提交 f0be43de 编写于 作者: R Raph Levien

Binary format for hyphenation patterns

In the current state, hyphenation in all languages than Sanskrit seems
to work (case-folding edge cases). Thus, we just disable Sanskrit.
Packed tries are implemented, but not the finite state machine
(space/speed tradeoff).

This commit contains a throw-away test app, which runs on the host.
I think I want to replace it with unit tests, but I'm including it in
the CL because it's useful during development.

Bug: 21562869
Bug: 21826930
Bug: 23317038
Bug: 23317904

Change-Id: I7479a565a4a062fa319651c2c14c0fa18c5ceaea
上级 2a79f59e
# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# see how_to_run.txt for instructions on running these tests
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := hyphtool
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libminikin_host
# Shared libraries which are dependencies of minikin; these are not automatically
# pulled in by the build system (and thus sadly must be repeated).
liblog \
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "utils/Log.h"
#include <vector>
#include <minikin/Hyphenator.h>
using android::Hyphenator;
Hyphenator* loadHybFile(const char* fn) {
struct stat statbuf;
int status = stat(fn, &statbuf);
if (status < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error opening %s\n", fn);
return nullptr;
size_t size = statbuf.st_size;
FILE* f = fopen(fn, "rb");
if (f == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error opening %s\n", fn);
return nullptr;
uint8_t* buf = new uint8_t[size];
size_t read_size = fread(buf, 1, size, f);
if (read_size < size) {
fprintf(stderr, "error reading %s\n", fn);
delete[] buf;
return nullptr;
return Hyphenator::loadBinary(buf);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Hyphenator* hyph = loadHybFile("/tmp/en.hyb"); // should also be configurable
std::vector<uint8_t> result;
std::vector<uint16_t> word;
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: hyphtool word\n");
return 1;
char* asciiword = argv[1];
size_t len = strlen(asciiword);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uint32_t c = asciiword[i];
if (c == '-') {
c = 0x00AD;
// ASCII (or possibly ISO Latin 1), but kinda painful to do utf conversion :(
hyph->hyphenate(&result, word.data(), word.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (result[i] != 0) {
printf("%c", word[i]);
return 0;
# Hyb (hyphenation pattern binary) file format
The hyb file format is how hyphenation patterns are stored in the system image.
Goals include:
* Concise (system image space is at a premium)
* Usable when mmap'ed, so it doesn't take significant physical RAM
* Fast to compute
* Simple
It is _not_ intended as an interchange format, so there is no attempt to make the format
extensible or facilitate backward and forward compatibility.
Further, at some point we will probably pack patterns for multiple languages into a single
physical file, to reduce number of open mmap'ed files. This document doesn't cover that.
## Theoretical basis
At heart, the file contains packed tries with suffix compression, actually quite similar
to the implementation in TeX.
The file contains three sections. The first section represents the "alphabet," including
case folding. It is effectively a map from Unicode code point to a small integer.
The second section contains the trie in packed form. It is an array of 3-tuples, packed
into a 32 bit integer. Each (suffix-compressed) trie node has a unique index within this
array, and the pattern field in the tuple is the pattern for that node. Further, each edge
in the trie has an entry in the array, and the character and link fields in the tuple
represent the label and destination of the edge. The packing strategy is as in
[Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Com-put-er](http://www.tug.org/docs/liang/liang-thesis.pdf) by
Franklin Mark Liang.
The trie representation is similar but not identical to the "double-array trie".
The fundamental operation of lookup of the edge from `s` to `t` with label `c` is
to compare `c == character[s + c]`, and if so, `t = link[s + c]`.
The third section contains the pattern strings. This section is in two parts: first,
an array with a 3-tuple for each pattern (length, number of trailing 0's, and offset
into the string pool); and second, the string pool. Each pattern is encoded as a byte
(packing 2 per byte would be possible but the space savings would not be signficant).
As much as possible of the file is represented as 32 bit integers, as that is especially
efficent to access. All are little-endian (this could be revised if the code ever needs
to be ported to big-endian systems).
## Header
uint32_t magic == 0x62ad7968
uint32_t version = 0
uint32_t alphabet_offset (in bytes)
uint32_t trie_offset (in bytes)
uint32_t pattern_offset (in bytes)
uint32_t file_size (in bytes)
Offsets are from the front of the file, and in bytes.
## Alphabet
The alphabet table comes in two versions. The first is well suited to dense Unicode
ranges and is limited to 256. The second is more general, but lookups will be slower.
