提交 a1df6e20 编写于 作者: V Vishnu Banna

box_ops update

上级 f5830dbe
......@@ -38,32 +38,7 @@ def yxyx_to_xcycwh(box: tf.Tensor):
return box
def _xcycwh_to_yxyx(box: tf.Tensor, scale):
"""Private function to allow custom gradients with defaults."""
with tf.name_scope('xcycwh_to_yxyx'):
xy, wh = tf.split(box, 2, axis=-1)
xy_min = xy - wh / 2
xy_max = xy + wh / 2
x_min, y_min = tf.split(xy_min, 2, axis=-1)
x_max, y_max = tf.split(xy_max, 2, axis=-1)
box = tf.concat([y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max], axis=-1)
def delta(dbox):
# y_min = top, x_min = left, y_max = bottom, x_max = right
dt, dl, db, dr = tf.split(dbox, 4, axis=-1)
dx = dl + dr
dy = dt + db
dw = (dr - dl) / scale
dh = (db - dt) / scale
dbox = tf.concat([dx, dy, dw, dh], axis=-1)
return dbox, 0.0
return box, delta
def xcycwh_to_yxyx(box: tf.Tensor, darknet=False):
def xcycwh_to_yxyx(box: tf.Tensor):
"""Converts boxes from x_center, y_center, width, height to yxyx format.
......@@ -74,11 +49,13 @@ def xcycwh_to_yxyx(box: tf.Tensor, darknet=False):
box: a `Tensor` whose shape is the same as `box` in new format.
if darknet:
scale = 1.0
scale = 2.0
box = _xcycwh_to_yxyx(box, scale)
with tf.name_scope('xcycwh_to_yxyx'):
xy, wh = tf.split(box, 2, axis=-1)
xy_min = xy - wh / 2
xy_max = xy + wh / 2
x_min, y_min = tf.split(xy_min, 2, axis=-1)
x_max, y_max = tf.split(xy_max, 2, axis=-1)
box = tf.concat([y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max], axis=-1)
return box
......@@ -98,8 +75,9 @@ def intersect_and_union(box1, box2, yxyx=False):
intersection: a `Tensor` who represents the intersection.
union: a `Tensor` who represents the union.
if not yxyx:
box1_area = tf.reduce_prod(tf.split(box1, 2, axis=-1)[-1], axis=-1)
box2_area = tf.reduce_prod(tf.split(box2, 2, axis=-1)[-1], axis=-1)
box1 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box1)
box2 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box2)
......@@ -110,13 +88,14 @@ def intersect_and_union(box1, box2, yxyx=False):
intersect_wh = tf.math.maximum(intersect_maxes - intersect_mins, 0.0)
intersection = tf.reduce_prod(intersect_wh, axis=-1)
box1_area = tf.reduce_prod(b1ma - b1mi, axis=-1)
box2_area = tf.reduce_prod(b2ma - b2mi, axis=-1)
if yxyx:
box1_area = tf.reduce_prod(b1ma - b1mi, axis=-1)
box2_area = tf.reduce_prod(b2ma - b2mi, axis=-1)
union = box1_area + box2_area - intersection
return intersection, union
def smallest_encompassing_box(box1, box2, yxyx=False):
def smallest_encompassing_box(box1, box2, yxyx=False, clip=False):
"""Calculates the smallest box that encompasses box1 and box2.
......@@ -141,15 +120,15 @@ def smallest_encompassing_box(box1, box2, yxyx=False):
bcmi = tf.math.minimum(b1mi, b2mi)
bcma = tf.math.maximum(b1ma, b2ma)
bca = tf.reduce_prod(bcma - bcmi, keepdims=True, axis=-1)
box_c = tf.concat([bcmi, bcma], axis=-1)
if not yxyx:
box_c = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box_c)
box_c = tf.where(bca == 0.0, tf.zeros_like(box_c), box_c)
return box_c
if clip:
bca = tf.reduce_prod(bcma - bcmi, keepdims=True, axis=-1)
box_c = tf.where(bca <= 0.0, tf.zeros_like(box_c), box_c)
return bcmi, bcma, box_c
def compute_iou(box1, box2, yxyx=False):
......@@ -166,15 +145,13 @@ def compute_iou(box1, box2, yxyx=False):
iou: a `Tensor` who represents the intersection over union.
