提交 65e5b9fe 编写于 作者: S sunlikun


上级 1f32a4ed
#include "m5313.h"
#include "tos_k.h"
#include "tos_at.h"
#include "tos_hal.h"
#include "sal_module_wrapper.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdbool.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#define M5313_USE_MUX 1 //使用多路链接
static int m5313_recv_timeout(int id, void *buf, size_t len, uint32_t timeout)
return tos_at_channel_read_timed(id, buf, len, timeout);
static int m5313_recv(int id, void *buf, size_t len)
return m5313_recv_timeout(id, buf, len, (uint32_t)10000);
static int m5313_connect(const char *ip, const char *port, sal_proto_t proto)
int id;
at_echo_t echo;
char buffer[100];
id = tos_at_channel_alloc(ip, port);
if (id == -1) {
return -1;
sprintf(buffer,"%d,CONNECT OK\r\n",id);
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, buffer);
#if defined(M5313_USE_MUX)
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 10000, "AT+IPSTART=%d,\"%s\",\"%s\",%s\r\n",id,
proto == TOS_SAL_PROTO_UDP ? "UDP" : "TCP",
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 10000, "AT+IPSTART=\"%s\",\"%s\",%s\r\n",
proto == TOS_SAL_PROTO_UDP ? "UDP" : "TCP",
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT) {
return id;
return -1;
static int m5313_send(int id, const void *buf, size_t len)
at_echo_t echo;
if (tos_at_global_lock_pend() != 0) {
return -1;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, ">");
#if defined(M5313_USE_MUX)
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 3000, "AT+IPSEND=%d,%d\r\n",id,len);
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 3000, "AT+IPSEND=%d\r\n",len);
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT)
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, "SEND OK");
tos_at_raw_data_send_until(&echo, 10000, buf,len);
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT)
return len;
return -1;
static int m5313_close(int id)
#if defined(M5313_USE_MUX)
tos_at_cmd_exec(NULL, 1000, "AT+IPCLOSE=%d\r\n",id);
printf("close %d called\n", id);
tos_at_cmd_exec(NULL, 1000, "AT+IPCLOSE\r\n");
printf("close %d called\n", 0);
return 0;
static int m5313_set_cmmux(void)
tos_at_cmd_exec(NULL, 1000, "AT+CMMUX=1\r\n");
return 0;
static int m5313_reset_cmmux(void)
tos_at_cmd_exec(NULL, 1000, "AT+CMMUX=0\r\n");
return 0;
static int m5313_parse_domain(const char *host_name, char *host_ip, size_t host_ip_len) {
char *str;
at_echo_t echo;
char echo_buffer[100];
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, echo_buffer, sizeof(echo_buffer), "+CMDNSGIP:");
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 10000, "AT+CMDNSGIP=\"%s\"\r\n", host_name);
if (echo.status != AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT) {
return -1;
// printf(echo.buffer);
/* +CMDNSGIP:"name",""\r\n */
str = strstr((const char *)echo.buffer, "+CMDNSGIP:");
if (!str) {
return -1;
sscanf(str, "+CMDNSGIP:\"%*[^\"]\",\"%[^\"]",host_ip);
host_ip[host_ip_len - 1] = '\0';
int iplen = strlen(host_ip);
if (iplen > 1 && host_ip[iplen-1] == '"') {
host_ip[iplen-1] = 0;
printf("GOT IP: %s\n", host_ip);
return 0;
static int m5313_reset(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, "+CTZV:");
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 60000, "AT+TRB\r\n");
if (echo.status != AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT) {
return -1;
return 0;
static int m5313_echo_close(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, NULL);
tos_at_cmd_exec(&echo, 1000, "ATE0\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_OK) {
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_pin_ready(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, "+CPIN:READY");
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 5000, "AT+CPIN?\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT) {
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_signal_quality_check(void)
int rssi, ber;
at_echo_t echo;
char echo_buffer[32], *str;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, echo_buffer, sizeof(echo_buffer), "+CSQ:");
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 5000, "AT+CSQ\r\n");
if (echo.status != AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT) {
return -1;
str = strstr(echo.buffer, "+CSQ:");
sscanf(str, "+CSQ:%d,%d", &rssi, &ber);
if (rssi == 99) {
return -1;
return 0;
//Network switching mode ---Automatic mode
static int m5313_Net_switch_mode(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, "+CFGDUALMODE: 1,0\r\n");
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 5000, "AT+CFGDUALMODE?\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT){
return 0;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, NULL);
tos_at_cmd_exec(&echo, 2000, "AT+CFGDUALMODE=1,0\r\n");
if(echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_OK)
if (m5313_reset() != 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_Check_net_type(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, "+COPS: 0,2,\"46000\", 0");
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 8000, "AT+COPS?\r\n");
if (echo.status != AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT)
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, "+CTZV:");
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 25000, "AT+CFGRATPRIO=2\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT)
return 0;
