提交 d4ad59df 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao


上级 513eb4d7
......@@ -609,7 +609,6 @@ bool isSameGroup(SSqlCmd *pCmd, SLocalReducer *pReducer, char *pPrev, tFilePage
// disable merge procedure for column projection query
int16_t functionId = pReducer->pCtx[0].functionId;
assert(functionId != TSDB_FUNC_ARITHM);
if (pReducer->orderPrjOnSTable) {
return true;
......@@ -721,12 +720,8 @@ int32_t tscLocalReducerEnvCreate(SSqlObj *pSql, tExtMemBuffer ***pMemBuffer, tOr
int16_t type = -1;
int16_t bytes = 0;
// if ((pExpr->functionId >= TSDB_FUNC_FIRST_DST && pExpr->functionId <= TSDB_FUNC_LAST_DST) ||
// (pExpr->functionId >= TSDB_FUNC_SUM && pExpr->functionId <= TSDB_FUNC_MAX) ||
// pExpr->functionId == TSDB_FUNC_LAST_ROW) {
// the final result size and type in the same as query on single table.
// so here, set the flag to be false;
int32_t functionId = pExpr->functionId;
if (functionId >= TSDB_FUNC_TS && functionId <= TSDB_FUNC_DIFF) {
type = pModel->pFields[i].field.type;
......@@ -626,6 +626,11 @@ int32_t parseIntervalClause(SSqlCmd* pCmd, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SQuerySQL* pQ
// orderby column not set yet, set it to be the primary timestamp column
if (pQueryInfo->order.orderColId == INT32_MIN) {
pQueryInfo->order.orderColId = PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX;
// interval is not null
SStrToken* t = &pQuerySql->interval;
if (parseNatualDuration(t->z, t->n, &pQueryInfo->interval.interval, &pQueryInfo->interval.intervalUnit) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -4387,7 +4392,11 @@ static void setDefaultOrderInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo) {
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
pQueryInfo->order.order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
pQueryInfo->order.orderColId = PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX;
if (isTopBottomQuery(pQueryInfo)) {
pQueryInfo->order.orderColId = PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX;
} else { // in case of select tbname from super_table, the defualt order column can not be the primary ts column
pQueryInfo->order.orderColId = INT32_MIN;
/* for super table query, set default ascending order for group output */
if (UTIL_TABLE_IS_SUPER_TABLE(pTableMetaInfo)) {
......@@ -6290,6 +6299,11 @@ int32_t doCheckForQuery(SSqlObj* pSql, SQuerySQL* pQuerySql, int32_t index) {
// set order by info
if (parseOrderbyClause(pCmd, pQueryInfo, pQuerySql, tscGetTableSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// set interval value
if (parseIntervalClause(pCmd, pQueryInfo, pQuerySql) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -6300,11 +6314,6 @@ int32_t doCheckForQuery(SSqlObj* pSql, SQuerySQL* pQuerySql, int32_t index) {
// set order by info
if (parseOrderbyClause(pCmd, pQueryInfo, pQuerySql, tscGetTableSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// user does not specified the query time window, twa is not allowed in such case.
if ((pQueryInfo->window.skey == INT64_MIN || pQueryInfo->window.ekey == INT64_MAX ||
(pQueryInfo->window.ekey == INT64_MAX / 1000 && tinfo.precision == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI)) && tscIsTWAQuery(pQueryInfo)) {
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