未验证 提交 5db07805 编写于 作者: C Chris Yang 提交者: GitHub

Enable clipRRect for android platform view hybrid composition (#21817)

上级 dd464a8d
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public class FlutterMutatorsStack {
@Nullable private Matrix matrix;
@Nullable private Rect rect;
@Nullable private Path path;
@Nullable private float[] radiis;
private FlutterMutatorType type;
......@@ -60,6 +61,19 @@ public class FlutterMutatorsStack {
this.rect = rect;
* Initialize a clip rrect mutator.
* @param rect the rect of the rrect
* @param radiis the radiis of the rrect. Array of 8 values, 4 pairs of [X,Y]. This value cannot
* be null.
public FlutterMutator(Rect rect, float[] radiis) {
this.type = FlutterMutatorType.CLIP_RRECT;
this.rect = rect;
this.radiis = radiis;
* Initialize a clip path mutator.
......@@ -154,6 +168,26 @@ public class FlutterMutatorsStack {
* Push a clipRRect {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.mutatorsstack.Mutator} to the stack.
* @param left left offset of the rrect.
* @param top top offset of the rrect.
* @param right right position of the rrect.
* @param bottom bottom position of the rrect.
* @param radiis the radiis of the rrect. It must be size of 8, including an x and y for each
* corner.
public void pushClipRRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, float[] radiis) {
Rect rect = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom);
FlutterMutator mutator = new FlutterMutator(rect, radiis);
Path path = new Path();
path.addRoundRect(new RectF(rect), radiis, Path.Direction.CCW);
* Get a list of all the raw mutators. The 0 index of the returned list is the top of the stack.
......@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ static fml::jni::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jclass>* g_mutators_stack_class = nullptr;
static jmethodID g_mutators_stack_init_method = nullptr;
static jmethodID g_mutators_stack_push_transform_method = nullptr;
static jmethodID g_mutators_stack_push_cliprect_method = nullptr;
static jmethodID g_mutators_stack_push_cliprrect_method = nullptr;
// Called By Java
static jlong AttachJNI(JNIEnv* env,
......@@ -918,7 +919,15 @@ bool PlatformViewAndroid::Register(JNIEnv* env) {
g_mutators_stack_class->obj(), "pushClipRect", "(IIII)V");
if (g_mutators_stack_push_cliprect_method == nullptr) {
<< "Could not locate FlutterMutatorsStack.pushCilpRect method";
<< "Could not locate FlutterMutatorsStack.pushClipRect method";
return false;
g_mutators_stack_push_cliprrect_method = env->GetMethodID(
g_mutators_stack_class->obj(), "pushClipRRect", "(IIII[F)V");
if (g_mutators_stack_push_cliprect_method == nullptr) {
<< "Could not locate FlutterMutatorsStack.pushClipRRect method";
return false;
......@@ -1288,9 +1297,28 @@ void PlatformViewAndroidJNIImpl::FlutterViewOnDisplayPlatformView(
static_cast<int>(rect.right()), static_cast<int>(rect.bottom()));
case clip_rrect: {
const SkRRect& rrect = (*iter)->GetRRect();
const SkRect& rect = rrect.rect();
const SkVector& upper_left = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperLeft_Corner);
const SkVector& upper_right = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperRight_Corner);
const SkVector& lower_right = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerRight_Corner);
const SkVector& lower_left = rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerLeft_Corner);
SkScalar radiis[8] = {
upper_left.x(), upper_left.y(), upper_right.x(), upper_right.y(),
lower_right.x(), lower_right.y(), lower_left.x(), lower_left.y(),
fml::jni::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jfloatArray> radiisArray(
env, env->NewFloatArray(8));
env->SetFloatArrayRegion(radiisArray.obj(), 0, 8, radiis);
mutatorsStack, g_mutators_stack_push_cliprrect_method,
(int)rect.left(), (int)rect.top(), (int)rect.right(),
(int)rect.bottom(), radiisArray.obj());
// TODO(cyanglaz): Implement other mutators.
// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/58426
case clip_rrect:
case clip_path:
case opacity:
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