# get box corners
with tf.name_scope('iou'):
intersection, union = intersect_and_union(box1, box2, yxyx=yxyx)
iou = math_ops.divide_no_nan(intersection, union)
iou = math_ops.rm_nan_inf(iou, val=0.0)
return iou
def compute_giou(box1, box2, yxyx=False, darknet=False):
def compute_giou(box1, box2, yxyx=False):
"""Calculates the General intersection over union between box1 and box2.
......@@ -191,27 +168,21 @@ def compute_giou(box1, box2, yxyx=False, darknet=False):
giou: a `Tensor` who represents the General intersection over union.
with tf.name_scope('giou'):
# get IOU
if not yxyx:
box1 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box1, darknet=darknet)
box2 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box2, darknet=darknet)
yxyx = True
yxyx1 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box1)
yxyx2 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box2)
yxyx1, yxyx2 = box1, box2
intersection, union = intersect_and_union(box1, box2, yxyx=yxyx)
cmi, cma, _ = smallest_encompassing_box(yxyx1, yxyx2, yxyx=True)
intersection, union = intersect_and_union(yxyx1, yxyx2, yxyx=True)
iou = math_ops.divide_no_nan(intersection, union)
iou = math_ops.rm_nan_inf(iou, val=0.0)
# find the smallest box to encompase both box1 and box2
boxc = smallest_encompassing_box(box1, box2, yxyx=yxyx)
if yxyx:
boxc = yxyx_to_xcycwh(boxc)
_, cwch = tf.split(boxc, 2, axis=-1)
c = tf.math.reduce_prod(cwch, axis=-1)
bcwh = cma - cmi
c = tf.math.reduce_prod(bcwh, axis=-1)
# compute giou
regularization = math_ops.divide_no_nan((c - union), c)
giou = iou - regularization
giou = tf.clip_by_value(giou, clip_value_min=-1.0, clip_value_max=1.0)
return iou, giou
......@@ -236,30 +207,27 @@ def compute_diou(box1, box2, beta=1.0, yxyx=False, darknet=False):
with tf.name_scope('diou'):
# compute center distance
if not yxyx:
box1 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box1, darknet=darknet)
box2 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box2, darknet=darknet)
yxyx = True
intersection, union = intersect_and_union(box1, box2, yxyx=yxyx)
boxc = smallest_encompassing_box(box1, box2, yxyx=yxyx)
xycc1, xycc2 = box1, box2
yxyx1 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box1)
yxyx2 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box2)
yxyx1, yxyx2 = box1, box2
xycc1 = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box1)
xycc2 = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box2)
cmi, cma, _ = smallest_encompassing_box(yxyx1, yxyx2, yxyx=True)
intersection, union = intersect_and_union(yxyx1, yxyx2, yxyx=True)
iou = math_ops.divide_no_nan(intersection, union)
iou = math_ops.rm_nan_inf(iou, val=0.0)
if yxyx:
boxc = yxyx_to_xcycwh(boxc)
box1 = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box1)
box2 = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box2)
b1xy, _ = tf.split(box1, 2, axis=-1)
b2xy, _ = tf.split(box2, 2, axis=-1)
_, bcwh = tf.split(boxc, 2, axis=-1)
b1xy, _ = tf.split(xycc1, 2, axis=-1)
b2xy, _ = tf.split(xycc2, 2, axis=-1)
bcwh = cma - cmi
center_dist = tf.reduce_sum((b1xy - b2xy)**2, axis=-1)
c_diag = tf.reduce_sum(bcwh**2, axis=-1)
regularization = math_ops.divide_no_nan(center_dist, c_diag)
diou = iou - regularization**beta
diou = tf.clip_by_value(diou, clip_value_min=-1.0, clip_value_max=1.0)
return iou, diou
......@@ -280,33 +248,48 @@ def compute_ciou(box1, box2, yxyx=False, darknet=False):
ciou: a `Tensor` who represents the complete intersection over union.
