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# 任务一:GitCode平台基础操作
## 1. 2022/11/02 任务完成名单公布(162人)
## 1. 2022/11/03 任务完成名单公布(208人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | u013546959 | https://gitcode.net/u013546959/free-programming-books |
| 2 | qq_51688818 | https://gitcode.net/qq_51688818/uni-app |
| 3 | m0_69860804 | https://gitcode.net/m0_69860804/SheepASheep |
| 4 | qq_51625007 | https://gitcode.net/qq_51625007/JavaBooks |
| 5 | Java_getName_Xyb | https://gitcode.net/Java_getName_Xyb/white-jotter |
| 6 | hw1153531918 | https://gitcode.net/hw1153531918/dubbo |
| 7 | webmote | https://gitcode.net/webmote/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 8 | weixin_44598249 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_44598249/free-programming-books |
| 9 | lewis_hacker | https://gitcode.net/lewis_hacker/free-programming-books |
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| 11 | congl1 | https://gitcode.net/congl1/incubator-skywalking |
| 12 | pptfz | https://gitcode.net/pptfz/incubator-skywalking |
| 13 | F_error | https://gitcode.net/F_error/white-jotter |
| 14 | shen12138 | https://gitcode.net/shen12138/Python-100-Days |
| 15 | wan053670 | https://gitcode.net/wan053670/Python-100-Days |
| 16 | huohuo5211314 | https://gitcode.net/huohuo5211314/JavaBooks |
| 17 | lookbackon | https://gitcode.net/lookbackon/Python-100-Days |
| 18 | Isana_Yashiro | https://gitcode.net/Isana_Yashiro/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 19 | qq_45922805 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45922805/Python-100-Days |
| 20 | qq_34102672 | https://gitcode.net/qq_34102672/Python-100-Days |
| 21 | qq_43900956 | https://gitcode.net/qq_43900956/datax |
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| 23 | qq_35031260 | https://gitcode.net/qq_35031260/JavaBooks |
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| 25 | weixin_43838726 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43838726/free-programming-books |
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| 30 | K_M_Cao | https://gitcode.net/K_M_Cao/fucking-algorithm |
| 31 | qq_41207861 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41207861/JavaBooks |
| 32 | holysanwish2011 | https://gitcode.net/holysanwish2011/JavaBooks |
| 33 | qq_43646509 | https://gitcode.net/qq_43646509/free-programming-books |
| 34 | ListFish | https://gitcode.net/ListFish/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 35 | jiangjunpingguo | https://gitcode.net/jiangjunpingguo/white-jotter |
| 36 | qq_25231683 | https://gitcode.net/qq_25231683/free-programming-books |
| 37 | weixin_46913437 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_46913437/awesome-markdown-editor |
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| 40 | jinjiating | https://gitcode.net/jinjiating/fucking-algorithm |
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| 42 | qq_40523737 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40523737/Python-100-Days |
| 43 | wsxiaoyao | https://gitcode.net/wsxiaoyao/Python-100-Days |
| 44 | semonking | https://gitcode.net/semonking/free-programming-books |
| 45 | liuzxchina | https://gitcode.net/liuzxchina/JavaBooks |
| 46 | qq_35571432 | https://gitcode.net/qq_35571432/incubator-skywalking |
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| 51 | gitcode171 | https://gitcode.net/gitcode171/echarts |
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| 54 | weixin_37033626 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_37033626/JavaBooks |
| 55 | calculate23 | https://gitcode.net/calculate23/Paddle |
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| 57 | c403223854 | https://gitcode.net/c403223854/free-programming-books |
| 58 | gjf407506 | https://gitcode.net/gjf407506/Python-100-Days |
| 59 | qq_16807969 | https://gitcode.net/qq_16807969/Python-100-Days |
| 60 | Wmnyang | https://gitcode.net/Wmnyang/fucking-algorithm |
| 61 | ml065787 | https://gitcode.net/ml065787/echarts |
| 62 | weixin_46334596 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_46334596/SheepASheep |
| 63 | w2893152428 | https://gitcode.net/w2893152428/free-programming-books |
| 64 | qq_39760347 | https://gitcode.net/qq_39760347/JavaBooks |
| 65 | qq_44756509 | https://gitcode.net/qq_44756509/free-programming-books |
| 66 | qqywh | https://gitcode.net/qqywh/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 67 | qq_42701605 | https://gitcode.net/qq_42701605/SheepASheep |
