提交 fc435e81 编写于 作者: Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar Huan (李卓桓)

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:zixia/wechaty

function AQ_SECAPI_ESCAPE(Url, map) {
var tmpArr = new Array;
for (var m = 0; m < Url.length; m++) {
if (Url.charAt(m) == '&') {
var keyLen = [3, 4, 5, 9];
var matchFlag = 0;
for (var n in keyLen) {
var l = keyLen[n];
if (m + l <= Url.length) {
var subLow = Url.substr(m, l).toLowerCase();
if (map[subLow]) {
m = m + l - 1;
matchFlag = 1;
if (matchFlag == 0) {
} else {
return tmpArr.join("");
function AQ_SECAPI_CheckXss() {
var map = new Object();
var escapeChars = "'\"<>`script:daex/hml;bs64,";
for (var i = 0; i < escapeChars.length; i++) {
var cha = escapeChars.charAt(i);
var dec = cha.charCodeAt();
var dec7 = dec;
var hex = dec.toString(16);
for (var j = 0; j < (7 - dec.toString().length); j++) {
dec7 = "0" + dec7;
map["&#" + dec + ";"] = cha;
map["&#" + dec7] = cha;
map["&#x" + hex] = cha;
map["&lt"] = "<";
map["&gt"] = ">";
map["&quot"] = "\"";
var Url = location.href;
var Refer = document.referrer;
Url = decodeURIComponent(AQ_SECAPI_ESCAPE(Url, map));
Refer = decodeURIComponent(AQ_SECAPI_ESCAPE(Refer, map));
var XssPattern = new RegExp("['\"<>`]|script:|data:text/html;base64,");
if (XssPattern.test(Url) || XssPattern.test(Refer)) {
var version = '1.5'
, cgi = 'http://zyjc.sec.qq.com/dom'
, img = new Image();
img.src = cgi + "?v=" + version + "&u=" + encodeURIComponent(Url) + "&r=" + encodeURIComponent(Refer);
Url = Url.replace(/['\"<>`]|script:/gi, 'M');
Url = Url.replace(/data:text\/html;base64,/gi, 'data:text/plain;base64,');
location.href = encodeURI(Url);
(function(_wnd, _doc, _ln) {
function checkNonTxDomain(level, bid, pagetype) {
var checkInfo = {
bid: bid,
childUrl: "",
parentUrl: ""
}, childCheckFlag, parentCheckFlag;
try {
checkInfo.childUrl = _ln.href;
} catch (ign) {}
try {
checkInfo.parentUrl = parent.location.href;
} catch (ign) {}
if (Math.random() > level) {
if (pagetype == 1) {
try {
parentCheckFlag = (parent != _wnd) ? generateNonTxDomainFromDom(parent.document, 'datapp', checkInfo) : false;
} catch (ign) {}
} else {
try {
childCheckFlag = generateNonTxDomainFromDom(_doc, 'datapt', checkInfo);
parentCheckFlag = (parent != _wnd) ? generateNonTxDomainFromDom(parent.document, 'datapp', checkInfo) : false;
} catch (ign) {}
try {
if (parent != _wnd) {
} catch (ign) {}
function generateZyjIframed(checkInfo) {
var data = [];
packZyjUrlData(data, 'beframed', checkInfo);
function packZyjUrlData(data, dataMark, checkInfo) {
var version = '1.4'
, cgi = 'http://zyjc.sec.qq.com/cr'
, img = new Image();
data.push("childUrl::" + encodeURIComponent(checkInfo.childUrl));
data.push("parentUrl::" + encodeURIComponent(checkInfo.parentUrl));
img.src = cgi + "?id=" + checkInfo.bid + "&d=" + dataMark + "=v" + version + "|" + data.join('|');
return true;
function generateNonTxDomainFromDom(dom, parentMark, checkInfo) {
var scriptData = extractNonTxScriptWorm(dom);
var iframeData = extractNonTxIframe(dom);
var frameData = extractNonTxFrame(dom);
var embedData = extractNonTxEmbed(dom);
var imgData = extractNonTxIMG(dom);
var hacks = scriptData.concat(iframeData, frameData, imgData, embedData);
if (hacks.length <= 0) {
return false;
hacks = distinctZyjArray(hacks);
packZyjUrlData(hacks, parentMark, checkInfo);
function extractNonTxScriptWorm(dom) {
var scripts = dom.getElementsByTagName("script"), scriptData = [], tempScript, urlList, url, nonTxList, mapFunc, resultList;
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
tempScript = scripts[i];
if (url = tempScript.src) {
nonTxList = grepZyjList(scriptData, isAntiTxDomain);
mapFunc = addTagToZyjUrlCallback('script');
resultList = mapZyjList(nonTxList, mapFunc);
return resultList;
function extractNonTxScript(dom) {
var scripts = dom.getElementsByTagName("script"), scriptData = [], tempScript, urlList, url, nonTxList, mapFunc, resultList;
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
tempScript = scripts[i];
urlList = extractZyjUrlFromHtml(tempScript.innerHTML);
scriptData = scriptData.concat(urlList);
if (url = tempScript.src) {
nonTxList = grepZyjList(scriptData, isAntiTxDomain);
mapFunc = addTagToZyjUrlCallback('script_worm');
resultList = mapZyjList(nonTxList, mapFunc);
return resultList;
function extractZyjUrlFromHtml(html) {
var regUrl = /\bhttps?:\/\/[^\"\'\s]+/ig
, urlList = [];
while (url = regUrl.exec(html)) {
return urlList;
function grepZyjList(testList, testFunction) {
var grepList = [];
for (var idx = 0; idx < testList.length; ++idx) {
var temp = testList[idx];
if (testFunction(temp)) {
return grepList;