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_Check_sim_numb(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, NULL);
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 2000, "AT+CIMI\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_OK)
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_cm_head(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, NULL);
tos_at_cmd_exec(&echo, 1000, "AT+CMHEAD=1\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_OK)
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_cm_showpt(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, NULL);
tos_at_cmd_exec(&echo, 1000, "AT+CMSHOWPT=1\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_OK)
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_cm_showra0(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, NULL);
tos_at_cmd_exec(&echo, 1000, "AT+CMSHOWRA=0\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_OK)
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_activate(void) {
int try = 0;
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, NULL);
while (try++ < 5) {
tos_at_cmd_exec(&echo, 3000, "AT+CGACT=1,1\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_OK || echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT) {
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_Activate_pdp(void)
at_echo_t echo;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, "+CGACT: 1, 1\r\n");
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 2000, "AT+CGACT?\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_EXPECT)
return 0;
tos_at_echo_create(&echo, NULL, 0, NULL);
tos_at_cmd_exec_until(&echo, 20000, "AT+CGACT=1,1\r\n");
if (echo.status == AT_ECHO_STATUS_OK)
return 0;
return -1;
static int m5313_init(void)
printf("Init M5313 ...\n" );
if (m5313_reset() != 0) {
printf("m5313 reset FAILED\n");
return -1;
if (m5313_echo_close() != 0) {
printf("m5313 echo close FAILED\n");
return -1;
if (m5313_pin_ready() != 0) {
printf("m5313 pin not ready\n");
return -1;
if (m5313_Net_switch_mode() != 0) {
printf("nb Netswitch mode err!\n");
// return -1;
if (m5313_Check_net_type() != 0) {
printf("nb net type err!\n");
if (m5313_signal_quality_check() != 0) {
printf("nb signal err!\n");
if (m5313_activate() != 0) {
printf("nb pdp err!\n");
if (m5313_cm_head() != 0) {
printf("cm head err!\n");
if (m5313_cm_showpt() != 0) {
printf("cm showpt err!\n");
#if defined(M5313_USE_MUX)
if (m5313_set_cmmux() != 0) {
printf("cm showpt err!\n");
return 0;
#define M5313_INCOMING_DATA_LEN 2048
__STATIC__ uint8_t incoming_data_buffer[M5313_INCOMING_DATA_LEN];
__STATIC__ void m5313_server_ip_port(void)
#if defined(M5313_USE_MUX)
__STATIC__ void m5313_incoming_data(void)
uint8_t data=0;
int id = 0;
int data_len = 0;
int discard_suffix = 1;
if (tos_at_uart_read(&data, 1) != 1) {
if(data >= '0' && data <= '9') {
id = data - '0';
if (tos_at_uart_read(&data, 1) != 1) {
while (1) {
if (tos_at_uart_read(&data, 1) != 1) {
if(data >= '0' && data <= '9') {
data_len = data_len * 10 + (data - '0');
}else if(data == ':'){
if (data_len > sizeof(incoming_data_buffer)) {
discard_suffix = 0;
data_len = sizeof(incoming_data_buffer);
if (tos_at_uart_read(incoming_data_buffer, data_len) != data_len) {
tos_at_channel_write(id, incoming_data_buffer, data_len);
// printf(incoming_data_buffer);
__STATIC__ void m5313_incoming_data(void)
uint8_t data=0;
int data_len = 0;
int discard_suffix = 1;
while (data != ':') {
if (tos_at_uart_read(&data, 1) != 1) {
if(data >= '0' && data <= '9') {
data_len = data_len * 10 + (data - '0');
if (data_len > sizeof(incoming_data_buffer)) {
discard_suffix = 0;
data_len = sizeof(incoming_data_buffer);
if (tos_at_uart_read(incoming_data_buffer, data_len) != data_len) {
tos_at_channel_write(0, incoming_data_buffer, data_len);
// printf(incoming_data_buffer);
at_event_t m5313_at_event[] = {
{"+RECV FROM:", m5313_server_ip_port},
#if defined(M5313_USE_MUX)
{"+RECEIVE,", m5313_incoming_data },
{"+IPD,", m5313_incoming_data },
sal_module_t sal_module_m5313 = {
.init = m5313_init,
.connect = m5313_connect,
.send = m5313_send,
.recv_timeout = m5313_recv_timeout,
.recv = m5313_recv,
.close = m5313_close,
.parse_domain = m5313_parse_domain,
int m5313_sal_init(hal_uart_port_t uart_port)
if (tos_at_init(uart_port, m5313_at_event,
sizeof(m5313_at_event) / sizeof(m5313_at_event[0])) != 0) {
return -1;
if (tos_sal_module_register(&sal_module_m5313) != 0) {
return -1;
if (tos_sal_module_init() != 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making TencentOS
* available.
* Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
* If you have downloaded a copy of the TencentOS binary from Tencent, please
* note that the TencentOS binary is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
* If you have downloaded a copy of the TencentOS source code from Tencent,
* please note that TencentOS source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause
* License, except for the third-party components listed below which are
* subject to different license terms. Your integration of TencentOS into your
* own projects may require compliance with the BSD 3-Clause License, as well
* as the other licenses applicable to the third-party components included
* within TencentOS.
#ifndef __M5313_H__
#define __M5313_H__
#include "tos_at.h"
int m5313_sal_init(hal_uart_port_t uart_port);
#endif /* __M5310A_H__ */
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