提交 c579ef88 编写于 作者: B binaryify


上级 7a2dd909
# 更新日志
### 4.0.16 | 2021.6.2
- 新增歌手粉丝,数字专辑详情,数字专辑销量,音乐人数据概况,音乐人播放趋势,音乐人任务,账号云豆数,领取云豆等接口 [#1252](https://github.com/Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi/pull/1252)
### 4.0.15 | 2021.5.29
- 新增已购单曲,获取mlog播放地址,将mlog id转为视频id,vip成长值,vip成长值获取记录,vip任务,领取vip成长值 等接口 [#1248](https://github.com/Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi/pull/1248)
- 新增已购单曲,获取mlog播放地址,将mlog id转为视频id,vip成长值,vip成长值获取记录,vip任务,领取vip成长值等接口 [#1248](https://github.com/Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi/pull/1248)
### 4.0.14 | 2021.5.28
- 增加云贝推歌接口,云贝推歌历史记录接口 [#1246](https://github.com/Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi/pull/1246)
......@@ -320,6 +320,21 @@ banner({ type:0 }).then(res=>{
206. 云盘歌曲信息匹配纠正
207. 云贝推歌
208. 云贝推歌历史记录
209. 已购单曲
210. 获取mlog播放地址
211. 将mlog id转为视频id
212. vip成长值
213. vip成长值获取记录
214. vip任务
215. 领取vip成长值
216. 歌手粉丝
216. 数字专辑详情
217. 数字专辑销量
218. 音乐人数据概况
219. 音乐人播放趋势
220. 音乐人任务
221. 账号云豆数
222. 领取云豆
## 更新日志
......@@ -1473,3 +1473,45 @@ export function vip_growthpoint_get(
ids?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function artist_fans(
params: {
id: number | string
limit?: number | string
offset?: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function digitalAlbum_detail(
params: {
id: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function digitalAlbum_sales(
params: {
ids: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function musician_data_overview(
params: RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function musician_play_trend(
params: {
startTime: number | string
endTime: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
export function musician_tasksss(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function musician_cloudbean(params: RequestBaseConfig): Promise<Response>
export function musician_cloudbean_obtain(
params: {
id: number | string
period: number | string
} & RequestBaseConfig,
): Promise<Response>
"name": "NeteaseCloudMusicApi",
"version": "4.0.15",
"version": "4.0.16",
"lockfileVersion": 2,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"version": "4.0.15",
"version": "4.0.16",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.21.1",
"name": "NeteaseCloudMusicApi",
"version": "4.0.15",
"version": "4.0.16",
"description": "网易云音乐 NodeJS 版 API",
"scripts": {
"start": "node app.js",
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