提交 a2de156d 编写于 作者: T typhoonzero

refine serde code

上级 9a98a572
......@@ -29,129 +29,148 @@ namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
using VarMsg = sendrecv::VariableMessage;
VarMsg::Type DataTypeToEnum(std::type_index type) {
if (typeid(platform::float16).hash_code() == type.hash_code()) {
return VarMsg::FP16;
} else if (typeid(const float).hash_code() == type.hash_code()) {
// CPPLint complains Using C-style cast. Use static_cast<float>() instead
// One fix to this is to replace float with const float because
// typeid(T) == typeid(const T)
// http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/typeid
return VarMsg::FP32;
} else if (typeid(const double).hash_code() == type.hash_code()) {
return VarMsg::FP64;
} else if (typeid(const int).hash_code() == type.hash_code()) {
return VarMsg::INT32;
} else if (typeid(const int64_t).hash_code() == type.hash_code()) {
return VarMsg::INT64;
} else if (typeid(const bool).hash_code() == type.hash_code()) {
return VarMsg::BOOL;
} else {
PADDLE_THROW("Not supported");
void GetTensorPayload(framework::Variable* var,
const platform::DeviceContext& ctx, VarMsg* request,
void** payload, size_t* payload_size) {
auto tensor = var->Get<framework::LoDTensor>();
// FIXME(wuyi): data types in send_recv.proto is not synced with
// framework.proto
for (auto& dim : framework::vectorize(tensor.dims())) {
const framework::LoD lod = tensor.lod();
if (lod.size() > 0) {
for (auto& each : lod) {
VarMsg::LodData* lod_inner = request->add_lod();
for (auto& d : each) {
if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) {
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
auto& gpu_dev_ctx = static_cast<const platform::CUDADeviceContext&>(ctx);
auto copy_size = tensor.numel() * framework::SizeOfType(tensor.type());
*payload = memory::Alloc(cpu, copy_size);
memory::Copy(cpu, *payload, boost::get<platform::CUDAPlace>(tensor.place()),
reinterpret_cast<const void*>(tensor.data<void>()), copy_size,
} else {
*payload = tensor.data<void>();
*payload_size = tensor.numel() * framework::SizeOfType(tensor.type());
void GetSelectedRowsPayload(framework::Variable* var,
const platform::DeviceContext& ctx, VarMsg* request,
void** payload, size_t* payload_size) {
auto* slr = var->GetMutable<framework::SelectedRows>();
for (auto& dim : framework::vectorize(slr->value().dims())) {
auto* tensor = slr->mutable_value();
if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) {
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
auto& gpu_dev_ctx = static_cast<const platform::CUDADeviceContext&>(ctx);
auto copy_size = tensor->numel() * framework::SizeOfType(tensor->type());
*payload = memory::Alloc(cpu, copy_size);
memory::Copy(cpu, *payload,
reinterpret_cast<const void*>(tensor->data<void>()), copy_size,
} else {
*payload = slr->mutable_value()->data<void>();
*payload_size = tensor->numel() * framework::SizeOfType(tensor->type());
void SerializeToByteBuffer(const std::string& name, framework::Variable* var,
const platform::DeviceContext& ctx,
::grpc::ByteBuffer* msg,
const std::string& out_name) {
using VarMsg = sendrecv::VariableMessage;
// When using GPU, need to free the copied CPU buffer
// when the ByteBuffer destroies
// TODO(typhoonzero): add unref here, if we have dependent
// parallelism execution, need to know when to free the tensor.
// Default DestroyCallback does nothing, When using GPU
// the CPU buffer need to be freed.
DestroyCallback destroy_callback = [](void* backing) {};
auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[1024]);
void* buf = buffer.get();
VarMsg request;
void* payload = nullptr;
size_t payload_size;
ProtoEncodeHelper e(static_cast<char*>(buf), 1024);
// Note: normally the profiler is enabled in 1 trainer, hence only
// 1 trainer returns true for ShouldSendProfileState(). It tells PS
// servers the trainer's profiling state so that PS can follow the
// trainer.
