提交 c2f30ef6 编写于 作者: A Aaron Prindle 提交者: aprindle

Added windows installer files with stubbed license and makefile target.

上级 3876d756
......@@ -13,8 +13,12 @@
# limitations under the License.
# Bump these on release
VERSION ?= v0.10.0
DEB_VERSION ?= 0.10-0
INSTALL_SIZE ?= $(shell du out/minikube-windows-amd64.exe | cut -f1)
GOOS ?= $(shell go env GOOS)
GOARCH ?= $(shell go env GOARCH)
......@@ -123,3 +127,17 @@ out/minikube_$(DEB_VERSION).deb: out/minikube-linux-amd64
cp out/minikube-linux-amd64 out/minikube_$(DEB_VERSION)/usr/bin
dpkg-deb --build out/minikube_$(DEB_VERSION)
rm -rf out/minikube_$(DEB_VERSION)
out/minikube-installer.exe: out/minikube-windows-amd64.exe
rm -rf out/windows_tmp
cp -r installers/windows/ out/windows_tmp
cp -r LICENSE out/windows_tmp/LICENSE
awk 'sub("$$", "\r")' out/windows_tmp/LICENSE > out/windows_tmp/LICENSE.txt
sed -E -i 's/--VERSION_MAJOR--/'$(VERSION_MAJOR)'/g' out/windows_tmp/minikube.nsi
sed -E -i 's/--VERSION_MINOR--/'$(VERSION_MINOR)'/g' out/windows_tmp/minikube.nsi
sed -E -i 's/--VERSION_BUILD--/'$(VERSION_BUILD)'/g' out/windows_tmp/minikube.nsi
sed -E -i 's/--INSTALL_SIZE--/'$(INSTALL_SIZE)'/g' out/windows_tmp/minikube.nsi
cp out/minikube-windows-amd64.exe out/windows_tmp/minikube.exe
makensis out/windows_tmp/minikube.nsi
mv out/windows_tmp/minikube-installer.exe out/minikube-installer.exe
rm -rf out/windows_tmp
* EnvVarUpdate.nsh
* : Environmental Variables: append, prepend, and remove entries
* WARNING: If you use StrFunc.nsh header then include it before this file
* with all required definitions. This is to avoid conflicts
* Usage:
* ${EnvVarUpdate} "ResultVar" "EnvVarName" "Action" "RegLoc" "PathString"
* Credits:
* Version 1.0
* * Cal Turney (turnec2)
* * Amir Szekely (KiCHiK) and e-circ for developing the forerunners of this
* function: AddToPath, un.RemoveFromPath, AddToEnvVar, un.RemoveFromEnvVar,
* WriteEnvStr, and un.DeleteEnvStr
* * Diego Pedroso (deguix) for StrTok
* * Kevin English (kenglish_hi) for StrContains
* * Hendri Adriaens (Smile2Me), Diego Pedroso (deguix), and Dan Fuhry
* (dandaman32) for StrReplace
* Version 1.1 (compatibility with StrFunc.nsh)
* * techtonik
* http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Environmental_Variables:_append%2C_prepend%2C_and_remove_entries
!verbose push
!verbose 3
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include "WinMessages.NSH"
!include "StrFunc.nsh"
; ---- Fix for conflict if StrFunc.nsh is already includes in main file -----------------------
!macro _IncludeStrFunction StrFuncName
!ifndef ${StrFuncName}_INCLUDED
!ifndef Un${StrFuncName}_INCLUDED
!define un.${StrFuncName} "${Un${StrFuncName}}"
!insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrTok
!insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrStr
!insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrRep
; ---------------------------------- Macro Definitions ----------------------------------------
!macro _EnvVarUpdateConstructor ResultVar EnvVarName Action Regloc PathString
Push "${EnvVarName}"
Push "${Action}"
Push "${RegLoc}"
Push "${PathString}"
Call EnvVarUpdate
Pop "${ResultVar}"
!define EnvVarUpdate '!insertmacro "_EnvVarUpdateConstructor"'
!macro _unEnvVarUpdateConstructor ResultVar EnvVarName Action Regloc PathString
