提交 5b439a51 编写于 作者: S Shuduo Sang

add tag_lite/filter.py

上级 904609e6
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ python3 ./test.py $1 -f table/column_num.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -f table/db_table.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -f table/tablename-boundary.py
# tag
python3 ./test.py $1 -f tag_lite/filter.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -f tag_lite/create-tags-boundary.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -f dbmgmt/database-name-boundary.py
......@@ -96,3 +98,4 @@ python3 ./test.py $1 -f user/pass_len.py
# table
#python3 ./test.py $1 -f table/del_stable.py
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import random
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
from util.dnodes import *
class Test:
def __init__(self):
self.current_tb = ""
self.last_tb = ""
self.written = 0
def create_table(self):
tdLog.info("create a table")
self.current_tb = "tb%d" % int(round(time.time() * 1000))
tdLog.info("current table %s" % self.current_tb)
if (self.current_tb == self.last_tb):
'create table %s (ts timestamp, speed int)' %
self.last_tb = self.current_tb
self.written = 0
def insert_data(self):
tdLog.info("will insert data to table")
if (self.current_tb == ""):
tdLog.info("no table, create first")
tdLog.info("insert data to table")
insertRows = 10
tdLog.info("insert %d rows to %s" % (insertRows, self.last_tb))
for i in range(0, insertRows):
ret = tdSql.execute(
'insert into %s values (now + %dm, %d)' %
(self.last_tb, i, i))
self.written = self.written + 1
tdLog.info("insert earlier data")
tdSql.execute('insert into %s values (now - 5m , 10)' % self.last_tb)
self.written = self.written + 1
tdSql.execute('insert into %s values (now - 6m , 10)' % self.last_tb)
self.written = self.written + 1
tdSql.execute('insert into %s values (now - 7m , 10)' % self.last_tb)
self.written = self.written + 1
tdSql.execute('insert into %s values (now - 8m , 10)' % self.last_tb)
self.written = self.written + 1
def query_data(self):
if (self.written > 0):
tdLog.info("query data from table")
tdSql.query("select * from %s" % self.last_tb)
def create_stable(self):
tdLog.info("create a super table")
def restart_database(self):
tdLog.info("restart databae")
def force_restart(self):
tdLog.info("force restart database")
def drop_table(self):
if (self.current_tb != ""):
tdLog.info("drop current tb %s" % self.current_tb)
tdSql.execute("drop table %s" % self.current_tb)
self.current_tb = ""
self.last_tb = ""
self.written = 0
def reset_query_cache(self):
tdLog.info("reset query cache")
tdSql.execute("reset query cache")
def reset_database(self):
tdLog.info("reset database")
self.current_tb = ""
self.last_tb = ""
self.written = 0
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
def run(self):
test = Test()
switch = {
1: test.create_table,
2: test.insert_data,
3: test.query_data,
4: test.create_stable,
5: test.restart_database,
6: test.force_restart,
7: test.drop_table,
8: test.reset_query_cache,
9: test.reset_database,
for x in range(1, 100):
r = random.randint(1, 9)
tdLog.notice("iteration %d run func %d" % (x, r))
switch.get(r, lambda: "ERROR")()
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# insert
python3 ./test.py $1 -f insert/basic.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py $1 -f insert/int.py
......@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py $1 -f insert/multi.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
# table
python3 ./test.py $1 -f table/column_name.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py $1 -f table/column_num.py
......@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py $1 -f table/db_table.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
# import
python3 ./test.py $1 -f import_merge/importDataLastSub.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py $1 -f import_merge/importHead.py
......@@ -43,3 +46,7 @@ python3 ./test.py $1 -f import_merge/importTail.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py $1 -f import_merge/importTRestart.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py $1 -f tag_lite/filter.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
def run(self):
#TSIM: system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
#TSIM: system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
#TSIM: system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
#TSIM: sleep 3000
#TSIM: sql connect
#TSIM: print ======================== dnode1 start
tdLog.info('======================== dnode1 start')
dbPrefix = "ta_fi_db"
tbPrefix = "ta_fi_tb"
mtPrefix = "ta_fi_mt"
#TSIM: $tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
#TSIM: $totalNum = 200
#TSIM: print =============== step1
tdLog.info('=============== step1')
i = 0
#TSIM: $db = $dbPrefix . $i
mt = "%s%d" % (mtPrefix, i)
#TSIM: sql create database $db
#TSIM: sql use $db
#TSIM: sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(10))