### Alphabet, direct version
uint32_t version = 0
uint32_t min_codepoint
uint32_t max_codepoint (exclusive)
uint8_t[] data
The size of the data array is max_codepoint - min_codepoint. 0 represents an unmapped
character. Note that, in the current implementation, automatic hyphenation is disabled
for any word containing an unmapped character.
In general, pad bytes follow this table, aligning the next table to a 4-byte boundary.
### Alphabet, general version
uint32_t version = 1
uint32_t n_entries
uint32_t[n_entries] data
Each element in the data table is `(codepoint << 11) | value`. Note that this is
restricted to 11 bits (2048 possible values). The largest known current value is 483
(for Sanskrit).
The entries are sorted by codepoint, to facilitate binary search. Another reasonable
implementation for consumers of the data would be to build a hash table at load time.
## Trie
uint32_t version = 0
uint32_t char_mask
uint32_t link_shift
uint32_t link_mask
uint32_t pattern_shift
uint32_t n_entries
uint32_t[n_entries] data
Each element in the data table is `(pattern << pattern_shift) | (link << link_shift) | char`.
All known pattern tables fit in 32 bits total. If this is exceeded, there is a fairly
straightforward tweak, where each node occupies a slot by itself (as opposed to sharing
it with edge slots), which would require very minimal changes to the implementation (TODO
present in more detail).
## Pattern
uint32_t version = 0
uint32_t n_entries
uint32_t pattern_offset (in bytes)
uint32_t pattern_size (in bytes)
uint32_t[n_entries] data
uint8_t[] pattern_buf
Each element in data table is `(len << 26) | (shift << 20) | offset`, where an offset of 0
points to the first byte of pattern_buf.
Generally pattern_offset is `16 + 4 * n_entries`.
For example, 'a4m5ato' would be represented as `[4, 5, 0, 0, 0]`, then len = 2, shift = 3, and
offset points to [4, 5] in the pattern buffer.
Future extension: additional data representing nonstandard hyphenation. See
[Automatic non-standard hyphenation in OpenOffice.org](https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb27-1/tb86nemeth.pdf)
for more information about that issue.
......@@ -26,11 +26,8 @@
namespace android {
class Trie {
std::vector<uint8_t> result;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, Trie> succ;
// hyb file header; implementation details are in the .cpp file
struct Header;
class Hyphenator {
......@@ -44,19 +41,43 @@ public:
// Example: word is "hyphen", result is [0 0 1 0 0 0], corresponding to "hy-phen".
void hyphenate(std::vector<uint8_t>* result, const uint16_t* word, size_t len);
// pattern data is in binary format, as described in doc/hyb_file_format.md. Note:
// the caller is responsible for ensuring that the lifetime of the pattern data is
// at least as long as the Hyphenator object.
// Note: nullptr is valid input, in which case the hyphenator only processes soft hyphens
static Hyphenator* loadBinary(const uint8_t* patternData);
void addPattern(const uint16_t* pattern, size_t size);
// apply soft hyphens only, ignoring patterns
void hyphenateSoft(uint8_t* result, const uint16_t* word, size_t len);
void hyphenateSoft(std::vector<uint8_t>* result, const uint16_t* word, size_t len);
// try looking up word in alphabet table, return false if any code units fail to map
// Note that this methor writes len+2 entries into alpha_codes (including start and stop)
bool alphabetLookup(uint16_t* alpha_codes, const uint16_t* word, size_t len);
// calculate hyphenation from patterns, assuming alphabet lookup has already been done
void hyphenateFromCodes(uint8_t* result, const uint16_t* codes, size_t len);
// TODO: these should become parameters, as they might vary by locale, screen size, and
// possibly explicit user control.
static const int MIN_PREFIX = 2;
static const int MIN_SUFFIX = 3;
Trie root;
// See also LONGEST_HYPHENATED_WORD in LineBreaker.cpp. Here the constant is used so
// that temporary buffers can be stack-allocated without waste, which is a slightly
// different use case. It measures UTF-16 code units.
