version.h 6.4 KB
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/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// TensorFlow uses semantic versioning, see

// Also update tensorflow/tensorflow.bzl and
// tensorflow/tools/pip_package/

// TF_VERSION_SUFFIX is non-empty for pre-releases (e.g. "-alpha", "-alpha.1",
// "-beta", "-rc", "-rc.1")

#define TF_STR_HELPER(x) #x
#define TF_STR(x) TF_STR_HELPER(x)

// e.g. "0.5.0" or "0.6.0-alpha".
#define TF_VERSION_STRING                                            \

// GraphDef compatibility versions (the versions field in graph.proto).
// Each graph has producer and min_consumer versions, and each
// consumer has its own version and a min_producer.  In addition, graphs can
// mark specific consumer versions as bad (to prevent bugs from executing).
// A consumer will execute a graph if the consumer's version is at least the
// graph's min_consumer, the graph's producer version is at least the consumer's
// min_producer, and the consumer version isn't specifically disallowed by the
// graph.
// By default, newly created graphs have producer version TF_GRAPH_DEF_VERSION
// min_consumer TF_GRAPH_DEF_MIN_CONSUMER, and no other bad consumer versions.
// Version history:
// 0. Graphs created before GraphDef versioning
// 1. First real version (2dec2015)
// 2. adjust_contrast only takes float, doesn't perform clamping (11dec2015)
// 3. Remove TileGrad, since it was equivalent to reduce_sum (30dec2015)
// 4. When support for this version is removed, we can safely make AttrValue
//    parsing more strict with respect to empty list values (see
//    111635679, 7jan2016).
// 5. Graphs are wholly-validated during Session::Create() (7jan2016).
// 6. TensorFlow is scalar strict within Google (27jan2016).
// 7. Remove TopK in favor of TopKV2 (5feb2016).
// 8. Replace RandomCrop from C++ with pure Python (5feb2016).
// 9. Deprecate batch_norm_with_global_normalization (16feb2016).
// 10. Deprecate conv3d_backprop_{filter,input} (10jun2016).
// 11. Deprecate {batch}_self_adjoint_eig (3aug2016).
// 12. Graph consumers understand the node_def field of FunctionDef (22aug2016).
// 13. Deprecate multiple batch linear algebra ops (9sep2016).
// 14. Deprecate batch_matrix_* ops. (10sep2016).
// 15. Deprecate batch_fft_* ops. (14sep2016).
// 16. Deprecate tensor_array (v1) ops in favor of v2 (10nov2016).
// 17. Deprecate inv (11nov2016).
// 17. Expose reverse_v2 (10nov2016)
// 18. Add VariableV2 (30nov2016)
// 19. Deprecated ops created by models moved out of core SkipGram, NegTrain.
//     (08dec2016)
// 20. Catch all version 1.0 changes to Python API generation. SplitV is now
//     used for tf.split, ReverseV2 is now used by tf.reverse, ConcatV2 is
//     now used by tf.concat. Graphs use flooring
//     division and mod semantics. TensorArrayV3. (12dec2016)
//     Also considered the version for when it is required for reduction
//     ops' indices to be scalar or vector, and not higher rank.
//     Some earlier graph def versions allowed this.
// 21. Dropped FunctionDef.Node support, switched to node_def introduced
//     in version 12. (11jan2017)
// 22. Placeholder now can specify and enforce scalar and partial
//     shapes, particularly when restoring a graph from GraphDef
//     produced at version 22 or later.  (04/10/2016)
// 23. Remove NonMaxSuppression in favor of NonMaxSuppressionV2.
// 24. Deprecate lookup ops (v1) ops in favor of v2 (30may2017)
// 25. Deprecate stack (v1) ops in favor of v2 (2017/6/15).
// 25. Deprecate RandomPoisson (v1) ops in favor of v2 (2017/10/25).
// 26. Add a bool 'stripped_default_attrs' to MetaInfoDef indicating
//     whether default-valued attrs have been stripped from the nodes in the
//     GraphDef. (7dec2017)
// 27. Deprecate TensorArray ops v2 in favor of v3 and deprecated io_ops
//     deprecated in favor of V2 ops. (2018/01/23)
// 28. Deprecate MatrixExponential op in favor of Python implementation.
//     (2018/08/21).
// (2019/02/15). Added `control_ret` field to FunctionDef proto, and
//     `control_output` field to OpDef proto.
// 29. Deprecate StatefulStandardNormal op in favor of StatefulStandardNormalV2.
//     (2019/03/25).
// (2019/04/17). Added `arg_attr` field to FunctionDefProto.
// 30. (2019/05/09) First date based GraphDef version. GraphDef
//     versions advance by 1 each day after this point.

#define TF_GRAPH_DEF_VERSION 485  // Updated: 2020/8/6

// Checkpoint compatibility versions (the versions field in SavedSliceMeta).
// The checkpoint versions have the same semantics as GraphDef versions, but the
// numbering scheme is separate.  We have no plans to ever deprecate checkpoint
// versions, but it's good to have this in place in case we ever need to.
// Version history:
// 0. Checkpoints saved before checkpoint versioning.
// 1. First real version (10feb2015).

/// Version query functions (defined in generated

// Host compiler version (declared elsewhere to be __VERSION__)
extern const char* tf_compiler_version();
// The git commit designator when tensorflow was built
// If no git repository, this will be "internal".
extern const char* tf_git_version();
// Value of the _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI flag, or 0 if it's not set.
extern int tf_cxx11_abi_flag();
// Returns 1 if build is monolithic, or 0 otherwise.
extern int tf_monolithic_build();