if (platform::ShouldSendProfileState()) {
e.WriteBool(VarMsg::kProfileFieldNumber, platform::IsProfileEnabled());
if (!out_name.empty()) {
e.WriteString(VarMsg::kVarnameFieldNumber, name);
if (var->IsType<framework::LoDTensor>()) {
e.WriteUint64(VarMsg::kTypeFieldNumber, 0);
GetTensorPayload(var, ctx, &request, &payload, &payload_size);
} else if (var->IsType<framework::SelectedRows>()) {
e.WriteUint64(VarMsg::kTypeFieldNumber, 1);
GetSelectedRowsPayload(var, ctx, &request, &payload, &payload_size);
} else {
PADDLE_THROW("Serialize does not support type: %s",
if (!out_name.empty()) {
e.WriteString(VarMsg::kOutVarnameFieldNumber, out_name);
if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) {
// GPU data is copied to CPU buffer when sending,
// free the buffer when possible.
destroy_callback = [](void* backing) {
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
memory::Free(cpu, backing);
switch (framework::ToVarType(var->Type())) {
case framework::proto::VarType_Type_LOD_TENSOR: {
auto tensor = var->Get<framework::LoDTensor>();
for (auto& dim : framework::vectorize(tensor.dims())) {
e.WriteUint64(VarMsg::kDimsFieldNumber, dim);
auto lod = tensor.lod(); // std::vector<Vector<size_t>>
if (lod.size() > 0) {
e.WriteUint64(VarMsg::kLodLevelFieldNumber, lod.size());
for (auto& each : lod) {
2 + // tag + varintlength of submessage
1 + // kLodDataFieldNumber
// auto copied from GPU
for (auto& d : each) {
e.WriteUint64(VarMsg::LodData::kLodDataFieldNumber, d);
if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) {
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
auto& gpu_dev_ctx =
static_cast<const platform::CUDADeviceContext&>(ctx);
auto copy_size = tensor.numel() * framework::SizeOfType(tensor.type());
payload = memory::Alloc(cpu, copy_size);
memory::Copy(cpu, payload,
reinterpret_cast<const void*>(tensor.data<void>()),
copy_size, gpu_dev_ctx.stream());
destroy_callback = [](void* backing) {
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
memory::Free(cpu, backing);
} else {
payload = tensor.data<void>();
payload_size = tensor.numel() * framework::SizeOfType(tensor.type());
e.WriteVarlengthBeginning(VarMsg::kSerializedFieldNumber, payload_size);
} break;
case framework::proto::VarType_Type_SELECTED_ROWS: {
// TODO(typhoonzero): selectedrows implement should not use unique_ptr
auto* slr = var->GetMutable<framework::SelectedRows>();
for (auto& dim : framework::vectorize(slr->value().dims())) {
e.WriteUint64(VarMsg::kDimsFieldNumber, dim);
e.WriteUint64(VarMsg::kLodLevelFieldNumber, 0);
e.WriteUint64(VarMsg::kSlrHeightFieldNumber, slr->height());
auto* tensor = slr->mutable_value();
if (platform::is_gpu_place(ctx.GetPlace())) {
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
auto& gpu_dev_ctx =
static_cast<const platform::CUDADeviceContext&>(ctx);
auto copy_size =
tensor->numel() * framework::SizeOfType(tensor->type());
payload = memory::Alloc(cpu, copy_size);
memory::Copy(cpu, payload,
reinterpret_cast<const void*>(tensor->data<void>()),
copy_size, gpu_dev_ctx.stream());
destroy_callback = [](void* backing) {
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
memory::Free(cpu, backing);
} else {
payload = slr->mutable_value()->data<void>();
payload_size = tensor->numel() * framework::SizeOfType(tensor->type());
e.WriteVarlengthBeginning(VarMsg::kSerializedFieldNumber, payload_size);
} break;
PADDLE_THROW("Serialize does not support type: %s",
std::string header;
auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[1024]);
void* buf = buffer.get();
ProtoEncodeHelper e(static_cast<char*>(buf), 1024);
e.WriteRawBytes(std::string(header.data(), header.size()));
e.WriteVarlengthBeginning(VarMsg::kSerializedFieldNumber, payload_size);
// steal reference of tensor data
::grpc::Slice slices[4]; // metadata, tensor, rows meta, rows
int num_slices = 2; // only SelectedRows have rows buffer
......@@ -162,12 +181,9 @@ void SerializeToByteBuffer(const std::string& name, framework::Variable* var,
if (framework::ToVarType(var->Type()) ==
framework::proto::VarType_Type_SELECTED_ROWS) {
if (var->IsType<framework::SelectedRows>()) {
auto* slr = var->GetMutable<framework::SelectedRows>();
ProtoEncodeHelper e2(static_cast<char*>(buf), 128);
// NOTE: rows is of type int64_t
size_t rows_memory_size =
slr->rows().size() * framework::SizeOfType(typeid(int64_t));
e2.WriteVarlengthBeginning(VarMsg::kRowsFieldNumber, rows_memory_size);
......@@ -178,10 +194,7 @@ void SerializeToByteBuffer(const std::string& name, framework::Variable* var,
reinterpret_cast<const void*>(slr->rows().data())),
[](void* backing) {
// TODO(typhoonzero): add unref here, same as above.
