提交 c42b9066 编写于 作者: P Priya Wadhwa

Include storage provisioner version as ldflag when building preload tarballs

上级 f1f7f07b
......@@ -536,7 +536,8 @@ kic-base-image: ## builds the base image used for kic.
.PHONY: upload-preloaded-images-tar
upload-preloaded-images-tar: out/minikube # Upload the preloaded images for oldest supported, newest supported, and default kubernetes versions to GCS.
go run ./hack/preload-images/*.go
go build -ldflags="$(MINIKUBE_LDFLAGS)" -o out/upload-preload ./hack/preload-images/*.go
.PHONY: push-storage-provisioner-image
push-storage-provisioner-image: storage-provisioner-image ## Push storage-provisioner docker image using gcloud
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