with tf.name_scope('ciou'):
# compute DIOU and IOU
iou, diou = compute_diou(box1, box2, yxyx=yxyx, darknet=darknet)
if yxyx:
box1 = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box1)
box2 = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box2)
_, _, b1w, b1h = tf.split(box1, 4, axis=-1)
_, _, b2w, b2h = tf.split(box1, 4, axis=-1)
# computer aspect ratio consistency
terma = tf.cast(math_ops.divide_no_nan(b1w, b1h), tf.float32)
termb = tf.cast(math_ops.divide_no_nan(b2w, b2h), tf.float32)
arcterm = tf.square(tf.math.atan(terma) - tf.math.atan(termb))
v = tf.squeeze(4 * arcterm / (math.pi**2), axis=-1)
v = tf.cast(v, b1w.dtype)
a = tf.stop_gradient(math_ops.divide_no_nan(v, ((1 - iou) + v)))
ciou = diou - (v * a)
ciou = tf.clip_by_value(ciou, clip_value_min=-1.0, clip_value_max=1.0)
if not yxyx:
xycc1, xycc2 = box1, box2
yxyx1 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box1)
yxyx2 = xcycwh_to_yxyx(box2)
yxyx1, yxyx2 = box1, box2
xycc1 = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box1)
xycc2 = yxyx_to_xcycwh(box2)
# Build the smallest encomapssing box.
cmi, cma, _ = smallest_encompassing_box(yxyx1, yxyx2, yxyx=True)
intersection, union = intersect_and_union(yxyx1, yxyx2, yxyx=True)
iou = math_ops.divide_no_nan(intersection, union)
b1xy, b1w, b1h = tf.split(xycc1, [2, 1, 1], axis=-1)
b2xy, b2w, b2h = tf.split(xycc2, [2, 1, 1], axis=-1)
bchw = cma - cmi
# Center regularization
center_dist = tf.reduce_sum((b1xy - b2xy)**2, axis=-1)
c_diag = tf.reduce_sum(bchw**2, axis=-1)
regularization = math_ops.divide_no_nan(center_dist, c_diag)
# Computer aspect ratio consistency
terma = math_ops.divide_no_nan(b1w, b1h) # gt
termb = math_ops.divide_no_nan(b2w, b2h) # pred
arcterm = tf.squeeze(
tf.math.pow(tf.math.atan(termb) - tf.math.atan(terma), 2), axis=-1)
v = (4 / math.pi**2) * arcterm
# Compute the aspect ratio weight, should be treated as a constant
a = tf.stop_gradient(math_ops.divide_no_nan(v, 1 - iou + v))
if darknet:
grad_scale = tf.stop_gradient(tf.square(b2w) + tf.square(b2h))
v *= tf.squeeze(grad_scale, axis=-1)
ciou = iou - regularization - (v * a)
return iou, ciou
def aggregated_comparitive_iou(boxes1,
def aggregated_comparitive_iou(boxes1, boxes2=None, iou_type=0, beta=0.6):
"""Calculates the IOU between two set of boxes.
Similar to bbox_overlap but far more versitile.
......@@ -333,12 +316,12 @@ def aggregated_comparitive_iou(boxes1,
boxes2 = tf.transpose(boxes1, perm=(0, 2, 1, 3))
if iou_type == 0: # diou
if iou_type == 0 or iou_type == "diou": #diou
_, iou = compute_diou(boxes1, boxes2, beta=beta, yxyx=True)
elif iou_type == 1: # giou
elif iou_type == 1 or iou_type == "giou": #giou
_, iou = compute_giou(boxes1, boxes2, yxyx=True)
elif iou_type == 2: # ciou
elif iou_type == 2 or iou_type == "ciou": #ciou
_, iou = compute_ciou(boxes1, boxes2, yxyx=True)
iou = compute_iou(boxes1, boxes2, yxyx=True)
return iou
return iou
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