提交 9af20428 编写于 作者: 李龙峰

modify the original word

上级 eaeff34f
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ func TestFunctional(t *testing.T) {
{"CopySyncFile", setupFileSync}, // Set file for the file sync test case
{"StartWithProxy", validateStartWithProxy}, // Set everything else up for success
{"AuditLog", validateAuditAfterStart}, // check audit feature works
{"SoftStart", validateSoftStart}, // do a soft start. ensure config didn't change.
{"SoftStart", validateSoftStart}, // do a soft start. ensure config didnt change.
{"KubeContext", validateKubeContext}, // Racy: must come immediately after "minikube start"
{"KubectlGetPods", validateKubectlGetPods}, // Make sure apiserver is up
{"CacheCmd", validateCacheCmd}, // Caches images needed for subsequent tests because of proxy
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