kernel_runner.h 3.4 KB
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/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/compatibility.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/simple_memory_allocator.h"

namespace tflite {
namespace micro {

// Helper class to perform a simulated kernel (i.e. TfLiteRegistration) lifecyle
// (init, prepare, invoke). All internal allocations are handled by this class.
// Simply pass in the registration, list of required tensors, inputs array,
// outputs array, and any pre-builtin data. Calling Invoke() will automatically
// walk the kernl and outputs will be ready on the the TfLiteTensor output
// provided during construction.
class KernelRunner {
  KernelRunner(const TfLiteRegistration& registration, TfLiteTensor* tensors,
               int tensors_size, TfLiteIntArray* inputs,
               TfLiteIntArray* outputs, void* builtin_data,
               ErrorReporter* error_reporter);

  // Calls init and prepare on the kernel (i.e. TfLiteRegistration) struct. Any
  // exceptions will be reported through the error_reporter and returned as a
  // status code here.
  TfLiteStatus InitAndPrepare(const char* init_data = nullptr);

  // Calls init, prepare, and invoke on a given TfLiteRegistration pointer.
  // After successful invoke, results will be available in the output tensor as
  // passed into the constructor of this class.
  TfLiteStatus Invoke();

  static TfLiteTensor* GetTensor(const struct TfLiteContext* context,
                                 int tensor_index);
  static TfLiteEvalTensor* GetEvalTensor(const struct TfLiteContext* context,
                                         int tensor_index);
  static void* AllocatePersistentBuffer(TfLiteContext* context, size_t bytes);
  static TfLiteStatus RequestScratchBufferInArena(TfLiteContext* context,
                                                  size_t bytes,
                                                  int* buffer_index);
  static void* GetScratchBuffer(TfLiteContext* context, int buffer_index);
  static void ReportOpError(struct TfLiteContext* context, const char* format,

  static constexpr int kNumScratchBuffers_ = 5;

  static constexpr int kKernelRunnerBufferSize_ = 10000;
  static uint8_t kKernelRunnerBuffer_[kKernelRunnerBufferSize_];

  SimpleMemoryAllocator* allocator_ = nullptr;
  const TfLiteRegistration& registration_;
  TfLiteTensor* tensors_ = nullptr;
  ErrorReporter* error_reporter_ = nullptr;

  TfLiteContext context_ = {};
  TfLiteNode node_ = {};

  int scratch_buffer_count_ = 0;
  uint8_t* scratch_buffers_[kNumScratchBuffers_];

}  // namespace micro
}  // namespace tflite