static const size_t MAX_HYPHENATED_SIZE = 64;
const uint8_t* patternData;
// accessors for binary data
const Header* getHeader() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Header*>(patternData);
} // namespace android
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -63,3 +63,17 @@ LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(minikin_c_includes)
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := $(minikin_shared_libraries)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# Reduced library (currently just hyphenation) for host
LOCAL_MODULE := libminikin_host
LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS := frameworks/minikin/include
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(minikin_c_includes)
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := liblog libicuuc-host
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Hyphenator.cpp
......@@ -34,130 +34,202 @@ namespace android {
static const uint16_t CHAR_SOFT_HYPHEN = 0x00AD;
void Hyphenator::addPattern(const uint16_t* pattern, size_t size) {
vector<uint16_t> word;
vector<uint8_t> result;
// start by parsing the Liang-format pattern into a word and a result vector, the
// vector right-aligned but without leading zeros. Examples:
// a1bc2d -> abcd [1, 0, 2, 0]
// abc1 -> abc [1]
// 1a2b3c4d5 -> abcd [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
bool lastWasLetter = false;
bool haveSeenNumber = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
uint16_t c = pattern[i];
if (isdigit(c)) {
result.push_back(c - '0');
lastWasLetter = false;
haveSeenNumber = true;
} else {
if (lastWasLetter && haveSeenNumber) {
lastWasLetter = true;
// The following are structs that correspond to tables inside the hyb file format
struct AlphabetTable0 {
uint32_t version;
uint32_t min_codepoint;
uint32_t max_codepoint;
uint8_t data[1]; // actually flexible array, size is known at runtime
struct AlphabetTable1 {
uint32_t version;
uint32_t n_entries;
uint32_t data[1]; // actually flexible array, size is known at runtime
static uint32_t codepoint(uint32_t entry) { return entry >> 11; }
static uint32_t value(uint32_t entry) { return entry & 0x7ff; }
struct Trie {
uint32_t version;
uint32_t char_mask;
uint32_t link_shift;
uint32_t link_mask;
uint32_t pattern_shift;
uint32_t n_entries;
uint32_t data[1]; // actually flexible array, size is known at runtime
struct Pattern {
uint32_t version;
uint32_t n_entries;
uint32_t pattern_offset;
uint32_t pattern_size;
uint32_t data[1]; // actually flexible array, size is known at runtime
// accessors
static uint32_t len(uint32_t entry) { return entry >> 26; }
static uint32_t shift(uint32_t entry) { return (entry >> 20) & 0x3f; }
const uint8_t* buf(uint32_t entry) const {
return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this) + pattern_offset + (entry & 0xfffff);
struct Header {
uint32_t magic;
uint32_t version;
uint32_t alphabet_offset;
uint32_t trie_offset;
uint32_t pattern_offset;
uint32_t file_size;
// accessors
const uint8_t* bytes() const { return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this); }
uint32_t alphabetVersion() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(bytes() + alphabet_offset);
if (lastWasLetter) {
const AlphabetTable0* alphabetTable0() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const AlphabetTable0*>(bytes() + alphabet_offset);
Trie* t = &root;
for (size_t i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) {
t = &t->succ[word[i]];
const AlphabetTable1* alphabetTable1() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const AlphabetTable1*>(bytes() + alphabet_offset);
const Trie* trieTable() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Trie*>(bytes() + trie_offset);
const Pattern* patternTable() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Pattern*>(bytes() + pattern_offset);
Hyphenator* Hyphenator::loadBinary(const uint8_t* patternData) {
Hyphenator* result = new Hyphenator;
result->patternData = patternData;
return result;
void Hyphenator::hyphenate(vector<uint8_t>* result, const uint16_t* word, size_t len) {
const size_t paddedLen = len + 2; // start and stop code each count for 1
if (patternData != nullptr &&
(int)len >= MIN_PREFIX + MIN_SUFFIX && paddedLen <= MAX_HYPHENATED_SIZE) {
uint16_t alpha_codes[MAX_HYPHENATED_SIZE];
if (alphabetLookup(alpha_codes, word, len)) {
hyphenateFromCodes(result->data(), alpha_codes, paddedLen);
// TODO: try NFC normalization
// TODO: handle non-BMP Unicode (requires remapping of offsets)
t->result = result;
hyphenateSoft(result->data(), word, len);
// If any soft hyphen is present in the word, use soft hyphens to decide hyphenation,
// as recommended in UAX #14 (Use of Soft Hyphen)
void Hyphenator::hyphenateSoft(vector<uint8_t>* result, const uint16_t* word, size_t len) {
(*result)[0] = 0;
void Hyphenator::hyphenateSoft(uint8_t* result, const uint16_t* word, size_t len) {
result[0] = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < len; i++) {
(*result)[i] = word[i - 1] == CHAR_SOFT_HYPHEN;
result[i] = word[i - 1] == CHAR_SOFT_HYPHEN;
void Hyphenator::hyphenate(vector<uint8_t>* result, const uint16_t* word, size_t len) {
if (len < MIN_PREFIX + MIN_SUFFIX) return;
size_t maxOffset = len - MIN_SUFFIX + 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len + 1; i++) {
const Trie* node = &root;
for (size_t j = i; j < len + 2; j++) {
uint16_t c;
if (j == 0 || j == len + 1) {
c = '.'; // word boundary character in pattern data files
} else {
c = word[j - 1];
if (c == CHAR_SOFT_HYPHEN) {
hyphenateSoft(result, word, len);
// TODO: This uses ICU's simple character to character lowercasing, which ignores
// the locale, and ignores cases when lowercasing a character results in more than
// one character. It should be fixed to consider the locale (in order for it to work
// correctly for Turkish and Azerbaijani), as well as support one-to-many, and
// many-to-many case conversions (including non-BMP cases).
