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......@@ -2625,7 +2625,7 @@ empty, the result LoDTensor will be [-1] with LoD [[0]] and dims [1, 1].</p>
<h3>edit_distance<a class="headerlink" href="#edit-distance" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<dl class="function">
<code class="descclassname">paddle.fluid.layers.</code><code class="descname">edit_distance</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>input</em>, <em>label</em>, <em>normalized=False</em>, <em>ignored_tokens=None</em>, <em>name=None</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span></dt>
<code class="descclassname">paddle.fluid.layers.</code><code class="descname">edit_distance</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>input</em>, <em>label</em>, <em>normalized=True</em>, <em>ignored_tokens=None</em>, <em>name=None</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span></dt>
<dd><p>EditDistance operator computes the edit distances between a batch of
hypothesis strings and their references. Edit distance, also called
Levenshtein distance, measures how dissimilar two strings are by counting
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