提交 1bdbdebf 编写于 作者: H Hixie

Specs: part 1 of the new approach to style

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/959473002
上级 3ed20172
Sky Style Language
Note: This is a work in progress that will eventually replace
The Sky style API looks like the following:
// all properties can be set as strings:
element.style['color'] = 'blue';
// some properties have dedicated APIs
// color
element.style.color.red += 1; // 0..255
element.style.color.blue += 10; // 0..255
element.style.color.green = 255; // 0..255
element.style.color.alpha = 128; // 0..255
// transform
..translate(100, 100)
..translate(-100, -100);
element.style.transform.translate(10, 0);
// height, width
element.style.height.auto = true;
if (element.style.height.auto)
element.style.height.pixels = 10;
element.style.height.pixels += 1;
element.style.height.em = 1;
// each property with a dedicated API defines a shorthand setter
// style.transform takes a matrix:
element.style.transform = new Matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// style.color takes a 32bit int:
element.style.color = 0xFF009900;
// style.height and style.width takes pixels or the constant 'auto':
element.style.height = auto;
element.style.width = 100;
// all properties with a dedicated API can also be set to null, inherit, or initial:
element.style.transform = null; // unset the property
element.style.color = initial; // set it to its initial value
element.style.color = inherit; // make it get its parent's value
// you can create a blank StyleDeclaration object:
var style = new StyleDeclaration();
// you can replace an element's StyleDeclaration object wholesale:
element.style = style;
// you can clone a StyleDeclaration object:
var style2 = new StyleDeclaration.clone(style);
The dart:sky library contains the following to define this API:
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'dart:math';
class WeakMap<Key, Value> {
Expando<Value> _map = new Expando<Value>();
operator[](Key key) => _map[key];
operator[]=(Key key, Value value) => _map[key] = value;
bool containsKey(Key key) => _map[key] != null;
typedef void StringSetter(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration, String value);
typedef String StringGetter(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration);
typedef Property ObjectConstructor(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration);
class PropertyTable {
const PropertyTable({this.symbol, this.inherited, this.stringGetter, this.stringSetter, this.objectConstructor});
final Symbol symbol;
final bool inherited;
final StringSetter stringSetter;
final StringGetter stringGetter;
final ObjectConstructor objectConstructor;
Map<Symbol, PropertyTable> _registeredProperties = new Map<Symbol, PropertyTable>();
void registerProperty(PropertyTable data) {
assert(data.symbol is Symbol);
assert(data.inherited is bool);
assert(data.stringSetter is StringSetter);
assert(data.stringGetter is StringGetter);
assert(data.objectConstructor == null || data.objectConstructor is ObjectConstructor);
_registeredProperties[data.symbol] = data;
class StyleDeclaration {
StyleDeclaration() { this._init(); }
StyleDeclaration.clone(StyleDeclaration template) { this.init(template); }
external void _init([StyleDeclaration template]); // O(1)
// This class has C++-backed internal state representing the
// properties known to the system. It's assumed that Property
// subclasses are also C++-backed and can directly manipulate this
// internal state.
// If the argument 'template' is provided, then this should be a clone
// of the styles of the template StyleDeclaration
operator [](String propertyName) {
var propertySymbol = new Symbol(propertyName);
if (_registeredProperties.containsKey(propertySymbol))
return _registeredProperties[propertySymbol].stringGetter(propertySymbol, this);
throw new ArgumentError(propertyName);
operator []=(String propertyName, String newValue) {
var propertySymbol = new Symbol(propertyName);
if (_registeredProperties.containsKey(propertySymbol))
return _registeredProperties[propertySymbol].stringSetter(propertySymbol, this, newValue);
throw new ArgumentError(propertyName);
// some properties expose dedicated APIs so you don't have to use string manipulation
WeakMap<Symbol, Property> _properties = new WeakMap<Symbol, Property>();
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
Symbol propertySymbol;
if (invocation.isSetter) {
// when it's a setter, the name will be "foo=" rather than "foo"
String propertyName = MirrorSystem.getName(invocation.memberName);
assert(propertyName[propertyName.length-1] == '=');
propertySymbol = new Symbol(propertyName.substring(0, propertyName.length-1));
} else {
propertySymbol = invocation.memberName;
Property property;
if (!_properties.containsKey(propertySymbol)) {
if (_registeredProperties.containsKey(propertySymbol)) {
var constructor = _registeredProperties[propertySymbol].objectConstructor;
if (constructor == null)
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
property = constructor(propertySymbol, this);
} else {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
} else {
property = _properties[propertySymbol];
if (invocation.isMethod) {
if (property is Function)
return Function.apply(property as Function, invocation.positionalArguments, invocation.namedArguments);
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
if (invocation.isSetter)
return Function.apply(property.setter, invocation.positionalArguments, invocation.namedArguments);
return property;
const initial = const Object();
const inherit = const Object();
abstract class Property {
Property(this.propertySymbol, this.declaration);
final StyleDeclaration declaration;
final Symbol propertySymbol;
bool get inherited => _registeredProperties[propertySymbol].inherited;
bool get initial => _isInitial();
void set initial (value) {
if (value == true)
return _setInitial();
throw new ArgumentError(value);