rows_memory_size, [](void* backing) {},
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(slr->rows().data()))),
......@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ void RunTestLodTensor(platform::Place place, int from_type = 0) {
// serialize var to ByteBuffer
framework::Variable var;
auto* tensor = var.GetMutable<framework::LoDTensor>();
tensor->Resize(framework::make_ddim({4, 8, 4, 2}));
tensor->Resize(framework::make_ddim({512, 8, 4, 2}));
framework::LoD lod;
lod.push_back(framework::Vector<size_t>({1, 3, 8}));
int tensor_numel = 4 * 8 * 4 * 2;
int tensor_numel = 512 * 8 * 4 * 2;
platform::DeviceContextPool& pool = platform::DeviceContextPool::Instance();
auto& ctx = *pool.Get(place);
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ void RunTestLodTensor(platform::Place place, int from_type = 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(varmsg.varname(), "myvar");
EXPECT_EQ(varmsg.type(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(varmsg.dims()[0], 4);
EXPECT_EQ(varmsg.dims()[0], 512);
EXPECT_EQ(varmsg.dims()[1], 8);
EXPECT_EQ(varmsg.dims()[2], 4);
EXPECT_EQ(varmsg.dims()[3], 2);
......@@ -210,15 +210,15 @@ bool ParseLodData(::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input,
int length = 0;
if (!input->ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&length)) {
int num_bytes = 0;
if (!input->ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&num_bytes)) {
return tag;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int start_pos = input->CurrentPosition();
while (input->CurrentPosition() - start_pos < num_bytes) {
uint64_t v;
if (!input->ReadVarint64(&v)) {
return false;
return tag;
......@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ int VariableResponse::Parse(Source* source) {
case sendrecv::VariableMessage::kTypeFieldNumber: {
uint64_t v;
if ((wt != WIRETYPE_VARINT) || !input.ReadVarint64(&v)) {
uint32_t v;
if ((wt != WIRETYPE_VARINT) || !input.ReadVarint32(&v)) {
return tag;
......@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ int VariableResponse::Parse(Source* source) {
case sendrecv::VariableMessage::kDataTypeFieldNumber: {
uint64_t v = 0;
if ((wt != WIRETYPE_VARINT) || !input.ReadVarint64(&v)) {
uint32_t v = 0;
if ((wt != WIRETYPE_VARINT) || !input.ReadVarint32(&v)) {
return tag;
......@@ -305,11 +305,12 @@ int VariableResponse::Parse(Source* source) {
// packed
int length = 0;
if (!input.ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&length)) {
int num_bytes = 0;
if (!input.ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&num_bytes)) {
return tag;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int start_pos = input.CurrentPosition();
while (input.CurrentPosition() - start_pos < num_bytes) {
uint64_t v;
if (!input.ReadVarint64(&v)) {
return tag;
......@@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ int VariableResponse::Parse(Source* source) {
return tag;
case sendrecv::VariableMessage::kLodLevelFieldNumber: {
......@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ int VariableResponse::Parse(Source* source) {
meta_.varname() != "",
"meta info should be got first!");
int length = 0;
int num_bytes = 0;
!ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&input, &length)) {
!ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&input, &num_bytes)) {
return tag;
......@@ -382,14 +382,14 @@ int VariableResponse::Parse(Source* source) {
if (meta_.type() == sendrecv::LOD_TENSOR) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(meta_.lod_size() >= 0,
"lod info should be got first!");
if (!CopyLodTensorData(&input, *dev_ctx_, dims, length)) {
if (!CopyLodTensorData(&input, *dev_ctx_, dims, num_bytes)) {
return tag;
if (meta_.type() == sendrecv::SELECTED_ROWS) {
if (!CopySelectRowsTensorData(&input, *dev_ctx_, dims, length)) {
if (!CopySelectRowsTensorData(&input, *dev_ctx_, dims, num_bytes)) {
return tag;
......@@ -403,13 +403,13 @@ int VariableResponse::Parse(Source* source) {
meta_.varname() != "",
"meta info should be got first!");
int length = 0;
int num_bytes = 0;
!ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&input, &length)) {
!ReadVarintSizeAsInt(&input, &num_bytes)) {
return tag;
if (!CopySelectRowsData(&input, *dev_ctx_, length)) {
if (!CopySelectRowsData(&input, *dev_ctx_, num_bytes)) {
return tag;
......@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ import math
import distributed_splitter as splitter
from .. import core
from ..framework import Program, default_main_program, Variable, Parameter
from ..framework import Program, default_main_program, \
default_startup_program, \
Variable, Parameter, grad_var_name
LOOKUP_TABLE_TYPE = "lookup_table"
LOOKUP_TABLE_GRAD_TYPE = "lookup_table_grad"
......@@ -153,43 +155,43 @@ class DistributeTranspiler:
Transpile the program to distributed data-parallelism programs.
