trap.c 3.9 KB
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 * File      : trap.c
 * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006, RT-Thread Development Team
 * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2008-12-11     XuXinming    first version
 * 2013-05-24     Grissiom     port to RM48x50

#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rthw.h>
#include "RM48x50.h"
//#define BSP_INT_DEBUG

 * @addtogroup RM48x50

 * this function will show registers of CPU
 * @param regs the registers point
void rt_hw_show_register (struct rt_hw_register *regs)
	rt_kprintf("r00:0x%08x r01:0x%08x r02:0x%08x r03:0x%08x\n", regs->r0, regs->r1, regs->r2, regs->r3);
	rt_kprintf("r04:0x%08x r05:0x%08x r06:0x%08x r07:0x%08x\n", regs->r4, regs->r5, regs->r6, regs->r7);
	rt_kprintf("r08:0x%08x r09:0x%08x r10:0x%08x\n", regs->r8, regs->r9, regs->r10);
	rt_kprintf("fp :0x%08x ip :0x%08x\n", regs->fp, regs->ip);
	rt_kprintf("sp :0x%08x lr :0x%08x pc :0x%08x\n", regs->sp, regs->lr, regs->pc);
	rt_kprintf("cpsr:0x%08x\n", regs->cpsr);

 * When ARM7TDMI comes across an instruction which it cannot handle,
 * it takes the undefined instruction trap.
 * @param regs system registers
 * @note never invoke this function in application
void rt_hw_trap_udef(struct rt_hw_register *regs)
    rt_kprintf("undefined instruction\n");
	if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL)
		rt_kprintf("Current Thread: %s\n", rt_thread_self()->name);

 * The software interrupt instruction (SWI) is used for entering
 * Supervisor mode, usually to request a particular supervisor
 * function.
 * @param regs system registers
 * @note never invoke this function in application
void rt_hw_trap_swi(struct rt_hw_register *regs)
    rt_kprintf("software interrupt\n");
	if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL)
		rt_kprintf("Current Thread: %s\n", rt_thread_self()->name);

 * An abort indicates that the current memory access cannot be completed,
 * which occurs during an instruction prefetch.
 * @param regs system registers
 * @note never invoke this function in application
void rt_hw_trap_pabt(struct rt_hw_register *regs)
    rt_kprintf("prefetch abort\n");
	if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL)
		rt_kprintf("Current Thread: %s\n", rt_thread_self()->name);

 * An abort indicates that the current memory access cannot be completed,
 * which occurs during a data access.
 * @param regs system registers
 * @note never invoke this function in application
void rt_hw_trap_dabt(struct rt_hw_register *regs)
    rt_kprintf("Data Abort ");
	if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL)
		rt_kprintf("Current Thread: %s\n", rt_thread_self()->name);

 * Normally, system will never reach here
 * @param regs system registers
 * @note never invoke this function in application
void rt_hw_trap_resv(struct rt_hw_register *regs)
    rt_kprintf("not used\n");
	if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL)
		rt_kprintf("Current Thread: %s\n", rt_thread_self()->name);

 *#pragma CODE_STATE(rt_hw_trap_irq, 32)
 *#pragma INTERRUPT(rt_hw_trap_irq, IRQ)
extern rt_isr_handler_t isr_table[];
void rt_hw_trap_irq(void)
	int irqno;
	struct rt_irq_desc* irq;
	extern struct rt_irq_desc irq_desc[];

	irq = (struct rt_irq_desc*) vimREG->IRQVECREG;
	irqno = ((rt_uint32_t) irq - (rt_uint32_t) &irq_desc[0])/sizeof(struct rt_irq_desc);

	/* invoke isr */
	irq->handler(irqno, irq->param);

void rt_hw_trap_fiq(void)
    rt_kprintf("fast interrupt request\n");
