提交 eaa01c9f 编写于 作者: NoSubject's avatar NoSubject


上级 3c80ed1d
......@@ -221,6 +221,53 @@ o2.xDesktop.requireApp = function (module, clazz, callback, async) {
var _openApplicationPC = function (appNames, options, statusObj) {
var par = "app=" + encodeURIComponent(appNames) + "&status=" + encodeURIComponent((statusObj) ? JSON.encode(statusObj) : "") + "&option=" + encodeURIComponent((options) ? JSON.encode(options) : "");
switch (appNames) {
case "process.Work":
var url = "../x_desktop/work.html";
if (options.workId) {
url += "?workid=" + options.workId;
//window.location = o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/workmobilewithaction.html?workid=" + options.workId + ((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : "") + "&redirectlink=" + redirectlink);
} else if (options.workCompletedId) {
url += "?workcompletedid=" + options.workCompletedId;
//window.location = o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/workmobilewithaction.html?workcompletedid=" + options.workCompletedId + ((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : "") + "&redirectlink=" + redirectlink);
var job = (options.jobid || options.jobId || options.job);
if (job) url += ((url.indexOf("?")!=-1) ? "&" : "?") + "jobid="+job;
url +=((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : "");
if (layout.app.$openWithSelf) {
return window.location = o2.filterUrl(url);
} else {
return window.open(o2.filterUrl(url), par);
// case "cms.Document":
// _openDocument(appNames, options, statusObj);
// break;
// case "cms.Module":
// _openCms(appNames, options, statusObj);
// break;
// case "Meeting":
// _openMeeting(appNames, options, statusObj);
// break;
// case "Calendar":
// _openCalendar(appNames, options, statusObj);
// break;
// case "process.TaskCenter":
// _openTaskCenter(appNames, options, statusObj);
// break;
//var par = "app=" + encodeURIComponent(appNames) + "&status=" + encodeURIComponent((statusObj) ? JSON.encode(statusObj) : "") + "&option=" + encodeURIComponent((options) ? JSON.encode(options) : "");
if (layout.app.$openWithSelf) {
return window.location = o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/app.html?" + par + ((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : ""));
} else {
return window.open(o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/app.html?" + par + ((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : "")), par);
layout.openApplication = function (e, appNames, options, statusObj, inBrowser, taskitem, notCurrent) {
if (appNames.substring(0, 4) === "@url") {
var url = appNames.replace(/\@url\:/i, "");
......@@ -235,13 +282,14 @@ o2.xDesktop.requireApp = function (module, clazz, callback, async) {
if (layout.mobile) {
_openApplicationMobile(appNames, options, statusObj);
} else {
var par = "app=" + encodeURIComponent(appNames) + "&status=" + encodeURIComponent((statusObj) ? JSON.encode(statusObj) : "") + "&option=" + encodeURIComponent((options) ? JSON.encode(options) : "");
if (layout.app.$openWithSelf) {
return window.location = o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/app.html?" + par + ((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : ""));
} else {
return window.open(o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/app.html?" + par + ((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : "")), par);
_openApplicationPC(appNames, options, statusObj);
// var par = "app=" + encodeURIComponent(appNames) + "&status=" + encodeURIComponent((statusObj) ? JSON.encode(statusObj) : "") + "&option=" + encodeURIComponent((options) ? JSON.encode(options) : "");
// if (layout.app.$openWithSelf) {
// return window.location = o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/app.html?" + par + ((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : ""));
// } else {
// return window.open(o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/app.html?" + par + ((layout.debugger) ? "&debugger" : "")), par);
// }
} else {
var appPath = appNames.split(".");
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