The main_program will be transformed to use a remote parameter server
to do parameter optimization. And the optimization graph will be put
into a parameter server program.
Use different methods to split trainable variables to different
parameter servers.
Steps to transpile trainer:
1. split variable to multiple blocks, aligned by product(dim[1:]) (width).
2. rename splited grad variables to add trainer_id suffix ".trainer_%d".
3. modify trainer program add split_op to each grad variable.
4. append send_op to send splited variables to server and fetch
params(splited blocks or origin param) from server.
5. append concat_op to merge splited blocks to update local weights.
Steps to transpile pserver:
1. create new program for parameter server.
2. create params and grad variables that assigned to current server instance.
3. create a sub-block in the server side program
4. append ops that should run on current server instance.
5. add listen_and_serv op
:param trainer_id: one unique id for each trainer in a job.
:type trainer_id: int
:param program: program to transpile, default is default_main_program
:type program: Program
:param pservers: parameter server endpoints like "m1:6174,m2:6174"
:type pservers: string
:param trainers: total number of workers/trainers in the job
:type trainers: int
:param split_method: A function to determin how to split variables
to different servers equally.
:type split_method: function
:type sync_mode: boolean default True
:param sync_mode: if sync_mode is set True, it means that dist transpiler
will transpile the program into sync_mode pserver and trainer program.
Transpile the program to distributed data-parallelism programs.
The main_program will be transformed to use a remote parameter server
to do parameter optimization. And the optimization graph will be put
into a parameter server program.
Use different methods to split trainable variables to different
parameter servers.
Steps to transpile trainer:
1. split variable to multiple blocks, aligned by product(dim[1:]) (width).
2. rename splited grad variables to add trainer_id suffix ".trainer_%d".
3. modify trainer program add split_op to each grad variable.
4. append send_op to send splited variables to server and fetch
params(splited blocks or origin param) from server.
5. append concat_op to merge splited blocks to update local weights.
Steps to transpile pserver:
1. create new program for parameter server.
2. create params and grad variables that assigned to current server instance.
3. create a sub-block in the server side program
4. append ops that should run on current server instance.
5. add listen_and_serv op
:param trainer_id: one unique id for each trainer in a job.
:type trainer_id: int
:param program: program to transpile, default is default_main_program
:type program: Program
:param pservers: parameter server endpoints like "m1:6174,m2:6174"
:type pservers: string
:param trainers: total number of workers/trainers in the job
:type trainers: int
:param split_method: A function to determin how to split variables
to different servers equally.
:type split_method: function
:type sync_mode: boolean default True
:param sync_mode: if sync_mode is set True, it means that dist transpiler
will transpile the program into sync_mode pserver and trainer program.
assert (callable(split_method))
if program is None:
......@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ class DistributeTranspiler:
grad_list = [
grad for grad in grad_list
if grad.name != framework.grad_var_name(self.table_name)
if grad.name != grad_var_name(self.table_name)
self.table_param_grad = [
param_grad for param_grad in params_grads
......@@ -494,7 +496,7 @@ class DistributeTranspiler:
were split to several blocks.
s_prog = Program()
orig_s_prog = framework.default_startup_program()
orig_s_prog = default_startup_program()
params = self.param_grad_ep_mapping[endpoint]["params"]
def _get_splited_name_and_shape(varname):
......@@ -619,7 +621,7 @@ class DistributeTranspiler:
# 2. add split_ids_op and send_vars_op to send gradient to pservers
# there should only be one table_name
all_ops = program.global_block().ops
table_grad_name = framework.grad_var_name(self.table_name)
table_grad_name = grad_var_name(self.table_name)
for op in all_ops:
if table_grad_name in op.output_arg_names:
op_index = list(all_ops).index(op)
......@@ -692,7 +694,7 @@ class DistributeTranspiler:
grad_var = _clone_var(
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