if (c < 0x00C0) { // U+00C0 is the lowest uppercase non-ASCII character
// Convert uppercase ASCII to lowercase ASCII, but keep other characters as-is
if (0x0041 <= c && c <= 0x005A) {
c += 0x0020;
} else {
c = u_tolower(c);
bool Hyphenator::alphabetLookup(uint16_t* alpha_codes, const uint16_t* word, size_t len) {
const Header* header = getHeader();
// TODO: check header magic
uint32_t alphabetVersion = header->alphabetVersion();
if (alphabetVersion == 0) {
const AlphabetTable0* alphabet = header->alphabetTable0();
uint32_t min_codepoint = alphabet->min_codepoint;
uint32_t max_codepoint = alphabet->max_codepoint;
alpha_codes[0] = 0; // word start
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uint16_t c = word[i];
if (c < min_codepoint || c >= max_codepoint) {
return false;
uint8_t code = alphabet->data[c - min_codepoint];
if (code == 0) {
return false;
alpha_codes[i + 1] = code;
alpha_codes[len + 1] = 0; // word termination
return true;
} else if (alphabetVersion == 1) {
const AlphabetTable1* alphabet = header->alphabetTable1();
size_t n_entries = alphabet->n_entries;
const uint32_t* begin = alphabet->data;
const uint32_t* end = begin + n_entries;
alpha_codes[0] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uint16_t c = word[i];
auto p = std::lower_bound(begin, end, c << 11);
if (p == end) {
return false;
auto search = node->succ.find(c);
if (search != node->succ.end()) {
node = &search->second;
uint32_t entry = *p;
if (AlphabetTable1::codepoint(entry) != c) {
return false;
alpha_codes[i + 1] = AlphabetTable1::value(entry);
alpha_codes[len + 1] = 0;
return true;
return false;
* Internal implementation, after conversion to codes. All case folding and normalization
* has been done by now, and all characters have been found in the alphabet.
* Note: len here is the padded length including 0 codes at start and end.
void Hyphenator::hyphenateFromCodes(uint8_t* result, const uint16_t* codes, size_t len) {
const Header* header = getHeader();
const Trie* trie = header->trieTable();
const Pattern* pattern = header->patternTable();
uint32_t char_mask = trie->char_mask;
uint32_t link_shift = trie->link_shift;
uint32_t link_mask = trie->link_mask;
uint32_t pattern_shift = trie->pattern_shift;
size_t maxOffset = len - MIN_SUFFIX - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
uint32_t node = 0; // index into Trie table
for (size_t j = i; j < len; j++) {
uint16_t c = codes[j];
uint32_t entry = trie->data[node + c];
if ((entry & char_mask) == c) {
node = (entry & link_mask) >> link_shift;
} else {
if (!node->result.empty()) {
int resultLen = node->result.size();
int offset = j + 1 - resultLen;
uint32_t pat_ix = trie->data[node] >> pattern_shift;
// pat_ix contains a 3-tuple of length, shift (number of trailing zeros), and an offset
// into the buf pool. This is the pattern for the substring (i..j) we just matched,
// which we combine (via point-wise max) into the result vector.
