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layout: pattern
title: Aggregator Microservices
folder: aggregator-microservices
permalink: /patterns/aggregator-microservices/
categories: Architectural
- Cloud distributed
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## Intent

The user makes a single call to the Aggregator, and the aggregator then calls each relevant microservice and collects
the data, apply business logic to it, and further publish is as a REST Endpoint.
More variations of the aggregator are: 
- Proxy Microservice Design Pattern: A different microservice is called upon the business need. 
- Chained Microservice Design Pattern: In this case each microservice is dependent/ chained to a series 
of other microservices.

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## Class diagram

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![alt text](./etc/aggregator-microservice.png "Aggregator Microservice")

## Applicability

Use the Aggregator Microservices pattern when you need a unified API for various microservices, regardless the client device.

## Credits

* [Microservice Design Patterns](