {
String processCpuRatio = "0";
String totalCpuRatio = "0";
......@@ -430,6 +434,7 @@ public class EmmageeService extends Service {
+ freeMemoryKb + "MB");
txtTotalMem.setText("占用CPU:" + processCpuRatio + "%"
+ ",总体CPU:" + totalCpuRatio + "%");
if ("-1".equals(trafficSize)) {
} else if (isMb)
......@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ public class CpuInfo {
* @return network traffic ,used ratio of process CPU and total CPU in
* certain interval
public ArrayList<String> getCpuRatioInfo() {
public ArrayList<String> getCpuRatioInfo(String totalBatt,
String currentBatt, String temperature, String voltage) {
DecimalFormat fomart = new DecimalFormat();
......@@ -155,6 +156,10 @@ public class CpuInfo {
|| (Build.MODEL.equals("google_sdk"))) {
mDateTime2 = formatterFile.format(cal.getTime().getTime() + 8
* 60 * 60 * 1000);
totalBatt = "N/A";
currentBatt = "N/A";
temperature = "N/A";
voltage = "N/A";
} else
mDateTime2 = formatterFile.format(cal.getTime().getTime());
......@@ -167,10 +172,10 @@ public class CpuInfo {
traffic = -1;
traffic = (lastestTraffic - initialTraffic + 1023) / 1024;
processCpuRatio = fomart.format(100 * ((double) (processCpu - processCpu2)
/ ((double) (totalCpu - totalCpu2))));
totalCpuRatio = fomart.format(100 * ((double) ((totalCpu - idleCpu) - (totalCpu2 - idleCpu2))
/ (double) (totalCpu - totalCpu2)));
processCpuRatio = fomart
.format(100 * ((double) (processCpu - processCpu2) / ((double) (totalCpu - totalCpu2))));
totalCpuRatio = fomart
.format(100 * ((double) ((totalCpu - idleCpu) - (totalCpu2 - idleCpu2)) / (double) (totalCpu - totalCpu2)));
long pidMemory = mi.getPidMemorySize(pid, context);
String pMemory = fomart.format((double) pidMemory / 1024);
long freeMemory = mi.getFreeMemorySize(context);
......@@ -186,11 +191,14 @@ public class CpuInfo {
EmmageeService.bw.write(mDateTime2 + "," + pMemory + ","
+ percent + "," + fMemory + "," + processCpuRatio
+ "," + totalCpuRatio + "," + "本程序或本设备不支持流量统计"
+ "\r\n");
+ "," + totalBatt + "," + currentBatt + ","
+ temperature + "," + voltage + "\r\n");
} else {
EmmageeService.bw.write(mDateTime2 + "," + pMemory + ","
+ percent + "," + fMemory + "," + processCpuRatio
+ "," + totalCpuRatio + "," + traffic + "\r\n");
+ "," + totalCpuRatio + "," + traffic + ","
+ totalBatt + "," + currentBatt + "," + temperature
+ "," + voltage + "\r\n");
totalCpu2 = totalCpu;
package com.netease.qa.emmagee.utils;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;
public class CurrentInfo {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "Emmagee-CurrentInfo";
public Long getValue() {
File f = null;
// htc desire hd / desire z?
if (Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().contains("desire hd")
|| Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().contains("desire z")) {
f = new File("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/batt_current");
if (f.exists())
return getCurrentValue(f, false);
// sony ericsson xperia x1
f = new File(
if (f.exists())
return getCurrentValue(f, false);
// xdandroid
/* if (Build.MODEL.equalsIgnoreCase("MSM")) { */
f = new File(
if (f.exists())
return getCurrentValue(f, false);
/* } */
// droid eris
f = new File("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/smem_text");
if (f.exists())
return getSMemValue();
// some htc devices
f = new File("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/batt_current");
if (f.exists())
return getCurrentValue(f, false);
// nexus one
f = new File("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/current_now");
if (f.exists())
return getCurrentValue(f, true);
// samsung galaxy vibrant
f = new File("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/batt_chg_current");
if (f.exists())
return getCurrentValue(f, false);
// sony ericsson x10
f = new File("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/charger_current");
if (f.exists())
return getCurrentValue(f, false);
return null;
public static Long getSMemValue() {
boolean success = false;
String text = null;
try {
FileReader fr = new FileReader(
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String line = br.readLine();
while (line != null) {
if (line.contains("I_MBAT")) {
text = line.substring(line.indexOf("I_MBAT: ") + 8);
success = true;
line = br.readLine();
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage());
Long value = null;
if (success) {
try {
value = Long.parseLong(text);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, nfe.getMessage());
value = null;
return value;
public static Long getBattAttrValue(File f, String dischargeField,
String chargeField) {
String text = null;
Long value = null;
try {
// @@@ debug
// StringReader fr = new
// StringReader("vref: 1248\r\nbatt_id: 3\r\nbatt_vol: 4068\r\nbatt_current: 0\r\nbatt_discharge_current: 123\r\nbatt_temperature: 329\r\nbatt_temp_protection:normal\r\nPd_M:0\r\nI_MBAT:-313\r\npercent_last(RP): 94\r\npercent_update: 71\r\nlevel: 71\r\nfirst_level: 100\r\nfull_level:100\r\ncapacity:1580\r\ncharging_source: USB\r\ncharging_enabled: Slow\r\n");
FileReader fr = new FileReader(f);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String line = br.readLine();
final String chargeFieldHead = chargeField + ": ";
final String dischargeFieldHead = dischargeField + ": ";
while (line != null) {
if (line.contains(chargeField)) {
text = line.substring(line.indexOf(chargeFieldHead)
+ chargeFieldHead.length());
try {
value = Long.parseLong(text);
if (value != 0)
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, nfe.getMessage(), nfe);
// "batt_discharge_current:"
if (line.contains(dischargeField)) {
text = line.substring(line.indexOf(dischargeFieldHead)
+ dischargeFieldHead.length());
try {
value = (-1) * Math.abs(Long.parseLong(text));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, nfe.getMessage(), nfe);
line = br.readLine();
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex);
return value;
public Long getCurrentValue(File file, boolean convertToMillis) {
String text = null;
try {
FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(file);
DataInputStream ds = new DataInputStream(fs);
text = ds.readLine();
} catch (Exception ex) {
Long value = null;
if (text != null) {
try {
value = Long.parseLong(text);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
value = null;
if (convertToMillis)
value = value / 1000; // convert to milliampere
return value;
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