if (pat_ix != 0) {
uint32_t pat_entry = pattern->data[pat_ix];
int pat_len = Pattern::len(pat_entry);
int pat_shift = Pattern::shift(pat_entry);
const uint8_t* pat_buf = pattern->buf(pat_entry);
int offset = j + 1 - (pat_len + pat_shift);
// offset is the index within result that lines up with the start of pat_buf
int start = std::max(MIN_PREFIX - offset, 0);
int end = std::min(resultLen, (int)maxOffset - offset);
// TODO performance: this inner loop can profitably be optimized
int end = std::min(pat_len, (int)maxOffset - offset);
for (int k = start; k < end; k++) {
(*result)[offset + k] = std::max((*result)[offset + k], node->result[k]);
#if 0
// debug printing of matched patterns
std::string dbg;
for (size_t k = i; k <= j + 1; k++) {
int off = k - j - 2 + resultLen;
if (off >= 0 && node->result[off] != 0) {
dbg.push_back((char)('0' + node->result[off]));
if (k < j + 1) {
uint16_t c = (k == 0 || k == len + 1) ? '.' : word[k - 1];
result[offset + k] = std::max(result[offset + k], pat_buf[k]);
ALOGD("%d:%d %s", i, j, dbg.c_str());
// Since the above calculation does not modify values outside
// [MIN_PREFIX, len - MIN_SUFFIX], they are left as 0.
for (size_t i = MIN_PREFIX; i < maxOffset; i++) {
(*result)[i] &= 1;
result[i] &= 1;
Hyphenator* Hyphenator::load(const uint16_t *patternData, size_t size) {
Hyphenator* result = new Hyphenator;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
size_t end = i;
while (patternData[end] != '\n') end++;
result->addPattern(patternData + i, end - i);
i = end;
return result;
} // namespace android
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Convert hyphen files in standard TeX format (a trio of pat, chr, and hyp)
into binary format. See doc/hyb_file_format.md for more information.
Usage: mk_hyb_file.py [-v] hyph-foo.pat.txt hyph-foo.hyb
Optional -v parameter turns on verbose debugging.
from __future__ import print_function
import io
import sys
import struct
import math
import getopt
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
def unichr(x):
return chr(x)
# number of bits required to represent numbers up to n inclusive
def num_bits(n):
return 1 + int(math.log(n, 2)) if n > 0 else 0
class Node:
def __init__(self):
self.succ = {}
self.res = None
self.fsm_pat = None
self.fail = None
# List of free slots, implemented as doubly linked list
class Freelist:
def __init__(self):
self.first = None
self.last = None
self.pred = []
self.succ = []
def grow(self):
this = len(self.pred)
if self.last is None:
self.first = this
self.succ[self.last] = this
self.last = this
def next(self, cursor):
if cursor == 0:
cursor = self.first
if cursor is None:
result = self.last
result = cursor
return result, self.succ[result]
def is_free(self, ix):
while ix >= len(self.pred):
return self.pred[ix] != -1
def use(self, ix):
if self.pred[ix] is None:
self.first = self.succ[ix]
self.succ[self.pred[ix]] = self.succ[ix]
if self.succ[ix] is None:
self.last = self.pred[ix]
self.pred[self.succ[ix]] = self.pred[ix]
if self.pred[ix] == -1:
assert self.pred[ix] != -1, 'double free!'
self.pred[ix] = -1
def combine(a, b):
if a is None: return b
if b is None: return a
if len(b) < len(a): a, b = b, a
res = b[:len(b) - len(a)]
for i in range(len(a)):
res.append(max(a[i], b[i + len(b) - len(a)]))
return res
def trim(pattern):
for ix in range(len(pattern)):
if pattern[ix] != 0:
return pattern[ix:]
def pat_to_binary(pattern):
return b''.join(struct.pack('B', x) for x in pattern)
class Hyph:
def __init__(self):
self.root = Node()
self.root.str = '<root>'
self.node_list = [self.root]
# Add a pattern (word fragment with numeric codes, such as ".ad4der")
def add_pat(self, pat):
lastWasLetter = False
haveSeenNumber = False
result = []
word = ''
for c in pat:
if c.isdigit():
lastWasLetter = False
haveSeenNumber = True
word += c
if lastWasLetter and haveSeenNumber:
lastWasLetter = True
if lastWasLetter:
self.add_word_res(word, result)
# Add an exception (word with hyphens, such as "ta-ble")
def add_exception(self, hyph_word):
res = []
word = ['.']