tdLog.info("create table %s (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(10))" % mt)
tdSql.execute('create table %s (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(10))' % mt)
i = 0
while (i < 5):
tb = "tbPrefix%d" % i
tdLog.info("create table %s using %s tags( '0' )" % (tb, mt))
tdSql.execute("create table %s using %s tags( '0' )" % (tb, mt))
x = 0
while (x < rowNum):
ms = "%dm" % x
tdLog.info("insert into %s values (now + %s , %d)" % (tb, ms, x))
tdSql.execute("insert into %s values (now + %s , %d)" % (tb, ms, x))
x = x + 1
i = i + 1
while (i < 10):
tb = "%s%d" % (tbPrefix , i)
#TSIM: sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1' )
tdLog.info("create table %s using %s tags( '1' )" % (tb, mt))
tdSql.execute("create table %s using %s tags( '1' )" % (tb, mt))
x = 0
while (x < rowNum):
ms = "%dm" % x
#TSIM: sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
tdLog.info("insert into %s values (now + %s, %d )" % (tb, ms, x))
tdSql.execute("insert into %s values (now + %s, %d )" % (tb, ms, x))
x = x + 1
i = i + 1
#TSIM: print =============== step2
tdLog.info('=============== step2')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1'
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s where tgcol = '1'" % mt)
tdSql.query("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s where tgcol = '1'" % mt)
#TSIM: print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
tdLog.info("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (tdSql.getData(0, 0), tdSql.getData(0, 1), tdSql.getData(0, 2), tdSql.getData(0, 3), tdSql.getData(0, 4), tdSql.getData(0, 5), tdSql.getData(0, 6)))
#TSIM: if $data00 != 100 then
tdLog.info('tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tg = '1' -x step2
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s where tg = '1' -x step2" % mt)
tdSql.error("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s where tg = '1'" % mt)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: step2:
#TSIM: print =============== step3
tdLog.info('=============== step3')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where noexist = '1' -x step3
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s where noexist = '1' -x step3" % mt)
tdSql.error("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s where noexist = '1'" % mt)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: step3:
#TSIM: print =============== step4
tdLog.info('=============== step4')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tbcol = '1'
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s where tbcol = '1'" % mt)
tdSql.query("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s where tbcol = '1'" % mt)
#TSIM: if $rows != 1 then
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: if $data00 != 10 then
tdLog.info('tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 10)')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 10)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: print =============== step5
tdLog.info('=============== step5')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s" % mt)
tdSql.query("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s" % mt)
#TSIM: print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
tdLog.info("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (tdSql.getData(0,0), tdSql.getData(0,1), tdSql.getData(0,2), tdSql.getData(0, 3), tdSql.getData(0, 4), tdSql.getData(0,5 ), tdSql.getData(0, 6)))
#TSIM: if $data00 != 200 then
tdLog.info('tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 200)')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 200)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: print =============== step6
tdLog.info('=============== step6')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(cc), sum(xx), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt -x step6
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol), avg(cc), sum(xx), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s -x step6" % mt)
tdSql.error("select count(tbcol), avg(cc), sum(xx), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s" % mt)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: step6:
#TSIM: print =============== step7
tdLog.info('=============== step7')
#TSIM: sql select count(tgcol), avg(tgcol), sum(tgcol), min(tgcol), max(tgcol), first(tgcol), last(tgcol) from $mt -x step7
tdLog.info("select count(tgcol), avg(tgcol), sum(tgcol), min(tgcol), max(tgcol), first(tgcol), last(tgcol) from %s -x step7" % mt)
tdSql.error("select count(tgcol), avg(tgcol), sum(tgcol), min(tgcol), max(tgcol), first(tgcol), last(tgcol) from %s" % mt)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: step7:
#TSIM: print =============== step8
tdLog.info('=============== step8')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tbcol
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s by tbcol" % mt)
tdSql.query("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s group by tbcol" % mt)
#TSIM: print =============== step9
