提交 7bdc9d37 编写于 作者: Q qiang

docs: translate weex

上级 0002f8c2
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### addRule
Weex 提供 DOM.addRule 以**加载自定义字体**。开发者可以通过指定 font-family加载 iconfont 和 custom font。开发者可以使用下面的代码加载自定义字体:
Weex provide the ability of loading custom through DOM.addRule. Developers can load iconfont and custom font by specifying the font-family.
Developers may use the following code snippet to load their font:
``` html
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**addRule(type, contentObject)**
- @fontFace 协议名称,不可修改。
- @fontFamily ```font-family```的名称。
- @src 字体地址,url('') 是保留字段,其参数如下:
- http. 从HTTP请求加载, e.g. ```url('http://at.alicdn.com/t/font_1469606063_76593.ttf')```
- https. 从HTTPS请求加载, e.g. ```url('https://at.alicdn.com/t/font_1469606063_76593.ttf')```
- local, Android ONLY. 从assets目录读取, e.g. url('local://foo.ttf'), foo.ttf 是文件名在你的assets目录中.
- file. 从本地文件读取, e.g. ```url('file://storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.alibaba.weex/cache/http:__at.alicdn.com_t_font_1469606063_76593.ttf')```
- data. 从base64读取, e.g. ```url('data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,AAEAAAALAIAAAwAwR1NVQrD+....')```, 上述data字段不全。
- @fontFace You should not change this as this is the name of the font rule
- @fontFamily You should provide the name of your font-family there, the valid name should be a string.
- @src The src of your custom font, and url('') is reserved for protocol reason, the supported parameters are listed below:
- `http`. Read from http, e.g. `url('http://at.alicdn.com/t/font_1469606063_76593.ttf')`
- `https`. Read from https, e.g. `url('https://at.alicdn.com/t/font_1469606063_76593.ttf')`
- `local`, *Android ONLY*. Read from assets directory e.g. `url('local://foo.ttf')`, the **foo.ttf** is in your android assets directory.
- `file`. Read from a local file, e.g. `url('file://storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.alibaba.weex/cache/http:__at.alicdncom_t_font_1469606063_76593.ttf')`
- `data`. Read from a base64 data source, e.g. `url('data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,AAEAAAALAIAAAwAwR1NVQrD+....')`, the above data field is only a part of the actual data.
> addRule 方法里的 fontFamily 可以随意取。这个名字不是字体真正的名字。字体真正的名字(font-family),也就是注册到系统中的名字是保存在字体二进制文件中的。你需要确保你使用的字体的真正名字(font-family)足够特殊,否则在向系统注册时可能发生冲突,导致注册失败,你的字符被显示为‘?’。
> 如果你使用 http://www.iconfont.cn/ 来构建你的 iconfont。确保在项目设置中,设置一个特殊的 font-family 名字。默认是 “iconfont”,但极大可能发生冲突。
> 调用addRule 在 beforeCreate 中是被推荐的。
> You can name `fontFamily` in `addRule` as you wish in your page, any string is OK. But this is not the real font-family name of the font file. The real name or system name for the font is stored in binrary data of ttf file. You must ensure that the real font-family name of font file is unique. Or your font may not be successfully registered to device and your text may display as a '?'.
> Specially, if you are using http://www.iconfont.cn/ to build your iconfont. Make sure that you set a unique enough font-family name for your font in project settings.
> Calling `addRule` in `beforeCreate` is recommended.
### scrollToElement<div id="scrollToElement"></div>
让页面滚动到 ref 对应的组件,这个 API 只能用于可滚动组件的子节点,例如 ```<scroller>``````<list>```, ```<waterfall>``` 等可滚动组件中。
Scroll the scrollable component to the referenced component. This API should only be used in the children components of a scrollable component, such as in a `<scroller>` or `<list>` component.
**scrollToElement(ref, options)**
- @ref,要滚动到的那个节点。
- @options
- offset,一个到其可见位置的偏移距离,默认是 0。
- animated,是否需要附带滚动动画,默认是 true。
- @ref, the referenced component who is meant to scroll into the view.
- @options,
- `offset`, an space on top of the ref component, which is also scrolling down to the visual viewport. Default is `0`.