Push "${EnvVarName}"
Push "${Action}"
Push "${RegLoc}"
Push "${PathString}"
Call un.EnvVarUpdate
Pop "${ResultVar}"
!define un.EnvVarUpdate '!insertmacro "_unEnvVarUpdateConstructor"'
; ---------------------------------- Macro Definitions end-------------------------------------
;----------------------------------- EnvVarUpdate start----------------------------------------
!define hklm_all_users 'HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"'
!define hkcu_current_user 'HKCU "Environment"'
!macro EnvVarUpdate UN
Function ${UN}EnvVarUpdate
Push $0
Exch 4
Exch $1
Exch 3
Exch $2
Exch 2
Exch $3
Exch $4
Push $5
Push $6
Push $7
Push $8
Push $9
Push $R0
/* After this point:
$0 = ResultVar (returned)
$1 = EnvVarName (input)
$2 = Action (input)
$3 = RegLoc (input)
$4 = PathString (input)
$5 = Orig EnvVar (read from registry)
$6 = Len of $0 (temp)
$7 = tempstr1 (temp)
$8 = Entry counter (temp)
$9 = tempstr2 (temp)
$R0 = tempChar (temp) */
; Step 1: Read contents of EnvVarName from RegLoc
; Check for empty EnvVarName
${If} $1 == ""
DetailPrint "ERROR: EnvVarName is blank"
Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
; Check for valid Action
${If} $2 != "A"
${AndIf} $2 != "P"
${AndIf} $2 != "R"
DetailPrint "ERROR: Invalid Action - must be A, P, or R"
Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
${If} $3 == HKLM
ReadRegStr $5 ${hklm_all_users} $1 ; Get EnvVarName from all users into $5
${ElseIf} $3 == HKCU
ReadRegStr $5 ${hkcu_current_user} $1 ; Read EnvVarName from current user into $5
DetailPrint 'ERROR: Action is [$3] but must be "HKLM" or HKCU"'
Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
; Check for empty PathString
${If} $4 == ""
DetailPrint "ERROR: PathString is blank"
Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
; Make sure we've got some work to do
${If} $5 == ""
${AndIf} $2 == "R"
DetailPrint "$1 is empty - Nothing to remove"
Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
; Step 2: Scrub EnvVar
StrCpy $0 $5 ; Copy the contents to $0
; Remove spaces around semicolons (NOTE: spaces before the 1st entry or
; after the last one are not removed here but instead in Step 3)
${If} $0 != "" ; If EnvVar is not empty ...
${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 " ;"
${If} $7 == ""
${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 " ;" ";" ; Remove '<space>;'
${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 "; "
${If} $7 == ""
${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 "; " ";" ; Remove ';<space>'
${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 ";;"
${If} $7 == ""
${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 ";;" ";"
; Remove a leading or trailing semicolon from EnvVar
StrCpy $7 $0 1 0
${If} $7 == ";"
StrCpy $0 $0 "" 1 ; Change ';<EnvVar>' to '<EnvVar>'
StrLen $6 $0
IntOp $6 $6 - 1
StrCpy $7 $0 1 $6
${If} $7 == ";"
StrCpy $0 $0 $6 ; Change ';<EnvVar>' to '<EnvVar>'
; DetailPrint "Scrubbed $1: [$0]" ; Uncomment to debug
/* Step 3. Remove all instances of the target path/string (even if "A" or "P")
$6 = bool flag (1 = found and removed PathString)
$7 = a string (e.g. path) delimited by semicolon(s)
$8 = entry counter starting at 0
$9 = copy of $0
$R0 = tempChar */
${If} $5 != "" ; If EnvVar is not empty ...
