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......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
### 安装Telegraf
目前TDengine支持Telegraf 1.7.4以上的版本。用户可以根据当前的操作系统,到Telegraf官网下载安装包,并执行安装。下载地址如下:https://portal.influxdata.com/downloads
### 配置Telegraf
......@@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ TDengine能够与开源数据采集系统[Telegraf](https://www.influxdata.com/t
### 安装Grafana
目前TDengine支持Grafana 5.2.4以上的版本。用户可以根据当前的操作系统,到Grafana官网下载安装包,并执行安装。下载地址如下:https://grafana.com/grafana/download
### 配置Grafana
以CentOS 7.2操作系统为例,将tdengine目录拷贝到/var/lib/grafana/plugins目录下,重新启动grafana即可。
### 使用Grafana
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ALIAS BY输入框为查询的别名,点击GENERATE SQL 按钮可以获取发
MatLab可以通过安装包内提供的JDBC Driver直接连接到TDengine获取数据到本地工作空间。
### MatLab的JDBC接口适配
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ MatLab的适配有下面几个步骤,下面以Windows10上适配MatLab2017a为
### 在MatLab中连接TDengine获取数据
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ INSERT INTO therm3 VALUES (’2018-01-01 00:00:00.000’, 24);
INSERT INTO therm4 VALUES (’2018-01-01 00:00:00.000’, 23);
### 按标签聚合查询
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ WHERE location=’beijing’ or location=’tianjing’
GROUP BY location, type
### 按时间周期聚合查询
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TDengine does not save tags as a part of the data points collected. Instead, tag
Like a table, you can create, show, delete and describe STables. Most query operations on tables can be applied to STable too, including the aggregation and selector functions. For queries on a STable, if no tags filter, the operations are applied to all the tables created via this STable. If there is a tag filter, the operations are applied only to a subset of the tables which satisfy the tag filter conditions. It will be very convenient to use tags to put devices into different groups for aggregation.
##Create a STable
## Create a STable
Similiar to creating a standard table, syntax is:
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ tags (location binary(20), type int)
The above statement creates a STable thermometer with two tag "location" and "type"
##Create a Table via STable
## Create a Table via STable
To create a table for a device, you can use a STable as its template and assign the tag values. The syntax is:
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ The above SQL statement will list the number of tables in a STable, which satisf
You can add, delete and change the tags for a STable, and you can change the tag value of a table. The SQL commands are listed below.
###Add a Tag
### Add a Tag
ALTER TABLE <stable_name> ADD TAG <new_tag_name> <TYPE>
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ ALTER TABLE <stable_name> ADD TAG <new_tag_name> <TYPE>
It adds a new tag to the STable with a data type. The maximum number of tags is 6.
###Drop a Tag
### Drop a Tag
ALTER TABLE <stable_name> DROP TAG <tag_name>
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ ALTER TABLE <stable_name> DROP TAG <tag_name>
It drops a tag from a STable. The first tag could not be deleted, and there must be at least one tag.
###Change a Tag's Name
### Change a Tag's Name
ALTER TABLE <stable_name> CHANGE TAG <old_tag_name> <new_tag_name>
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ ALTER TABLE <stable_name> CHANGE TAG <old_tag_name> <new_tag_name>
It changes the name of a tag from old to new.
###Change the Tag's Value
### Change the Tag's Value
ALTER TABLE <table_name> SET TAG <tag_name>=<new_tag_value>
TDengine提供类似SQL语法,用户可以在TDengine Shell中使用SQL语句操纵数据库,也可以通过C/C++, Java(JDBC), Python, Go等各种程序来执行SQL语句。
TDengine provides a SQL like query language to insert or query data. You can execute the SQL statements through the TDengine Shell, or through C/C++, Java(JDBC), Python, Restful, Go, and Node.js APIs to interact with the `taosd` service.
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ Before reading through, please have a look at the conventions used for syntax de
* A single verticle line ("|") works a separator for multiple optional args or clauses
* Dots ("…") means repeating for as many times
##Data Types
## Data Types
### Timestamp
The timestamp is the most important data type in TDengine. The first column of each table must be **`TIMESTAMP`** type, but other columns can also be **`TIMESTAMP`** type. The following rules for timestamp:
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The timestamp is the most important data type in TDengine. The first column of e
Default time precision is millisecond, you can change it to microseocnd by setting parameter enableMicrosecond in [system configuration](../administrator/#Configuration-on-Server). For epoch time, the long integer shall be microseconds since the epoch. For the above string format, MS shall be six digits.
###Data Types
### Data Types
The full list of data types is listed below. For string types of data, we will use ***M*** to indicate the maximum length of that type.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ The full list of data types is listed below. For string types of data, we will
All the keywords in a SQL statement are case-insensitive, but strings values are case-sensitive and must be quoted by a pair of `'` or `"`. To quote a `'` or a `"` , you can use the escape character `\`.