- `animated`, a boolean indicates whether a scroll animation should be played. If set to false, the ref component will jump into the view without any transition animation. Default is true.
``` html
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### getComponentRect
获取某个元素 View 的外框。
You can get the bounding rect of the referenced component using this API.
**getComponentRect(ref, callback)**
- @ref,要获取外框的那个节点。
- @callback,异步方法,通过回调返回信息。
- @ref, the referenced component.
- @callback, the callback function after executing this action.
An example callback result should be like:
result: true,
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> 此方法需要在节点渲染后调用才能获取正确的信息,可在 mounted 或 更新数据后 updated 中调用
> 如果想要获取到 Weex 视口容器的布局信息,可以指定 ref 为字符串 'viewport',即 getComponentRect('viewport', callback).
> If you want to get the bounding rect of outside viewport of the weex container, you can specify the `ref` as a literal string `'viewport'`, like `getComponentRect('viewport', callback)`.
## animation
```animation```模块可以用来在组件上执行动画。JS-Animation可以对组件执行一系列简单的变换 (位置、大小、旋转角度、背景颜色和不透明度)。
The `animation` module is used to perform animation on components.
JS-Animation can perform a series of simple transformations (position, size, rotation, background color, and opacity) on the component with Javascript.
For example, if you have a `image` component, you can move, rotate, grow, or shrink it by animation.
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### transition
- @ref,将要执行动画的元素。例如指定动画的元素 ref 属性为 test,可以通过调用 this.$refs.test 来获取元素的引用。
- @options,动画参数。
- @ref, the element that will be animated. For example, if the value of `ref` for an element is `test`, you can start an animation with `this.$refs.test`.
- @options, animation properties such as keys, duration.
|可选值 |描述 |
|Property |Describe |
|-- |-- |
|styles |设置不同样式过渡效果的键值对|
|duration |指定动画的持续时间 (单位是毫秒),默认值是 0,表示瞬间达到动画结束状态。 |
|delay |指定请求动画操作到执行动画之间的时间间隔 (单位是毫秒),默认值是 0,表示没有延迟,在请求后立即执行动画。 |
|needLayout |动画执行是否影响布局,默认值是false。 |
|timingFunction |描述动画执行的速度曲线,用于描述动画已消耗时间和动画完成进度间的映射关系。默认值是 ```linear```,表示动画从开始到结束都拥有同样的速度。详见下 |
|styles |specifies the names and values of styles to which a transition effect should be applied.|
|duration |specifies the duration of animation execution, the default value is `0`, meaning that the component get the desired property immediately. |
|delay |specifies the waiting time before the animation starts. The default value is `0`. |
|needLayout |Specifies whether the change to layout(width/height/etc..) is persistence and takes affect after the animation. Default value is `false`|
|timingFunction |describes how the intermediate values are calculated for the CSS properties being affected by the animation effect. default value is `linear` |
The supported styles are listed below:
|可选值 |描述 |
|Property |Describe |
|-- |-- |
|width |表示动画执行后应用到组件上的宽度值。如果你需要影响布局,设置needLayout为true。默认值为computed width。|
|height |表示动画执行后应用到组件上的高度值。如果你需要影响布局,设置设置为 needLayout为true。默认值为computed width。 |
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|可选值 |描述 |
|Property |Describe |
|-- |-- |
|translate/translateX/translateY|指定元素要移动到的位置。单位是长度或百分比,默认值是0. |
|rotate/rotateX/rotateY |v0.16+ 指定元素将被旋转的角度。单位是度 角度度,默认值是0 |
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|可选值 |描述 |
|Property |Describe |
|-- |-- |
|linear |动画从头到尾的速度是相同的 |
|ease-in |动画速度由慢到快 |
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|ease-in-out |动画先加速到达中间点后减速到达终点 |
|cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2) |在三次贝塞尔函数中定义变化过程,函数的参数值必须处于 0 到 1 之间。更多关于三次贝塞尔的信息请参阅 cubic-bezier 和 Bézier curve。|
- @callback,callback是动画执行完毕之后的回调函数。在iOS平台上,你可以获取动画执行是否成功的信息。
- @callback, callback is a function called after the completion of animation. In iOS platform, you can use function to get information of animation execution.