tdLog.info('=============== step9')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by noexist -x step9
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s group by noexist -x step9" % mt)
tdSql.error('select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s group by noexist ' % mt)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: step9:
#TSIM: print =============== step10
tdLog.info('=============== step10')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
tdLog.info('select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s group by tgcol' % mt)
tdSql.query('select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from %s group by tgcol' % mt)
#TSIM: print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
tdLog.info('$data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06')
#TSIM: if $data00 != 100 then
tdLog.info('tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: print =============== step11
tdLog.info('=============== step11')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt group by tbcol
tdLog.info('select count(tbcol) as c from %s group by tbcol' % mt)
tdSql.query('select count(tbcol) as c from %s group by tbcol' % mt)
#TSIM: print =============== step12
tdLog.info('=============== step12')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt group by noexist -x step12
tdLog.info('select count(tbcol) as c from %s group by noexist -x step12' % mt)
tdSql.error('select count(tbcol) as c from %s group by noexist2' % mt)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: step12:
#TSIM: print =============== step13
tdLog.info('=============== step13')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt group by tgcol
tdLog.info('select count(tbcol) as c from %s group by tgcol' % mt)
tdSql.query('select count(tbcol) as c from %s group by tgcol' % mt)
#TSIM: print $data00
#TSIM: if $data00 != 100 then
tdLog.info('tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: print =============== step14
tdLog.info('=============== step14')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts > 1000 group by tgcol
tdLog.info('select count(tbcol) as c from %s where ts > 1000 group by tgcol' % mt)
tdSql.query('select count(tbcol) as c from %s where ts > 1000 group by tgcol' % mt)
#TSIM: print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
# tdLog.info("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (tdSql.getData(0, 0), tdSql.getData(0, 1), tdSql.getData(0, 2), tdSql.getData(0, 3), tdSql.getData(0, 4), tdSql.getData(0, 5), tdSql.getData(0, 6)))
#TSIM: if $data00 != 100 then
tdLog.info('tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)
#TSIM: print expect 100, actual $data00
tdLog.info('expect 100, actual $data00')
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: print =============== step15
tdLog.info('=============== step15')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt where noexist < 1 group by tgcol -x step15
tdLog.info('select count(tbcol) as c from %s where noexist < 1 group by tgcol -x step15' % mt)
tdSql.error('select count(tbcol) as c from %s where noexist < 1 group by tgcol5' % mt)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: step15:
#TSIM: print =============== step16
tdLog.info('=============== step16')
#TSIM: sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol = '1' group by tgcol
tdLog.info("select count(tbcol) as c from %s where tgcol = '1' group by tgcol" % mt)
tdSql.query("select count(tbcol) as c from %s where tgcol = '1' group by tgcol" % mt)
#TSIM: print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
# tdLog.info("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (tdSql.getData(0, 0), tdSql.getData(0, 1), tdSql.getData(0, 2), tdSql.getData(0, 3), tdSql.getData(0, 4), tdSql.getData(0, 5), tdSql.getData(0, 6)))
#TSIM: if $data00 != 100 then
tdLog.info('tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 100)
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: print =============== clear
tdLog.info('=============== clear')
#TSIM: sql drop database $db
tdLog.info('drop database db')
tdSql.execute('drop database db')
#TSIM: sql show databases
tdLog.info('show databases')
tdSql.query('show databases')
#TSIM: if $rows != 0 then
#TSIM: return -1
#TSIM: endi
#TSIM: system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
# convert end
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
......@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ class TDSql:
callerModule = inspect.getmodule(frame[0])
callerFilename = callerModule.__file__
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, expect error not occured" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, expect error not occured" %
(callerFilename, sql))
tdLog.info("sql:%.40s, expect error occured" % (sql))
tdLog.info("sql:%s, expect error occured" % (sql))
def query(self, sql):
self.sql = sql
......@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ class TDSql:
callerModule = inspect.getmodule(frame[0])
callerFilename = callerModule.__file__
