arm_depthwise_conv_s8.c 12.3 KB
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 * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Project:      CMSIS NN Library
 * Title:        arm_depthwise_conv_s8.c
 * Description:	 s8 version of depthwise convolution.
 * $Date:        May 14, 2020
 * $Revision:    V.2.0.0
 * Target Processor:  Cortex-M CPUs
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "cmsis/CMSIS/DSP/Include/arm_math.h"
#include "cmsis/CMSIS/NN/Include/arm_nnfunctions.h"
#include "cmsis/CMSIS/NN/Include/arm_nnsupportfunctions.h"

 *  @ingroup groupNN

 * @addtogroup NNConv
 * @{

static void depthwise_conv_s8_mult_4(const int8_t *input,
                                     const int32_t input_x,
                                     const int32_t input_y,
                                     const int32_t input_ch,
                                     const int8_t *kernel,
                                     const int32_t output_ch,
                                     const int32_t ch_mult,
                                     const int32_t kernel_x,
                                     const int32_t kernel_y,
                                     const int32_t pad_x,
                                     const int32_t pad_y,
                                     const int32_t stride_x,
                                     const int32_t stride_y,
                                     const int32_t *bias,
                                     int8_t *output,
                                     const int32_t *output_shift,
                                     const int32_t *output_mult,
                                     const int32_t output_x,
                                     const int32_t output_y,
                                     const int32_t output_offset,
                                     const int32_t input_offset,
                                     const int32_t output_activation_min,
                                     const int32_t output_activation_max)
    for (int32_t in_h = -pad_y, out_h = 0, out_idx = 0; out_h < output_y; in_h += stride_y, ++out_h)
        for (int32_t in_w = -pad_x, out_w = 0, ker_h_start = MAX(0, -in_h); out_w < output_x; in_w += stride_x, ++out_w)
            for (int32_t in_ch = 0, out_ch = 0, ker_w_start = MAX(0, -in_w); out_ch < output_ch; ++in_ch, out_ch += ch_mult)
                for (int mult_tile = 0; mult_tile < ch_mult; mult_tile += 4)
                    int32_t out_buff[4];

                    out_buff[0] = bias[out_ch + 0 + mult_tile];
                    out_buff[1] = bias[out_ch + 1 + mult_tile];
                    out_buff[2] = bias[out_ch + 2 + mult_tile];
                    out_buff[3] = bias[out_ch + 3 + mult_tile];

                    for (int32_t ker_h = ker_h_start; ker_h < MIN(kernel_y, input_y - in_h); ++ker_h)
                        int32_t ker_idx = ker_h * (output_ch * kernel_x) + ker_w_start * output_ch + out_ch;
                        int32_t in_idx = (in_h + ker_h) * (input_ch * input_x) + in_w * input_ch + in_ch;

                        for (int32_t ker_w = ker_w_start; ker_w < MIN(kernel_x, input_x - in_w); ++ker_w, ker_idx += output_ch)
                            int32_t in_val = input[in_idx + ker_w * input_ch] + input_offset;
                            out_buff[0] += in_val * kernel[ker_idx + 0 + mult_tile];
                            out_buff[1] += in_val * kernel[ker_idx + 1 + mult_tile];
                            out_buff[2] += in_val * kernel[ker_idx + 2 + mult_tile];
                            out_buff[3] += in_val * kernel[ker_idx + 3 + mult_tile];
#if defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI)
                    int32x4_t res = vldrwq_s32(out_buff);
                    res = arm_requantize_mve_32x4(res, vldrwq_s32(&output_mult[out_ch + mult_tile]), vldrwq_s32(&output_shift[out_ch + mult_tile]));
                    res = vaddq_n_s32(res, output_offset);

                    res = vmaxq_s32(res, vdupq_n_s32(output_activation_min));
                    res = vminq_s32(res, vdupq_n_s32(output_activation_max));
                    vstrbq_s32(output, res);
                    output += 4;
                    out_buff[0] = arm_nn_requantize(out_buff[0], output_mult[out_ch + 0 + mult_tile], output_shift[out_ch + 0 + mult_tile]);
                    out_buff[1] = arm_nn_requantize(out_buff[1], output_mult[out_ch + 1 + mult_tile], output_shift[out_ch + 1 + mult_tile]);
                    out_buff[2] = arm_nn_requantize(out_buff[2], output_mult[out_ch + 2 + mult_tile], output_shift[out_ch + 2 + mult_tile]);
                    out_buff[3] = arm_nn_requantize(out_buff[3], output_mult[out_ch + 3 + mult_tile], output_shift[out_ch + 3 + mult_tile]);

                    out_buff[0] += output_offset;
                    out_buff[1] += output_offset;
                    out_buff[2] += output_offset;
                    out_buff[3] += output_offset;

                    out_buff[0] = MIN(MAX(out_buff[0], output_activation_min), output_activation_max);
                    out_buff[1] = MIN(MAX(out_buff[1], output_activation_min), output_activation_max);
                    out_buff[2] = MIN(MAX(out_buff[2], output_activation_min), output_activation_max);
                    out_buff[3] = MIN(MAX(out_buff[3], output_activation_min), output_activation_max);

                    output[out_idx++] = (int8_t)out_buff[0];
                    output[out_idx++] = (int8_t)out_buff[1];
                    output[out_idx++] = (int8_t)out_buff[2];
                    output[out_idx++] = (int8_t)out_buff[3];