- iOS上可以获取 ```animation``` 是否执行成功的信息,callback中的result参数会有两种,分别是是Success与Fail。
- Android 的callback 函数不支持result参数。
- On iOS platform you can get animation's message about completion, there are two types of parameters with `result`, is `Success`and `Fail`, Android can not support until now.
- Android doesn't support the result parameter.
> 如果需要使用CSS动画,参考[transition](/nvue-css?id=transition)和[transform](/nvue-css?id=transform)。
......@@ -633,21 +636,21 @@ nvue 支持大部分 uni-app API ,下面只列举目前还**不支持的 API**
##### 动画
|API |说明 |解决方案|
|API |Describe |解决方案|
|-- |-- |-- |
|uni.createAnimation() |创建一个动画实例 |[animation](/nvue-api?id=animation)|
##### 滚动
|API |说明 |解决方案|
|API |Describe |解决方案|
|-- |-- |-- |
|uni.pageScrollTo() |将页面滚动到目标位置 |[scrollToElement](#scrollToElement)|
##### 节点布局交互
|API |说明 |
|API |Describe |
|-- |-- |
|uni.createIntersectionObserver() |创建并返回一个 IntersectionObserver 对象实例 |
```Weex``` 提供了通过事件触发动作的能力,例如在用户点击组件时执行 ```JavaScript```。
下面列出了可被添加到 ```Weex``` 组件上以定义事件动作的属性:
Weex provide the ability to let events trigger action, like starting a JavaScript when a user click on a component. Below are the common event attributes that can be added to weex components to define event actions.
### 事件穿透
### Event penetration
> Android和iOS下原生事件传递机制不同,这里仅针对iOS
> The principle of native event delivery under Android and iOS is different, only for iOS here.
When a parent view has multiple peer views, iOS will select the highest level View to respond to the event, and the underlying view event will never be responded.
Weex add attribute `eventPenetrationEnabled` to `<div>` component. When the value is `true`(default would be `false`), the view's children views still respond to the event normally, while the view itself will not respond to the event, but pass the event to the lower level View.
### View交互性
### View interactivity
Weex add attribute `userInteractionEnabled` to `<div>` component. When the value is `false`(default would be `true`), neither the view nor its children views respond to the event. The event is passed to the lower layer View.
如果一个组件被绑定了 longpress 事件,那么当用户长按这个组件时,该事件将会被触发。
If a `longpress` event is bound to a component, the event will be triggered when user long press on it.
**event object**
|key |value |备注 |
|-- |-- |-- |
|type |longpress| |
|target | |触发长按事件的目标组件 |
|timestamp| |长按事件触发时的时间戳(不支持 H5) |
|target | |The target component where the event is triggered |
|timestamp| |Timestamp when event is triggered |
如果一个位于某个可滚动区域内的组件被绑定了 appear 事件,那么当这个组件的状态变为在屏幕上可见时,该事件将被触发。
If a appear event is bound to a component inside a scrollable container, the event will be triggered when the component comes to be visible.
**event object**
|key |value |备注 |
|key |value |notes |
|-- |-- |-- |
|type |appear | |
|target | |触发 Appear 事件的组件对象 |
|timestamp | |事件被触发时的时间戳(不支持 H5)|
|direction | ```up```或 ```down``` |触发事件时屏幕的滚动方向 |
|target | |The target component where the event is triggered |
|timestamp | |Timestamp when event is triggered|
|direction | ```up```or ```down``` |The direction in which the scroller is scrolling. |
如果一个位于某个可滚动区域内的组件被绑定了 ```disappear``` 事件,那么当这个组件被滑出屏幕变为不可见状态时,该事件将被触发。
If a `disappear` event is bound to a component inside a scrollable container, the event will be triggered when the component scrolls out of viewport and disappears from your sight.
**event object**
|key |value |备注 |
|-- |-- |-- |
|type |disappear | |
|target | |触发 Disappear 事件的组件对象 |
|timestamp| |事件被触发时的时间戳(不支持 H5)|
|direction| ```up```或 ```down``` |触发事件时屏幕的滚动方向 |
|target | |The target component where the event is triggered |
|timestamp| |Timestamp when event is triggered|
|direction| ```up```or ```down``` |The direction in which the scroller is scrolling. Could be `up` or `down` |
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