need_10 = False
for c in hyph_word:
if c == '-':
need_10 = False
if need_10:
need_10 = True
print(word, res)
self.add_word_res(''.join(word), res)
def add_word_res(self, word, result):
print(word, result)
t = self.root
s = ''
for c in word:
s += c
if c not in t.succ:
new_node = Node()
new_node.str = s
t.succ[c] = new_node
t = t.succ[c]
t.res = result
def pack(self, node_list, ch_map, use_node=False):
size = 0
self.node_map = {}
nodes = Freelist()
edges = Freelist()
edge_start = 1 if use_node else 0
for node in node_list:
succ = sorted([ch_map[c] + edge_start for c in node.succ.keys()])
if len(succ):
cursor = 0
while True:
edge_ix, cursor = edges.next(cursor)
ix = edge_ix - succ[0]
if (ix >= 0 and nodes.is_free(ix) and
all(edges.is_free(ix + s) for s in succ) and
((not use_node) or edges.is_free(ix))):
elif use_node:
ix, _ = edges.next(0)
nodes.is_free(ix) # actually don't need nodes at all when use_node,
# but keep it happy
ix, _ = nodes.next(0)
node.ix = ix
self.node_map[ix] = node
size = max(size, ix)
if use_node:
for s in succ:
edges.use(ix + s)
size += max(ch_map.values()) + 1
return size
# return list of nodes in bfs order
def bfs(self, ch_map):
result = [self.root]
ix = 0
while ix < len(result):
node = result[ix]
node.bfs_ix = ix
mapped = {}
for c, next in node.succ.items():
assert ch_map[c] not in mapped, 'duplicate edge ' + node.str + ' ' + hex(ord(c))
mapped[ch_map[c]] = next
for i in sorted(mapped.keys()):
ix += 1
self.bfs_order = result
return result
# suffix compression - convert the trie into an acyclic digraph, merging nodes when
# the subtries are identical
def dedup(self):
uniques = []
dupmap = {}
dedup_ix = [0] * len(self.bfs_order)
for ix in reversed(range(len(self.bfs_order))):
# construct string representation of node
node = self.bfs_order[ix]
if node.res is None:
s = ''
s = ''.join(str(c) for c in node.res)
for c in sorted(node.succ.keys()):
succ = node.succ[c]
s += ' ' + c + str(dedup_ix[succ.bfs_ix])
if s in dupmap:
dedup_ix[ix] = dupmap[s]
dedup_ix[ix] = ix
dupmap[s] = dedup_ix[ix]
print(len(uniques), 'unique nodes,', len(self.bfs_order), 'total')
return dedup_ix, uniques
# load the ".pat" file, which contains patterns such as a1b2c3
def load(fn):
hyph = Hyph()
with io.open(fn, encoding='UTF-8') as f:
for l in f:
pat = l.strip()
return hyph
# load the ".chr" file, which contains the alphabet and case pairs, eg "aA", "bB" etc.
def load_chr(fn):
ch_map = {'.': 0}
with io.open(fn, encoding='UTF-8') as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
l = l.strip()
if len(l) > 2:
# lowercase maps to multi-character uppercase sequence, ignore uppercase for now
l = l[:1]
assert len(l) == 2, 'expected 2 chars in chr'
for c in l:
ch_map[c] = i + 1
return ch_map
# load exceptions with explicit hyphens
def load_hyp(hyph, fn):
with io.open(fn, encoding='UTF-8') as f:
for l in f:
def generate_header(alphabet, trie, pattern):
alphabet_off = 6 * 4
trie_off = alphabet_off + len(alphabet)
pattern_off = trie_off + len(trie)
file_size = pattern_off + len(pattern)
data = [0x62ad7968, 0, alphabet_off, trie_off, pattern_off, file_size]
return struct.pack('<6I', *data)
def generate_alphabet(ch_map):
ch_map = ch_map.copy()
del ch_map['.']
