提交 186f1158 编写于 作者: T TreeHugger Robot 提交者: Android (Google) Code Review

Merge "In greedy line breaking, repeat breaks until the line fits"

......@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ class LineBreaker {
struct Candidate {
size_t offset; // offset to text buffer, in code units
size_t prev; // index to previous break
ParaWidth preBreak;
ParaWidth postBreak;
ParaWidth preBreak; // width of text until this point, if we decide to not break here
ParaWidth postBreak; // width of text until this point, if we decide to break here
float penalty; // penalty of this break (for example, hyphen penalty)
float score; // best score found for this break
size_t lineNumber; // only updated for non-constant line widths
......@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ class LineBreaker {
size_t preSpaceCount, size_t postSpaceCount, float penalty, HyphenationType hyph);
void addCandidate(Candidate cand);
void pushGreedyBreak();
// push an actual break to the output. Takes care of setting flags for tab
void pushBreak(int offset, float width, uint8_t hyphenEdit);
......@@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ class LineBreaker {
size_t mBestBreak;
float mBestScore;
ParaWidth mPreBreak; // prebreak of last break
uint32_t mLastHyphenation; // hyphen edit of last break kept for next line
int mFirstTabIndex;
size_t mSpaceCount;
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ void LineBreaker::setText() {
mBestBreak = 0;
mBestScore = SCORE_INFTY;
mPreBreak = 0;
mLastHyphenation = HyphenEdit::NO_EDIT;
mFirstTabIndex = INT_MAX;
mSpaceCount = 0;
......@@ -269,24 +270,59 @@ void LineBreaker::addWordBreak(size_t offset, ParaWidth preBreak, ParaWidth post
// Helper method for addCandidate()
void LineBreaker::pushGreedyBreak() {
const Candidate& bestCandidate = mCandidates[mBestBreak];
pushBreak(bestCandidate.offset, bestCandidate.postBreak - mPreBreak,
mLastHyphenation | HyphenEdit::editForThisLine(bestCandidate.hyphenType));
mBestScore = SCORE_INFTY;
ALOGD("break: %d %g", mBreaks.back(), mWidths.back());
mLastBreak = mBestBreak;
mPreBreak = bestCandidate.preBreak;
mLastHyphenation = HyphenEdit::editForNextLine(bestCandidate.hyphenType);
// TODO performance: could avoid populating mCandidates if greedy only
void LineBreaker::addCandidate(Candidate cand) {
size_t candIndex = mCandidates.size();
const size_t candIndex = mCandidates.size();
// mLastBreak is the index of the last line break we decided to do in mCandidates,
// and mPreBreak is its preBreak value. mBestBreak is the index of the best line breaking candidate
// we have found since then, and mBestScore is its penalty.
if (cand.postBreak - mPreBreak > currentLineWidth()) {
// This break would create an overfull line, pick the best break and break there (greedy)
if (mBestBreak == mLastBreak) {
// No good break has been found since last break. Break here.
mBestBreak = candIndex;
pushBreak(mCandidates[mBestBreak].offset, mCandidates[mBestBreak].postBreak - mPreBreak,
mBestScore = SCORE_INFTY;
ALOGD("break: %d %g", mBreaks.back(), mWidths.back());
mLastBreak = mBestBreak;
mPreBreak = mCandidates[mBestBreak].preBreak;
while (mLastBreak != candIndex && cand.postBreak - mPreBreak > currentLineWidth()) {
// We should rarely come here. But if we are here, we have broken the line, but the
// remaining part still doesn't fit. We now need to break at the second best place after the
// last break, but we have not kept that information, so we need to go back and find it.
// In some really rare cases, postBreak - preBreak of a candidate itself may be over the
// current line width. We protect ourselves against an infinite loop in that case by
// checking that we have not broken the line at this candidate already.
for (size_t i = mLastBreak + 1; i < candIndex; i++) {
const float penalty = mCandidates[i].penalty;
if (penalty <= mBestScore) {
mBestBreak = i;
mBestScore = penalty;
if (mBestBreak == mLastBreak) {
// We didn't find anything good. Break here.
mBestBreak = candIndex;
if (cand.penalty <= mBestScore) {
mBestBreak = candIndex;
mBestScore = cand.penalty;
......@@ -329,7 +365,7 @@ void LineBreaker::computeBreaksGreedy() {
size_t nCand = mCandidates.size();
if (nCand == 1 || mLastBreak != nCand - 1) {
pushBreak(mCandidates[nCand - 1].offset, mCandidates[nCand - 1].postBreak - mPreBreak,
// don't need to update mBestScore, because we're done
ALOGD("final break: %d %g", mBreaks.back(), mWidths.back());
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