static void depthwise_conv_s8_generic(const q7_t *input,
                                      const uint16_t input_x,
                                      const uint16_t input_y,
                                      const uint16_t input_ch,
                                      const q7_t *kernel,
                                      const uint16_t output_ch,
                                      const uint16_t ch_mult,
                                      const uint16_t kernel_x,
                                      const uint16_t kernel_y,
                                      const uint16_t pad_x,
                                      const uint16_t pad_y,
                                      const uint16_t stride_x,
                                      const uint16_t stride_y,
                                      const int32_t *bias,
                                      q7_t *output,
                                      const int32_t *output_shift,
                                      const int32_t *output_mult,
                                      const uint16_t output_x,
                                      const uint16_t output_y,
                                      const int32_t output_offset,
                                      const int32_t input_offset,
                                      const int32_t output_activation_min,
                                      const int32_t output_activation_max)
    int i_out = 0;
    for (int i_out_y = 0; i_out_y < output_y; i_out_y++)
        const int16_t base_idx_y = (i_out_y * stride_y) - pad_y;
        for (int i_out_x = 0; i_out_x < output_x; i_out_x++)
            const int16_t base_idx_x = (i_out_x * stride_x) - pad_x;
            for (int i_input_ch = 0; i_input_ch < input_ch; i_input_ch++)
                for (int i_ch_mult = 0; i_ch_mult < ch_mult; i_ch_mult++)
                    const int idx_out_ch = i_ch_mult + i_input_ch * ch_mult;
                    int32_t acc_0;
                    /* Condition for kernel start dimension: (base_idx_<x,y> + ker_<x,y>_start) >= 0 */
                    const int ker_y_start = MAX(0, -base_idx_y);
                    const int ker_x_start = MAX(0, -base_idx_x);
                    /* Condition for kernel end dimension: (base_idx_<x,y> + ker_<x,y>_end) < input_<x,y> */
                    const int ker_y_end = MIN(kernel_y, input_y - base_idx_y);
                    const int ker_x_end = MIN(kernel_x, input_x - base_idx_x);
                    acc_0 = bias[idx_out_ch];

                    for (int i_ker_y = ker_y_start; i_ker_y < ker_y_end; i_ker_y++)
                        const int32_t idx_y = base_idx_y + i_ker_y;
                        for (int i_ker_x = ker_x_start; i_ker_x < ker_x_end; i_ker_x++)
                            const int32_t idx_x = base_idx_x + i_ker_x;
                            int32_t idx_0 = (idx_y * input_x + idx_x) * input_ch + i_input_ch;
                            int32_t ker_idx_0 = (i_ker_y * kernel_x + i_ker_x) * (input_ch * ch_mult) + idx_out_ch;

                            acc_0 += (input[idx_0] + input_offset) * kernel[ker_idx_0];

                    /* Requantize and clamp output to provided range */
                    acc_0 = arm_nn_requantize(acc_0, output_mult[idx_out_ch], output_shift[idx_out_ch]);
                    acc_0 += output_offset;
                    acc_0 = MAX(acc_0, output_activation_min);
                    acc_0 = MIN(acc_0, output_activation_max);

                    output[i_out++] = acc_0;

   *  Basic s8 depthwise convolution function.
   *  Refer header file for details.
   *  Optimization using DSP extension is not available for the generic case where channel multiplier is > 1.
arm_status arm_depthwise_conv_s8(const cmsis_nn_context *ctx,
                                 const cmsis_nn_dw_conv_params *dw_conv_params,
                                 const cmsis_nn_per_channel_quant_params *quant_params,
                                 const cmsis_nn_dims *input_dims,
                                 const q7_t *input,
                                 const cmsis_nn_dims *filter_dims,
                                 const q7_t *kernel,
                                 const cmsis_nn_dims *bias_dims,
                                 const int32_t *bias,
                                 const cmsis_nn_dims *output_dims,
                                 q7_t *output)

    if (dw_conv_params->ch_mult % 4 == 0)
        depthwise_conv_s8_mult_4(input, input_dims->w, input_dims->h, input_dims->c, kernel, output_dims->c, dw_conv_params->ch_mult, filter_dims->w, filter_dims->h,
                                 dw_conv_params->padding.w, dw_conv_params->padding.h, dw_conv_params->stride.w, dw_conv_params->stride.h, bias, output,
                                 quant_params->shift, quant_params->multiplier, output_dims->w, output_dims->h, dw_conv_params->output_offset,
                                 dw_conv_params->input_offset, dw_conv_params->activation.min, dw_conv_params->activation.max);
        depthwise_conv_s8_generic(input, input_dims->w, input_dims->h, input_dims->c, kernel, output_dims->c, dw_conv_params->ch_mult, filter_dims->w, filter_dims->h,
                                  dw_conv_params->padding.w, dw_conv_params->padding.h, dw_conv_params->stride.w, dw_conv_params->stride.h, bias, output,
                                  quant_params->shift, quant_params->multiplier, output_dims->w, output_dims->h, dw_conv_params->output_offset,
                                  dw_conv_params->input_offset, dw_conv_params->activation.min, dw_conv_params->activation.max);

    /* Return to application */
    return ARM_MATH_SUCCESS;

 * @} end of NNConv group