min_ch = ord(min(ch_map))
max_ch = ord(max(ch_map))
if max_ch - min_ch < 1024 and max(ch_map.values()) < 256:
# generate format 0
data = [0] * (max_ch - min_ch + 1)
for c, val in ch_map.items():
data[ord(c) - min_ch] = val
result = [struct.pack('<3I', 0, min_ch, max_ch + 1)]
for b in data:
result.append(struct.pack('<B', b))
# generate format 1
assert max(ch_map.values()) < 2048, 'max number of unique characters exceeded'
result = [struct.pack('<2I', 1, len(ch_map))]
for c, val in sorted(ch_map.items()):
data = (ord(c) << 11) | val
result.append(struct.pack('<I', data))
binary = b''.join(result)
if len(binary) % 4 != 0:
binary += b'\x00' * (4 - len(binary) % 4)
return binary
# assumes hyph structure has been packed, ie node.ix values have been set
def generate_trie(hyph, ch_map, n_trie, dedup_ix, dedup_nodes, patmap):
ch_array = [0] * n_trie
link_array = [0] * n_trie
pat_array = [0] * n_trie
link_shift = num_bits(max(ch_map.values()))
char_mask = (1 << link_shift) - 1
pattern_shift = link_shift + num_bits(n_trie - 1)
link_mask = (1 << pattern_shift) - (1 << link_shift)
result = [struct.pack('<6I', 0, char_mask, link_shift, link_mask, pattern_shift, n_trie)]
for node in dedup_nodes:
ix = node.ix
if node.res is not None:
pat_array[ix] = patmap[pat_to_binary(node.res)]
for c, next in node.succ.items():
c_num = ch_map[c]
link_ix = ix + c_num
ch_array[link_ix] = c_num
if dedup_ix is None:
dedup_next = next
dedup_next = hyph.bfs_order[dedup_ix[next.bfs_ix]]
link_array[link_ix] = dedup_next.ix
for i in range(n_trie):
#print((pat_array[i], link_array[i], ch_array[i]))
packed = (pat_array[i] << pattern_shift) | (link_array[i] << link_shift) | ch_array[i]
result.append(struct.pack('<I', packed))
return b''.join(result)
def generate_pattern(pats):
pat_array = [0]
patmap = {b'': 0}
raw_pat_array = []
raw_pat_size = 0
raw_patmap = {}
for pat in pats:
if pat is None:
pat_str = pat_to_binary(pat)
if pat_str not in patmap:
shift = 0
while shift < len(pat) and pat[len(pat) - shift - 1] == 0:
shift += 1
rawpat = pat_str[:len(pat) - shift]
if rawpat not in raw_patmap:
raw_patmap[rawpat] = raw_pat_size
raw_pat_size += len(rawpat)
data = (len(rawpat) << 26) | (shift << 20) | raw_patmap[rawpat]
patmap[pat_str] = len(pat_array)
data = [0, len(pat_array), 16 + 4 * len(pat_array), raw_pat_size]
result = [struct.pack('<4I', *data)]
for x in pat_array:
result.append(struct.pack('<I', x))
return patmap, b''.join(result)
def generate_hyb_file(hyph, ch_map, hyb_fn):
bfs = hyph.bfs(ch_map)
dedup_ix, dedup_nodes = hyph.dedup()
n_trie = hyph.pack(dedup_nodes, ch_map)
alphabet = generate_alphabet(ch_map)
patmap, pattern = generate_pattern([n.res for n in hyph.node_list])
trie = generate_trie(hyph, ch_map, n_trie, dedup_ix, dedup_nodes, patmap)
header = generate_header(alphabet, trie, pattern)
with open(hyb_fn, 'wb') as f:
# Verify that the file contains the same lines as the lines argument, in arbitrary order
def verify_file_sorted(lines, fn):
file_lines = [l.strip() for l in io.open(fn)]
line_set = set(lines)
file_set = set(file_lines)
if line_set == file_set:
return True
for line in line_set - file_set:
print(repr(line) + ' in reconstruction, not in file')
for line in file_set - line_set:
print(repr(line) + ' in file, not in reconstruction')
return False
def map_to_chr(alphabet_map):
result = []
ch_map = {}
for val in alphabet_map.values():
chs = [ch for ch in alphabet_map if alphabet_map[ch] == val]
# non-cased characters (like Ethopic) are in both, matching chr file
lowercase = [ch for ch in chs if not ch.isupper()]
uppercase = [ch for ch in chs if not ch.islower()]
# print(val, `lowercase`, `uppercase`)
assert len(lowercase) == 1, 'expected 1 lowercase character'
assert 0 <= len(uppercase) <= 1, 'expected 0 or 1 uppercase character'
ch_map[val] = lowercase[0]
result.append(''.join(lowercase + uppercase))
ch_map[0] = '.'