StrCpy $9 $0
StrCpy $0 ""
StrCpy $8 0
StrCpy $6 0
${${UN}StrTok} $7 $9 ";" $8 "0" ; $7 = next entry, $8 = entry counter
${If} $7 == "" ; If we've run out of entries,
${ExitDo} ; were done
${EndIf} ;
; Remove leading and trailing spaces from this entry (critical step for Action=Remove)
StrCpy $R0 $7 1
${If} $R0 != " "
StrCpy $7 $7 "" 1 ; Remove leading space
StrCpy $R0 $7 1 -1
${If} $R0 != " "
StrCpy $7 $7 -1 ; Remove trailing space
${If} $7 == $4 ; If string matches, remove it by not appending it
StrCpy $6 1 ; Set 'found' flag
${ElseIf} $7 != $4 ; If string does NOT match
${AndIf} $0 == "" ; and the 1st string being added to $0,
StrCpy $0 $7 ; copy it to $0 without a prepended semicolon
${ElseIf} $7 != $4 ; If string does NOT match
${AndIf} $0 != "" ; and this is NOT the 1st string to be added to $0,
StrCpy $0 $0;$7 ; append path to $0 with a prepended semicolon
${EndIf} ;
IntOp $8 $8 + 1 ; Bump counter
${Loop} ; Check for duplicates until we run out of paths
; Step 4: Perform the requested Action
${If} $2 != "R" ; If Append or Prepend
${If} $6 == 1 ; And if we found the target
DetailPrint "Target is already present in $1. It will be removed and"
${If} $0 == "" ; If EnvVar is (now) empty
StrCpy $0 $4 ; just copy PathString to EnvVar
${If} $6 == 0 ; If found flag is either 0
${OrIf} $6 == "" ; or blank (if EnvVarName is empty)
DetailPrint "$1 was empty and has been updated with the target"
${ElseIf} $2 == "A" ; If Append (and EnvVar is not empty),
StrCpy $0 $0;$4 ; append PathString
${If} $6 == 1
DetailPrint "appended to $1"
DetailPrint "Target was appended to $1"
${Else} ; If Prepend (and EnvVar is not empty),
StrCpy $0 $4;$0 ; prepend PathString
${If} $6 == 1
DetailPrint "prepended to $1"
DetailPrint "Target was prepended to $1"
${Else} ; If Action = Remove
${If} $6 == 1 ; and we found the target
DetailPrint "Target was found and removed from $1"
DetailPrint "Target was NOT found in $1 (nothing to remove)"
${If} $0 == ""
DetailPrint "$1 is now empty"
; Step 5: Update the registry at RegLoc with the updated EnvVar and announce the change
${If} $3 == HKLM
WriteRegExpandStr ${hklm_all_users} $1 $0 ; Write it in all users section
${ElseIf} $3 == HKCU
WriteRegExpandStr ${hkcu_current_user} $1 $0 ; Write it to current user section
IfErrors 0 +4
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Could not write updated $1 to $3"
DetailPrint "Could not write updated $1 to $3"
Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
; "Export" our change
SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000
; Restore the user's variables and return ResultVar
Pop $R0
Pop $9
Pop $8
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $4
Pop $3
Pop $2
Pop $1
Push $0 ; Push my $0 (ResultVar)
Pop $0 ; Restore his $0
!macroend ; EnvVarUpdate UN
!insertmacro EnvVarUpdate ""
!insertmacro EnvVarUpdate "un."