| 68 | zaq15csdn | https://gitcode.net/zaq15csdn/white-jotter |
| 69 | weixin_51487151 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_51487151/Paddle |
| 70 | baidu_21582825 | https://gitcode.net/baidu_21582825/free-programming-books |
| 71 | qq_28513801 | https://gitcode.net/qq_28513801/awesome-markdown-editor |
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| 73 | u012725623 | https://gitcode.net/u012725623/datax |
| 74 | lizhenhua110 | https://gitcode.net/lizhenhua110/fucking-algorithm |
| 75 | EvilKingyhq | https://gitcode.net/EvilKingyhq/zookeeper |
| 76 | welcome626 | https://gitcode.net/welcome626/rt-thread |
| 77 | m0_66922181 | https://gitcode.net/m0_66922181/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 78 | fuyun996 | https://gitcode.net/fuyun996/otter |
| 79 | qq_28331113 | https://gitcode.net/qq_28331113/Python-100-Days |
| 80 | ZWHCYY001 | https://gitcode.net/ZWHCYY001/skill_tree |
| 81 | ltpaini | https://gitcode.net/ltpaini/fucking-algorithm |
| 82 | qq_45669616 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45669616/mall |
| 83 | cxh_1231 | https://gitcode.net/cxh_1231/fucking-algorithm |
| 84 | daoer_sofu | https://gitcode.net/daoer_sofu/dubbo |
| 85 | qq_36933797 | https://gitcode.net/qq_36933797/uni-app |
| 86 | m0_52835696 | https://gitcode.net/m0_52835696/easyexcel |
| 87 | holyalee | https://gitcode.net/holyalee/uni-app |
| 88 | weixin_43735471 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43735471/mall |
| 89 | mk363255751 | https://gitcode.net/mk363255751/awesome-markdown-editor |
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| 91 | a946936114 | https://gitcode.net/a946936114/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 92 | qq_40253014 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40253014/Python-100-Days |
| 93 | Min_Live | https://gitcode.net/Min_Live/uni-app |
| 94 | weixin_42183401 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42183401/JavaBooks |
| 95 | Jcx6000 | https://gitcode.net/Jcx6000/JavaGuide |
| 96 | weixin_48878207 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_48878207/white-jotter |
| 97 | qq_35155368 | https://gitcode.net/qq_35155368/JavaBooks |
| 98 | xyj1576029838 | https://gitcode.net/xyj1576029838/white-jotter |
| 99 | qq_40344790 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40344790/free-programming-books |
| 100 | qq_56389333 | https://gitcode.net/qq_56389333/Python-100-Days |
| 101 | m0_58449549 | https://gitcode.net/m0_58449549/skill_tree |
| 102 | weixin_44212242 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_44212242/skill_tree |
| 103 | weixin_43398654 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43398654/Python-100-Days |
| 104 | weixin_42838512 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42838512/Python-100-Days |
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| 107 | qq_34345097 | https://gitcode.net/qq_34345097/free-programming-books |
| 108 | qq_31334321 | https://gitcode.net/qq_31334321/free-programming-books |
| 109 | guoquan_scu | https://gitcode.net/guoquan_scu/SheepASheep |
| 110 | ccsert | https://gitcode.net/ccsert/incubator-skywalking |
| 111 | weixin_73348052 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_73348052/JavaGuide |
| 112 | lyj19993 | https://gitcode.net/lyj19993/white-jotter |
| 113 | u010942041 | https://gitcode.net/u010942041/skill_tree |
| 114 | z291493823 | https://gitcode.net/z291493823/echarts |
| 115 | qq_35584709 | https://gitcode.net/qq_35584709/canal |
| 116 | youngsforever | https://gitcode.net/youngsforever/white-jotter |
| 117 | weixin_43843402 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43843402/free-programming-books |
| 118 | weixin_38759449 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_38759449/JavaBooks |
| 119 | poijas | https://gitcode.net/poijas/Python-100-Days |
| 120 | zhuwending007 | https://gitcode.net/zhuwending007/skill_tree |
| 121 | jikecoder | https://gitcode.net/jikecoder/fucking-algorithm |
| 122 | bluedraam_pp | https://gitcode.net/bluedraam_pp/datax |
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| 124 | weixin_45286211 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_45286211/JavaBooks |
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| 126 | weixin_43548748 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43548748/JavaGuide |
| 127 | neungga | https://gitcode.net/neungga/Python-100-Days |
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| 129 | lgllinktheworld | https://gitcode.net/lgllinktheworld/JavaBooks |