bool get inherit => _isInherit();
void set inherit (value) {
if (value == true)
return _setInherit();
throw new ArgumentError(value);
void setter(dynamic value) {
if (value == initial)
return _setInitial();
if (value == inherit)
return _setInitial();
if (value == null)
return _unset();
throw new ArgumentError(value);
external bool _isInitial();
external void _setInitial();
external bool _isInherit();
external void _setInherit();
external void _unset();
Sky defines the following properties, currently as part of the core,
but eventually this will be moved to the framework:
class LengthProperty extends Property {
LengthProperty(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration) : super(propertySymbol, declaration);
double get pixels => _getPixels();
void set pixels (value) => _setPixels(value);
double get inches => _getPixels() / 96.0;
void set inches (value) => _setPixels(value * 96.0);
double get em => _getEm();
void set em (value) => _setEm(value);
void setter(dynamic value) {
if (value is num)
return _setPixels(value.toDouble());
return super.setter(value);
external double _getPixels();
// throws StateError if the value isn't in pixels
external void _setPixels(double value);
external double _getEm();
// throws StateError if the value isn't in pixels
external void _setEm(double value);
const auto = const Object();
class AutoLengthProperty extends LengthProperty {
AutoLengthProperty(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration) : super(propertySymbol, declaration);
bool get auto => _isAuto();
void set auto (value) {
if (value == true)
throw new ArgumentError(value);
void setter(dynamic value) {
if (value == auto)
return _setAuto();
return super.setter(value);
external bool _isAuto();
external void _setAuto();
class ColorProperty extends Property {
ColorProperty(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration) : super(propertySymbol, declaration);
int get alpha => _getRGBA() & 0xFF000000 >> 24;
void set alpha (int value) => _setRGBA(_getRGBA() & 0x00FFFFFF + value << 24);
int get red => _getRGBA() & 0x00FF0000 >> 16;
void set red (int value) => _setRGBA(_getRGBA() & 0xFF00FFFF + value << 16);
int get green => _getRGBA() & 0x0000FF00 >> 8;
void set green (int value) => _setRGBA(_getRGBA() & 0xFFFF00FF + value << 8);
int get blue => _getRGBA() & 0x000000FF >> 0;
void set blue (int value) => _setRGBA(_getRGBA() & 0xFFFFFF00 + value << 0);
int get rgba => _getRGBA();
void set rgba (int value) => _setRGBA(value);
void setter(dynamic value) {
if (value is int)
return _setRGBA(value);
return super.setter(value);
external int _getRGBA();
// throws StateError if the value isn't a color
external void _setRGBA(int value);
class Matrix {
const Matrix(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f);
// +- -+
// | a c e |
// | b d f |
// | 0 0 1 |
// +- -+
final double a;
final double b;
final double c;
final double d;
final double e;
final double f;
class TransformProperty extends Property {
TransformProperty(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration) : super(propertySymbol, declaration);
void reset() => setTransform(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
void translate(double dx, double dy) => transform(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, dx, dy);
void scale(double dw, double dh) => transform(dw, 0.0, 0.0, dh, 0.0, 0.0);
void rotate(double theta) => transform(cos(theta), -sin(theta), sin(theta), cos(theta), 0.0, 0.0);
// there's no "transform" getter since it would always return a new Matrix
// such that foo.transform == foo.transform would never be true
// and foo.transform = bar; bar == foo.transform would also never be true
// which is bad API
external Matrix getTransform();
// throws StateError if the value isn't a matrix
// returns a new matrix each time
external void setTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f);
external void transform(a, b, c, d, e, f);
// throws StateError if the value isn't a matrix
external void autoLengthPropertyStringSetter(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration, String value);
external String autoLengthPropertyStringGetter(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration);
external void colorPropertyStringSetter(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration, String value);
external String colorPropertyStringGetter(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration);
external void transformPropertyStringSetter(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration, String value);
external String transformPropertyStringGetter(Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration);
void _init() {
registerProperty(new PropertyTable(
symbol: #height,
inherited: false,
stringSetter: autoLengthPropertyStringSetter,
stringGetter: autoLengthPropertyStringGetter,
objectConstructor: (Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration) =>
new AutoLengthProperty(propertySymbol, declaration)));
registerProperty(new PropertyTable(
symbol: #width,
inherited: false,
stringSetter: autoLengthPropertyStringSetter,
stringGetter: autoLengthPropertyStringGetter,
objectConstructor: (Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration) =>
new AutoLengthProperty(propertySymbol, declaration)));
registerProperty(new PropertyTable(
symbol: #color,
inherited: false,
stringSetter: colorPropertyStringSetter,
stringGetter: colorPropertyStringGetter,
objectConstructor: (Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration) =>
new ColorProperty(propertySymbol, declaration)));
registerProperty(new PropertyTable(
symbol: #transform,
inherited: false,
stringSetter: transformPropertyStringSetter,
stringGetter: transformPropertyStringGetter,
objectConstructor: (Symbol propertySymbol, StyleDeclaration declaration) =>
new TransformProperty(propertySymbol, declaration)));
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