提交 c6686317 编写于 作者: A Anders F Björklund

Don't use bash as the entrypoint for docker

The bash shell is not very good at playing init(1), let
tini handle this instead by doing `docker run --init`.

This makes it forward signals properly to e.g. make,
and also reaps processes for long-running containers.

However, we _need_ to override the entrypoint of the
karalabe/xgo image, since it'll self-destruct otherwise.

It (/build.sh) expects the command to be the import path
and cannot handle getting the bash command line to run.
上级 3322c50c
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ HYPERKIT_LDFLAGS := -X k8s.io/minikube/pkg/drivers/hyperkit.version=$(VERSION) -
# $(call DOCKER, image, command)
define DOCKER
docker run --rm -e GOCACHE=/app/.cache -e IN_DOCKER=1 --user $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) -w /app -v $(PWD):/app -v $(GOPATH):/go --entrypoint /bin/bash $(1) -c '$(2)'
docker run --rm -e GOCACHE=/app/.cache -e IN_DOCKER=1 --user $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) -w /app -v $(PWD):/app -v $(GOPATH):/go --init $(1) /bin/bash -c '$(2)'
ifeq ($(BUILD_IN_DOCKER),y)
......@@ -427,7 +427,10 @@ out/minikube-installer.exe: out/minikube-windows-amd64.exe
$(call DOCKER,$(HYPERKIT_BUILD_IMAGE),CC=o64-clang CXX=o64-clang++ /usr/bin/make $@)
docker run --rm -e GOCACHE=/app/.cache -e IN_DOCKER=1 \
--user $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) -w /app \
-v $(PWD):/app -v $(GOPATH):/go --init --entrypoint "" \
$(HYPERKIT_BUILD_IMAGE) /bin/bash -c 'CC=o64-clang CXX=o64-clang++ /usr/bin/make $@'
GOOS=darwin CGO_ENABLED=1 go build \
-ldflags="$(HYPERKIT_LDFLAGS)" \
......@@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ endif
rm -f out/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit
$(call DOCKER,$(HYPERKIT_BUILD_IMAGE),CC=o64-clang CXX=o64-clang++ /usr/bin/make out/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit)
$(MAKE) MINIKUBE_BUILD_IN_DOCKER=y out/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit
.PHONY: install-hyperkit-driver
install-hyperkit-driver: out/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit
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