function isAntiTxDomain(sUrl) {
var sDomain = extractZyjDomain(sUrl), regErrDom, regTxCom, regTxCn, regTxNet, regTxOther;
if (!sDomain) {
return false;
regErrDom = /^xui.ptlogin2?\.?$/i;
regTxCom = /(\.|^)(qq|paipai|soso|wenwen|tenpay|macromedia|gtimg|qstatic|qqmail|paipaiimg|qqgames|pengyou|foxmail|qzoneapp|qzone|qplus|imqq|tqapp|tencent|3366|21mmo|taotao|imrworldwide|idqqimg|17roco|expo2010china|fangqq|tencentmind|tencity|yingkebicheng|zhangzhongxing|expovol|otaworld|gzyunxun|heyyo|himoral|himorale|myrtx|qqwinner|redian|sjkx|rtxonline|nbaso|paipai\.500wan|qqjapan|qq\.salewell|sogou|weiyun|flzhan)\.com$/i;
regTxCn = /(\.|^)(qq\.com|gtimg|gtimg\.com|qlogo|foxmail\.com|gtimg\.com|url|qpic|tencent\.com|expo2010|expo|himorale\.com|nbaso\.com|qqtest\.com|qq\.ucar|rtx\.com|soso\.com|tcimage)\.cn$/i;
regTxNet = /(\.|^)(5999|gongyi)\.net$/i;
regTxOther = /(\.|^)(himorale\.com\.hk|tencent\.com\.hk|qq\.chinacache\.net|qq\.com\.fastcdn\.com|qq\.com\.lxdns\.com|qq\.fastcdn\.com|soso\.com\.lxdns\.com|motu\.pagechoice\.net|ope\.tanx\.com|dap\.gentags\.net)$/i;
if (regErrDom.test(sDomain) || regTxCom.test(sDomain) || regTxCn.test(sDomain) || regTxNet.test(sDomain) || regTxOther.test(sDomain)) {
return false;
return true;
function extractZyjDomain(sUrl) {
var regDomain = /^https?:\/\/([\w\-]+\.[\w\-.]+)/i
, m = regDomain.exec(sUrl);
if (!m) {
return m[1];
function addTagToZyjUrlCallback(tag) {
return function(url) {
return tag + "::" + encodeURIComponent(url);
function mapZyjList(testList, testFunction) {
var mapList = [], temp, mapTemp;
for (var idx = 0; idx < testList.length; ++idx) {
temp = testList[idx];
mapTemp = testFunction(temp);
return mapList;
function extractNonTxIframe(dom) {
var tagName = 'IFRAME'
, rawFunc = function(x) {
return x.src
, mapFunc = addTagToZyjUrlCallback('iframe');
return extractNonTxTagData(dom, tagName, rawFunc, isAntiTxDomain, mapFunc);
function extractNonTxEmbed(dom) {
var tagName = 'EMBED'
, rawFunc = function(x) {
return x.src
, mapFunc = addTagToZyjUrlCallback('embed');
return extractNonTxTagData(dom, tagName, rawFunc, isAntiTxDomain, mapFunc);
function extractNonTxTagData(dom, tag, rawFunc, grepFunc, mapFunc) {
var tags = dom.getElementsByTagName(tag);
var tagRaw = mapZyjList(tags, rawFunc);
var tagData = grepZyjList(tagRaw, grepFunc);
var tagResult = mapZyjList(tagData, mapFunc);
return tagResult;
function extractNonTxFrame(dom) {
var tagName = 'FRAME'
, rawFunc = function(x) {
return x.src
, mapFunc = addTagToZyjUrlCallback('frame');
return extractNonTxTagData(dom, tagName, rawFunc, isAntiTxDomain, mapFunc);
function extractNonTxForm(dom) {
var tagName = 'FORM'
, rawFunc = function(x) {
return x.action
, mapFunc = addTagToZyjUrlCallback('form');
return extractNonTxTagData(dom, tagName, rawFunc, isAntiTxDomain, mapFunc);
function extractNonTxIMG(dom) {
var tagName = 'IMG'
, rawFunc = function(x) {
return x.src
, mapFunc = addTagToZyjUrlCallback('img');
return extractNonTxTagData(dom, tagName, rawFunc, isAntiTxDomain, mapFunc);
function distinctZyjArray(list) {
var sortList = list.slice(0)
, derivedArray = [];
for (var i = 1; i < sortList.length; i += 1) {
if (sortList[i] != sortList[i - 1]) {
return derivedArray;
_wnd.checkNonTxDomain = checkNonTxDomain;
})(window, document, location);
try {
setTimeout(function() {
checkNonTxDomain(0.1, 100, 1);
}, 0);
} catch (ign) {}
try {
setTimeout(function() {
checkNonTxDomain(0.1, 100, 0);
}, 3000);
} catch (ign) {}
......@@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ return (function(port) {
function init() {
if (!angularIsReady()) {
retObj.code = 503 // 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE https://httpstatuses.com/503
retObj.message = 'init() without a ready angular env'
return retObj
if (!initClog()) { // make console.log work (wxapp disabled the console.log)
retObj.code = 503 // 503 Service Unavailable http://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html
retObj.message = 'initClog fail'
......@@ -110,12 +116,6 @@ return (function(port) {
return retObj
if (!angularIsReady()) {
retObj.code = 503 // 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE https://httpstatuses.com/503
retObj.message = 'init() without a ready angular env'
return retObj
clog('init on port:' + port)
if (MMCgiLogined()) {
......@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ return (function(port) {
function MMCgiLogined() { return !!(window.MMCgi && window.MMCgi.isLogin) }
function angularIsReady() {
// don't log insite, because we has not init clog here.
return (
(typeof angular) !== 'undefined'
&& angular.element
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