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, queryRows:%d != expect:%d" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, queryRows:%d != expect:%d" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, self.queryRows, expectRows))
tdLog.info("sql:%.40s, queryRows:%d == expect:%d" %
tdLog.info("sql:%s, queryRows:%d == expect:%d" %
(self.sql, self.queryRows, expectRows))
def checkData(self, row, col, data):
......@@ -84,35 +84,35 @@ class TDSql:
if row < 0:
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, row:%d is smaller than zero" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, row:%d is smaller than zero" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, row))
if col < 0:
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, col:%d is smaller than zero" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, col:%d is smaller than zero" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, col))
if row >= self.queryRows:
if row > self.queryRows:
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, row:%d is larger than queryRows:%d" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, row:%d is larger than queryRows:%d" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, row, self.queryRows))
if col >= self.queryCols:
if col > self.queryCols:
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, col:%d is larger than queryRows:%d" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, col:%d is larger than queryCols:%d" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, col, self.queryCols))
if self.queryResult[row][col] != data:
tdLog.exit("%s failed: sql:%.40s row:%d col:%d data:%s != expect:%s" % (
tdLog.exit("%s failed: sql:%s row:%d col:%d data:%s != expect:%s" % (
callerFilename, self.sql, row, col, self.queryResult[row][col], data))
if data is None:
tdLog.info("sql:%.40s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(self.sql, row, col, self.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, str):
tdLog.info("sql:%.40s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(self.sql, row, col, self.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, datetime.date):
tdLog.info("sql:%.40s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(self.sql, row, col, self.queryResult[row][col], data))
tdLog.info("sql:%.40s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%d" %
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%d" %
(self.sql, row, col, self.queryResult[row][col], data))
def getData(self, row, col):
......@@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ class TDSql:
if row < 0:
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, row:%d is smaller than zero" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, row:%d is smaller than zero" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, row))
if col < 0:
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, col:%d is smaller than zero" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, col:%d is smaller than zero" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, col))
if row >= self.queryRows:
if row > self.queryRows:
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, row:%d is larger than queryRows:%d" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, row:%d is larger than queryRows:%d" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, row, self.queryRows))
if col >= self.queryCols:
if col > self.queryCols:
"%s failed: sql:%.40s, col:%d is larger than queryRows:%d" %
"%s failed: sql:%s, col:%d is larger than queryCols:%d" %
(callerFilename, self.sql, col, self.queryCols))
return self.queryResult[row][col]
......@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ class TDSql:
callerModule = inspect.getmodule(frame[0])
callerFilename = callerModule.__file__
tdLog.exit("%s failed: sql:%.40s, affectedRows:%d != expect:%d" % (
tdLog.exit("%s failed: sql:%s, affectedRows:%d != expect:%d" % (
callerFilename, self.sql, self.affectedRows, expectAffectedRows))
tdLog.info("sql:%.40s, affectedRows:%d == expect:%d" %
tdLog.info("sql:%s, affectedRows:%d == expect:%d" %
(self.sql, self.affectedRows, expectAffectedRows))
# insert
python3 ./test.py -g -f insert/basic.py
python3 ./test.py -g -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py -g -f insert/int.py
......@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -g -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py -g -f insert/multi.py
python3 ./test.py -g -s && sleep 1
# table
python3 ./test.py -g -f table/column_name.py
python3 ./test.py -g -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py -g -f table/column_num.py
......@@ -31,5 +33,10 @@ python3 ./test.py -g -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py -g -f table/db_table.py
python3 ./test.py -g -s && sleep 1
# import
python3 ./test.py -g -f import_merge/importDataLastSub.py
python3 ./test.py -g -s && sleep 1
python3 ./test.py $1 -f tag_lite/filter.py
python3 ./test.py $1 -s && sleep 1
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