提交 9cf19184 编写于 作者: I Ilkka Seppälä

Add presentation for Proxy pattern.

上级 5e57cd03
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# Proxy
# Also known as
* Surrogate
# Intent
* Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.
# Applicability
* Protection proxy limits access to the real subject.
* Virtual proxies are used when an object is expensive to instantiate.
* Caching proxies are used to cache expensive calls to the real subject.
* Remote proxies are used in distributed object communication.
* Smart proxies are used to implement reference counting and log calls to the object.
# Diagram
.center[![Alt text](proxy-concept.png)]
# Tutorials
* Blog http://java-design-patterns.com/blog/controlling-access-with-proxy-pattern/
* Source code http://java-design-patterns.com/patterns/proxy/
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