未验证 提交 cdaea62e 编写于 作者: S Steven Powell 提交者: GitHub

Update binaries.md

上级 0a290b92
......@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@ See [ISO release instructions]({{<ref "iso.md">}})
## Release new kicbase image
If there are changes to the Dockerfile for the docker and/or podman drivers
(and there is a -snapshot image), you should retag it as a new version and push it to GCR, dockerhub and github packages.
For example, if you are releasing v0.0.13 and the current kicbase image tag is v0.0.12-snapshot, you should tag v0.0.13 and change [kic/types.go](https://github.com/medyagh/minikube/blob/635ff53a63e5bb1be4e1abb9067ebe502a16224e/pkg/drivers/kic/types.go#L29-L30) as well.
Run the `kic-release` job in Jenkins, which will automatically create a PR which must be merged (make sure to enter the correct version and repos).
## Update Release Notes
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