;----------------------------------- EnvVarUpdate end----------------------------------------
!verbose pop
# This installs two files, minikube.exe and logo.ico, creates a start menu shortcut, builds an uninstaller, and
# adds uninstall information to the registry for Add/Remove Programs
# To get started, put this script into a folder with the two files (minikube.exe, logo.ico, and LICENSE.txt -
# You'll have to create these yourself) and run makensis on it
# If you change the names "minikube.exe", "logo.ico", or "LICENSE.txt" you should do a search and replace - they
# show up in a few places.
# All the other settings can be tweaked by editing the !defines at the top of this script
# Unicode true # This command is not available in 2.46 which is on apt-get. Debating how to proceed
!define APPNAME "Minikube"
!define COMPANYNAME "Kubernetes"
!define DESCRIPTION "A Local Kubernetes Development Environment"
# These three must be integers
# These will be displayed by the "Click here for support information" link in "Add/Remove Programs"
# It is possible to use "mailto:" links in here to open the email client
!define HELPURL "https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube" # "Support Information" link
!define UPDATEURL "https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases" # "Product Updates" link
!define ABOUTURL "https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube" # "Publisher" link
# This is the size (in kB) of all the files copied into "Program Files"
RequestExecutionLevel admin ;Require admin rights on NT6+ (When UAC is turned on)
!define UNINSTALLDIR "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${COMPANYNAME} ${APPNAME}"
BrandingText " "
# rtf or txt file - remember if it is txt, it must be in the DOS text format (\r\n)
# This will be in the installer/uninstaller's title bar
Icon "logo.ico"
OutFile "minikube-installer.exe"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
!include "EnvVarUpdate.nsh"
!include "MUI2.nsh" ; Modern UI
!define MUI_ICON "logo.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "logo.ico"
!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "logo.bmp"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "LICENSE.txt"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
; Set languages (first is default language)
;!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "TradChinese"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hungarian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Russian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Dutch"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "SimpChinese"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Polish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Czech"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovenian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Swedish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Norwegian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "PortugueseBR"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Ukrainian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Turkish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Catalan"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Arabic"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Lithuanian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Finnish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Greek"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Korean"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hebrew"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Portuguese"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Farsi"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Bulgarian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Indonesian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Japanese"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Croatian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Serbian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Thai"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "NorwegianNynorsk"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Belarusian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Albanian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Malay"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Galician"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Basque"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Luxembourgish"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Afrikaans"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Uzbek"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Macedonian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Latvian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Bosnian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Mongolian"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Estonian"
Function .onInit
Section "Install"
# Files for the install directory - to build the installer, these should be in the same directory as the install script (this file)
# Files added here should be removed by the uninstaller (see section "uninstall")
File "minikube.exe"
File "logo.ico"
# Add any other files for the install directory (license files, app data, etc) here
# Uninstaller - See function un.onInit and section "uninstall" for configuration
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
# Start Menu
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${COMPANYNAME}\${APPNAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\minikube.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\logo.ico"
# Registry information for add/remove programs
WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALLDIR}" "UninstallString" "$\"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe$\""
WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALLDIR}" "QuietUninstallString" "$\"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe$\" /S"
WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALLDIR}" "InstallLocation" "$\"$INSTDIR$\""
WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALLDIR}" "DisplayIcon" "$\"$INSTDIR\logo.ico$\""
WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALLDIR}" "Publisher" "$\"${COMPANYNAME}$\""
WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALLDIR}" "HelpLink" "$\"${HELPURL}$\""
WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALLDIR}" "URLUpdateInfo" "$\"${UPDATEURL}$\""
WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALLDIR}" "URLInfoAbout" "$\"${ABOUTURL}$\""
# There is no option for modifying or repairing the install
# Set the INSTALLSIZE constant (!defined at the top of this script) so Add/Remove Programs can accurately report the size
# Add installed executable to PATH
${EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "A" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR" ; appends to the system path
Section "Uninstall"
# Remove Start Menu launcher
# Try to remove the Start Menu folder - this will only happen if it is empty
# Remove files
Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\minikube.exe
Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\logo.ico
# Always delete uninstaller as the last action
Delete /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe
# Try to remove the install directory - this will only happen if it is empty
# Remove uninstaller information from the registry
# Remove uninstalled executable from PATH
${un.EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "R" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR" ; removes from the system path
\ No newline at end of file
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