| 130 | SMXY12530 | https://gitcode.net/SMXY12530/Python-100-Days |
| 131 | ruoruoaimin | https://gitcode.net/ruoruoaimin/JavaBooks |
| 132 | gostar | https://gitcode.net/gostar/dubbo |
| 133 | FallyJ | https://gitcode.net/FallyJ/fucking-algorithm |
| 134 | weixin_39247298 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_39247298/easyexcel |
| 135 | qq_20122925 | https://gitcode.net/qq_20122925/fucking-algorithm |
| 136 | qq_48922459 | https://gitcode.net/qq_48922459/sentinel |
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| 139 | dhcs729 | https://gitcode.net/dhcs729/uni-app |
| 140 | F15217283411 | https://gitcode.net/F15217283411/JavaGuide |
| 141 | qq_41293953 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41293953/JavaGuide |
| 142 | lxxffff | https://gitcode.net/lxxffff/superset |
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| 147 | echohfut | https://gitcode.net/echohfut/fucking-algorithm |
| 148 | qq_39849328 | https://gitcode.net/qq_39849328/Paddle |
| 149 | Gu_fCSDN | https://gitcode.net/Gu_fCSDN/Python-100-Days |
| 150 | qq_40525997 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40525997/mall |
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| 160 | weixin_40580716 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_40580716/fucking-algorithm |
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| 208 | weixin_50062453 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_50062453/datax |
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),11月4日当天会发放完成。
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## 2. 2022/11/02 任务完成名单公布(162人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
......@@ -171,7 +388,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),11月3日当天会发放完成。
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## 2. 2022/11/01 任务完成名单公布(127人)
## 3. 2022/11/01 任务完成名单公布(127人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | Aaron_King | https://gitcode.net/Aaron_King/JavaBooks |
......@@ -307,7 +524,7 @@
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## 3. 2022/10/31 任务完成名单公布(103人)
## 4. 2022/10/31 任务完成名单公布(103人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | aomeng | https://gitcode.net/aomeng/tdengine |
......@@ -418,7 +635,7 @@
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## 4. 2022/10/30 任务完成名单公布(10人)
## 5. 2022/10/30 任务完成名单公布(10人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
......@@ -437,7 +654,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月31日当天会发放完成。
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## 5. 2022/10/29 任务完成名单公布(11人)
## 6. 2022/10/29 任务完成名单公布(11人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
......@@ -457,7 +674,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月30日当天会发放完成。
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## 6. 2022/10/28 任务完成名单公布(28人)
## 7. 2022/10/28 任务完成名单公布(28人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
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......@@ -495,7 +712,7 @@
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## 7. 2022/10/27 任务完成名单公布(31人)
## 8. 2022/10/27 任务完成名单公布(31人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | lcrpkking | https://gitcode.net/lcrpkking/free-programming-books |
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- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月28日当天会发放完成。
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## 8. 2022/10/26 任务完成名单公布(37人)
## 9. 2022/10/26 任务完成名单公布(37人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
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| 1 | qq_45199172 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45199172/vhr |
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## 9. 2022/10/25 任务完成名单公布(48人)
## 10. 2022/10/25 任务完成名单公布(48人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
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| 1 | city1993 | https://gitcode.net/city1993/incubator-skywalking |
......@@ -636,7 +853,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月26日当天会发放完成。
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## 10. 2022/10/24 任务完成名单公布(共计58人)
## 11. 2022/10/24 任务完成名单公布(共计58人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
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......@@ -704,7 +921,7 @@
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## 11. 2022/10/23 任务完成名单公布 (共计22人)
## 12. 2022/10/23 任务完成名单公布 (共计22人)
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