##Database Management
## Database Management
- **Create a Database**
##连续查询(Continuous Query)
## 连续查询(Continuous Query)
连续查询是TDengine定期自动执行的查询,采用滑动窗口的方式进行计算,是一种简化的时间驱动的流式计算。针对库中的表或超级表,TDengine可提供定期自动执行的连续查询,用户可让TDengine推送查询的结果,也可以将结果再写回到TDengine中。每次执行的查询是一个时间窗口,时间窗口随着时间流动向前滑动。在定义连续查询的时候需要指定时间窗口(time window, 参数interval )大小和每次前向增量时间(forward sliding times, 参数sliding)。
TDengine的连续查询采用时间驱动模式,可以直接使用TAOS SQL进行定义,不需要额外的操作。使用连续查询,可以方便快捷地按照时间窗口生成结果,从而对原始采集数据进行降采样(down sampling)。用户通过TAOS SQL定义连续查询以后,TDengine自动在最后的一个完整的时间周期末端拉起查询,并将计算获得的结果推送给用户或者写回TDengine。
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ TDengine提供的连续查询与普通流计算中的时间窗口计算具有以
- 使用连续查询推送结果的模式,服务端并不缓存客户端计算状态,也不提供Exactly-Once的语意保证。如果用户的应用端崩溃,再次拉起的连续查询将只会从再次拉起的时间开始重新计算最近的一个完整的时间窗口。如果使用写回模式,TDengine可确保数据写回的有效性和连续性。
#### 使用连续查询
使用TAOS SQL定义连续查询的过程,需要调用API taos_stream在应用端启动连续查询。例如要对统计表FOO_TABLE 每1分钟统计一次记录数量,前向滑动的时间是30秒,SQL语句如下:
......@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ CREATE TABLE QUERY_RES
#### 管理连续查询
用户可在控制台中通过 *show streams* 命令来查看系统中全部运行的连续查询,并可以通过 *kill stream* 命令杀掉对应的连续查询。在写回模式中,如果用户可以直接将写回的表删除,此时连续查询也会自动停止并关闭。后续版本会提供更细粒度和便捷的连续查询管理命令。
## 数据订阅(Publisher/Subscriber)
#### API说明
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ TDengine的订阅与推送服务的状态是客户端维持,TDengine服务器
<li><p><code>TAOS_FIELD *taos_fetch_subfields(TAOS_SUB *tsub)</code></p><p>获取每列数据的属性(数据类型、名字、长度),与taos_num_subfileds配合使用,可解析返回的每行数据。</p></li></ul>
##缓存 (Cache)
## 缓存 (Cache)
#Advanced Features
# Advanced Features
##Continuous Query
## Continuous Query
Continuous Query is a query executed by TDengine periodically with a sliding window, it is a simplified stream computing driven by timers, not by events. Continuous query can be applied to a table or a STable, and the result set can be passed to the application directly via call back function, or written into a new table in TDengine. The query is always executed on a specified time window (window size is specified by parameter interval), and this window slides forward while time flows (the sliding period is specified by parameter sliding).
Continuous query is defined by TAOS SQL, there is nothing special. One of the best applications is downsampling. Once it is defined, at the end of each cycle, the system will execute the query, pass the result to the application or write it to a database.
If historical data pints are inserted into the stream, the query won't be re-executed, and the result set won't be updated. If the result set is passed to the application, the application needs to keep the status of continuous query, the server won't maintain it. If application re-starts, it needs to decide the time where the stream computing shall be started.
####How to use continuous query
#### How to use continuous query
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ By this design, the application can retrieve the latest data from each device su
select last(*) from thermometers where location=’beijing’
By this design, caching tool, like Redis, is not needed in the system. It will reduce the complexity of the system.
Through this design, caching tools like Redis are no longer needed in the system, helping reduce the complexity of the system.
TDengine creates one or more virtual nodes(vnode) in each data node. Each vnode contains data for multiple tables and has its own buffer. The buffer of a vnode is fully separated from the buffer of another vnode, not shared. But the tables in a vnode share the same buffer.
System configuration parameter cacheBlockSize configures the cache block size in bytes, and another parameter cacheNumOfBlocks configures the number of cache blocks. The total memory for the buffer of a vnode is $cacheBlockSize \times cacheNumOfBlocks$. Another system parameter numOfBlocksPerMeter configures the maximum number of cache blocks a table can use. When you create a database, you can specify these parameters.
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System configuration parameter cacheBlockSize configures the cache block size in bytes, and another parameter cacheNumOfBlocks configures the number of cache blocks. The total memory for the buffer of a vnode is `cacheBlockSize * cacheNumOfBlocks`​. Another system parameter `numOfBlocksPerMeter` configures the maximum number of cache blocks a table can use. When you create a database, you can specify these parameters.
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