return (ch_map, result)
def get_pattern(pattern_data, ix):
pattern_offset = struct.unpack('<I', pattern_data[8:12])[0]
entry = struct.unpack('<I', pattern_data[16 + ix * 4: 16 + ix * 4 + 4])[0]
pat_len = entry >> 26
pat_shift = (entry >> 20) & 0x1f
offset = pattern_offset + (entry & 0xfffff)
return pattern_data[offset: offset + pat_len] + b'\0' * pat_shift
def traverse_trie(ix, s, trie_data, ch_map, pattern_data, patterns, exceptions):
(char_mask, link_shift, link_mask, pattern_shift) = struct.unpack('<4I', trie_data[4:20])
node_entry = struct.unpack('<I', trie_data[24 + ix * 4: 24 + ix * 4 + 4])[0]
pattern = node_entry >> pattern_shift
if pattern:
result = []
is_exception = False
pat = get_pattern(pattern_data, pattern)
for i in range(len(s) + 1):
pat_off = i - 1 + len(pat) - len(s)
if pat_off < 0:
code = 0
code = struct.unpack('B', pat[pat_off : pat_off + 1])[0]
if 1 <= code <= 9:
result.append('%d' % code)
elif code == 10:
is_exception = True
elif code == 11:
is_exception = True
assert code == 0, 'unexpected code'
if i < len(s):
pat_str = ''.join(result)
#print(`pat_str`, `pat`)
if is_exception:
assert pat_str[0] == '.', "expected leading '.'"
assert pat_str[-1] == '.', "expected trailing '.'"
exceptions.append(pat_str[1:-1]) # strip leading and trailing '.'
for ch in ch_map:
edge_entry = struct.unpack('<I', trie_data[24 + (ix + ch) * 4: 24 + (ix + ch) * 4 + 4])[0]
link = (edge_entry & link_mask) >> link_shift
if link != 0 and ch == (edge_entry & char_mask):
sch = s + ch_map[ch]
traverse_trie(link, sch, trie_data, ch_map, pattern_data, patterns, exceptions)
# Verify the generated binary file by reconstructing the textual representations
# from the binary hyb file, then checking that they're identical (mod the order of
# lines within the file, which is irrelevant). This function makes assumptions that
# are stronger than absolutely necessary (in particular, that the patterns are in
# lowercase as defined by python islower).
def verify_hyb_file(hyb_fn, pat_fn, chr_fn, hyp_fn):
with open(hyb_fn, 'rb') as f:
hyb_data = f.read()
header = hyb_data[0: 6 * 4]
(magic, version, alphabet_off, trie_off, pattern_off, file_size) = struct.unpack('<6I', header)
alphabet_data = hyb_data[alphabet_off:trie_off]
trie_data = hyb_data[trie_off:pattern_off]
pattern_data = hyb_data[pattern_off:file_size]
# reconstruct alphabet table
alphabet_version = struct.unpack('<I', alphabet_data[:4])[0]
alphabet_map = {}
if alphabet_version == 0:
(min_ch, max_ch) = struct.unpack('<2I', alphabet_data[4:12])
for ch in range(min_ch, max_ch):
offset = 12 + ch - min_ch
b = struct.unpack('B', alphabet_data[offset : offset + 1])[0]
if b != 0:
alphabet_map[unichr(ch)] = b
assert alphabet_version == 1
n_entries = struct.unpack('<I', alphabet_data[4:8])[0]
for i in range(n_entries):
entry = struct.unpack('<I', alphabet_data[8 + 4 * i: 8 + 4 * i + 4])[0]
alphabet_map[unichr(entry >> 11)] = entry & 0x7ff
ch_map, reconstructed_chr = map_to_chr(alphabet_map)
# EXCEPTION for Armenian (hy), we don't really deal with the uppercase form of U+0587
if u'\u0587' in reconstructed_chr:
assert verify_file_sorted(reconstructed_chr, chr_fn), 'alphabet table not verified'
# reconstruct trie
patterns = []
exceptions = []
traverse_trie(0, '', trie_data, ch_map, pattern_data, patterns, exceptions)
assert verify_file_sorted(patterns, pat_fn), 'pattern table not verified'
assert verify_file_sorted(exceptions, hyp_fn), 'exception table not verified'
def main():
global VERBOSE
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'v')
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
for o, _ in opts:
if o == '-v':
pat_fn, out_fn = args
hyph = load(pat_fn)
if pat_fn.endswith('.pat.txt'):
chr_fn = pat_fn[:-8] + '.chr.txt'
ch_map = load_chr(chr_fn)
hyp_fn = pat_fn[:-8] + '.hyp.txt'
load_hyp(hyph, hyp_fn)
generate_hyb_file(hyph, ch_map, out_fn)
verify_hyb_file(out_fn, pat_fn, chr_fn, hyp_fn)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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