提交 c91b8b26 编写于 作者: NoSubject's avatar NoSubject


上级 1016654e
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
"process" : "Process",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"sortByPinYin" : "Sort by pinyin",
"sortByPinYinConfirmContent" : "This operation will sort the identities in the organization according to pinyin, confirm the operation?",
"search": "Search",
"searchText": "Input search keyword",
......@@ -67,19 +69,19 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
"organizationSave": "Please save the Unit first",
"inputOrganizationInfor": "Please enter an Unit name",
"unitBaseText": "Unit information",
"unitPersonMembers": "Unit members",
"unitDutys": "Unit dutys",
"unitAttribute": "Unit attributes",
"unitName": "Unit name",
"unitBaseText": "Base",
"unitPersonMembers": "Members",
"unitDutys": "Dutys",
"unitAttribute": "Attributes",
"unitName": "Name",
"unitUnique": "Unique",
"unitTypeList": "Unit type",
"unitShortName": "Unit short name",
"unitLevel": "Unit level",
"unitLevelName": "Unit level name",
"unitTypeList": "Type",
"unitShortName": "Shortname",
"unitLevel": "Level",
"unitLevelName": "Levelname",
"unitControllerList": "Manager",
"unitSuperUnit": "Super Unit",
"unitDescription": "Unit description",
"unitDescription": "Description",
"editUnit": "Edit Unit information",
"saveUnit": "Save Unit information",
"inputUnitInfor": "Enter Unit name",
......@@ -103,8 +105,7 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
"deleteAttributeTitle": "Delete Attribute confirmation",
"deleteAttribute": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected Attribute?",
"deleteIdentityInDepartmentTitle": "Removal of personnel identity confirmation",
"deleteIdentityInDepartment": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{identity}\" from the department \"{depart}\"?\n" +
"Deleting an identity will delete all positions of this identity at the same time, are you sure to delete it?",
"deleteIdentityInDepartment": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{identity}\" from the department \"{depart}\"?\n Deleting an identity will delete all positions of this identity at the same time, are you sure to delete it?",
"deleteGroupsTitle": "Delete Group confirmation",
"deleteGroupsConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected Group?",
......@@ -140,13 +141,14 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
"editGroup": "Edit Group",
"saveGroup": "Save Group",
"groupBaseText": "Group information",
"groupMemberPersonText": "Person members",
"groupMemberGroupText": "Group members",
"unitMemberGroupText": "Unit members",
"groupName": "Group name",
"groupDn": "Group Full name",
"groupUnique": "Unique code",
"groupBaseText": "Base",
"groupMemberPersonText": "Person",
"groupMemberIdentityText": "Identities",
"groupMemberGroupText": "Groups",
"unitMemberGroupText": "Units",
"groupName": "Name",
"groupDn": "Fullname",
"groupUnique": "Unique",
"inputGroupInfor": "Enter Group name",
......@@ -157,42 +159,43 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
// "personEmployee": "工号",
// "personDisplay": "名称",
// "personMail": "邮件",
// "personMail": "邮件",
"personPhone": "Phone",
"groupDescription": "Group Description",
"groupDescription": "Description",
"deletePersonMemberTitle": "Delete Person member confirmation",
"deleteGroupMemberTitle": "Delete Group member confirmation",
"deletePersonMember": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected Person member?",
"deleteGroupMember": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected Group members?",
"roleBaseText": "Role information",
"roleName": "Role name",
"roleUnique": "Unique code",
"roleDescription": "Role description",
"roleBaseText": "Base",
"roleName": "Name",
"roleUnique": "Unique",
"roleDescription": "Description",
"roleLoaded": "Role loading complete",
"roleSave": "Please save the Role first",
"roleReadDn": "Full name of the Role: {dn}",
"roleReadCreate": "Role creation time: {date}, Last Modified: {date2}",
"rolePersonMembers": "Person Members",
"roleGroupMembers": "Group Members",
"rolePersonMembers": "Person",
"roleGroupMembers": "Groups",
"editRole": "Edit Role",
"saveRole": "Save Role",
"inputRoleInfor": "Enter the Role name",
"roleMemberPersonText": "Person members",
"roleMemberGroupText": "Group members",
"roleMemberPersonText": "Person",
"roleMemberGroupText": "Groups",
"inputRoleName": "Enter the Role name",
"personLoaded": "Person loading complete",
"personBaseText": "Person information",
"personBaseText": "Base",
"personSave": "Please save Person first",
"personImage": "Avatar",
"uploadImage": "Upload avatar",
"personName": "Person name",
"personName": "Name",
"personEmployee": "Employee",
"personGender": "Gender",
"personDisplay": "Display name",
......@@ -201,7 +204,7 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
"personQQ": "QQ number",
"personWeixin": "Wechat number",
"personWeibo": "Weibo",
"personUnique": "Unique code",
"personUnique": "Unique",
"personOfficePhone": "Office Phone",
"personBoardDate": "Entry Time",
"personBirthday": "Birthday",
......@@ -213,6 +216,7 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
"personReadLogin": "Last login time: {date}, IP Address: {ip}, Client: {client}",
"personReadCreate": "Person creation time: {date}, Last Modified:{date2}",
"personReadPassword": "Password expiration time: {date}, Password last modified time: {date2}",
"roleFullName": "Role Fullname",
"unlockPerson" : "Unlock Person",
"unlockPersonTitle": "Unlock Person confirmation",
......@@ -224,13 +228,14 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
//"inputPersonInfor": "请输入完整人员信息(人员名称、人员工号、手机号码、性别必填)",
"inputPersonInfor": "Please enter complete Person information (Person name, cellphone number, gender are required)",
"personAttributeText": "Person attribute",
"personAttributeText": "Attribute",
"personIdentityText": "Identity",
"controllerListText": "Manager",
"personRoleText" : "Role",
"IdentityName": "Identity name",
"IdentityInUnit": "所在组织",
"IdentityDn": "Full name",
"IdentityInUnit": "Unit",
"IdentityDn": "Fullname",
"IdentityDuty": "Duty",
"modifyIdentity": "Modify Identity",
"IdentityMain": "Master Identity",
......@@ -247,6 +252,7 @@ MWF.xApplication.Org.LP = {
"resetPasswordText": "Are you sure you want to reset the password for Person \"{name}\"?",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "Password for Person \"{name}\" has been reset",
"importPersonClean": "Clear All Organization Data",
"importPersonTitle": "Unit import",
"importPersonInfor": "You can import organizations in batches via Excel, <a target='_blank' href='{url}' > Click here </a>Get Unit import template",
"importPersonAction": "Upload Excel file",
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
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