提交 0d3ec509 编写于 作者: V Vishnu Banna

doc string update

上级 3214ae9f
......@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ from official.vision.beta.projects.yolo.ops import (loss_utils,
class YoloLossBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Parameters for the YOLO loss functions used at each detection
generator. This base class implements the base functionality required to
implement a Yolo Loss function"""
"""Parameters for the YOLO loss functions used at each detection generator.
This base class implements the base functionality required to implement a Yolo
Loss function.
def __init__(self,
......@@ -110,8 +112,7 @@ class YoloLossBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def box_loss(self, true_box, pred_box, darknet=False):
"""Calls the iou functions and uses it to compute the loss this op is
the same regardless of Yolo Loss version"""
"""Call iou function and use it to compute the loss for the box maps."""
if self._loss_type == "giou":
iou, liou = box_ops.compute_giou(true_box, pred_box)
elif self._loss_type == "ciou":
......@@ -129,8 +130,7 @@ class YoloLossBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Completes a search of all predictions against all the ground truths to
dynamically associate ground truths with predictions."""
"""Search of all groundtruths to associate groundtruths to predictions."""
# Search all predictions against ground truths to find mathcing boxes for
# each pixel.
......@@ -159,8 +159,7 @@ class YoloLossBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
return true_conf, obj_mask
def __call__(self, true_counts, inds, y_true, boxes, classes, y_pred):
"""Call function to compute the loss and return the total loss as
well as the loss for each detection mask on a given FPN level.
"""Call function to compute the loss and a set of metrics per FPN level.
true_counts: `Tensor` of shape [batchsize, height, width, num_anchors]
......@@ -208,8 +207,7 @@ class YoloLossBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def _build_per_path_attributes(self):
"""Additional initialization required specifically for each unique YOLO
loss version"""
"""Additional initialization required for each YOLO loss version"""
......@@ -218,9 +216,20 @@ class YoloLossBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def post_path_aggregation(self, loss, ground_truths, predictions):
"""This method allows for post processing of a loss value after the loss
has been aggregateda across all the FPN levels. The default behavior is to
pass the loss through with no alterations."""
"""This method allows for post processing of a loss value.
After the loss has been aggregated across all the FPN levels some post
proceessing may need to occur to poroperly scale the loss. The default
behavior is to pass the loss through with no alterations.
loss: `tf.float` scalar for the actual loss.
ground_truths: `Dict` holding all the ground truth tensors.
predictions: `Dict` holding all the predicted values.
loss: `tf.float` scalar for the scaled loss.
return loss
......@@ -231,11 +240,12 @@ class YoloLossBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def grad_sigmoid(values):
"""This function scales the gradient as if a signmoid was applied to the
model output. This is used in the Darknet Loss when the choosen box type
is the scaled coordinate type. This function is used to match the propagated
gradient to match that of the Darkent Yolov4 model. This is an Identity
operation that allows us to add some estra steps to the back propagation.
"""This function scales the gradient as if a signmoid was applied.
This is used in the Darknet Loss when the choosen box type is the scaled
coordinate type. This function is used to match the propagated gradient to
match that of the Darkent Yolov4 model. This is an Identity operation that
allows us to add some extra steps to the back propagation.
def delta(dy):
t = tf.math.sigmoid(values)
......@@ -396,7 +406,7 @@ class DarknetLoss(YoloLossBase):
class ScaledLoss(YoloLossBase):
"""This class implements the full logic for the scaled Yolo models. """
"""This class implements the full logic for the scaled Yolo models."""
def _build_per_path_attributes(self):
"""Paramterization of pair wise search and grid generators.
......@@ -520,11 +530,22 @@ class ScaledLoss(YoloLossBase):
ind_mask, grid_mask)
def post_path_aggregation(self, loss, ground_truths, predictions):
"""By default the model will have about 3 FPN levels {3, 4, 5}, on
"""This method allows for post processing of a loss value.
By default the model will have about 3 FPN levels {3, 4, 5}, on
larger model that have more like 4 or 5 FPN levels the loss needs to
be scaled such that the total update is scaled to the same effective
magintude as the model with 3 FPN levels. This helps to prevent gradient
loss: `tf.float` scalar for the actual loss.
ground_truths: `Dict` holding all the ground truth tensors.
predictions: `Dict` holding all the predicted values.
loss: `tf.float` scalar for the scaled loss.
scale = tf.stop_gradient(3 / len(list(predictions.keys())))
return loss * scale
......@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ from official.vision.beta.projects.yolo.ops import (box_ops, math_ops)
def sigmoid_bce(y, x_prime, label_smoothing):
"""Applies the Sigmoid Cross Entropy Loss Using the same derivative as that
found in the Darknet C library. The derivative of this method is not the same
as the standard binary cross entropy with logits function.
"""Applies the Sigmoid Cross Entropy Loss.
Implements the same derivative as that found in the Darknet C library.
The derivative of this method is not the same as the standard binary cross
entropy with logits function.
The BCE with logits function equation is as follows:
x = 1 / (1 + exp(-x_prime))
......@@ -67,11 +69,12 @@ def sigmoid_bce(y, x_prime, label_smoothing):
def apply_mask(mask, x, value=0):
"""This function is used for gradient masking. The YOLO loss function makes
extensive use of dynamically shaped tensors. To allow this use case on the
TPU while preserving the gradient correctly for back propagation we use this
masking function to use a tf.where operation to hard set masked location to
have a gradient and a value of zero.
"""This function is used for gradient masking.
The YOLO loss function makes extensive use of dynamically shaped tensors.
To allow this use case on the TPU while preserving the gradient correctly
for back propagation we use this masking function to use a tf.where operation
to hard set masked location to have a gradient and a value of zero.
mask: A `Tensor` with the same shape as x used to select values of
......@@ -87,9 +90,11 @@ def apply_mask(mask, x, value=0):
def build_grid(indexes, truths, preds, ind_mask, update=False, grid=None):
"""This function is used to broadcast all the indexes to the correct
ground truth mask, used for iou detection map in the scaled loss and
the classification mask in the darknet loss.
"""This function is used to broadcast elements into the output shape.
This function is used to broadcasts a list of truths into the correct index
in the output shape. This is used for the ground truth map construction in
the scaled loss and the classification map in the darknet loss.
indexes: A `Tensor` for the indexes
......@@ -145,11 +150,10 @@ def build_grid(indexes, truths, preds, ind_mask, update=False, grid=None):
class GridGenerator:
"""Grid generator that generates anchor grids that will be used
in to decode the predicted boxes."""
"""Grid generator that generates anchor grids for box decoding."""
def __init__(self, anchors, masks=None, scale_anchors=None):
"""Initialize Grid Generator
"""Initialize Grid Generator.
anchors: A `List[List[int]]` for the anchor boxes that are used in the
......@@ -173,8 +177,7 @@ class GridGenerator:
def _build_grid_points(self, lwidth, lheight, anchors, dtype):
"""Generate a grid that is used to detemine the relative centers
of the bounding boxs. """
"""Generate a grid of fixed grid edges for box center decoding."""
with tf.name_scope('center_grid'):
y = tf.range(0, lheight)
x = tf.range(0, lwidth)
......@@ -189,7 +192,7 @@ class GridGenerator:
return x_y
def _build_anchor_grid(self, anchors, dtype):
"""Get the transformed anchor boxes for each dimention. """
"""Get the transformed anchor boxes for each dimention."""
with tf.name_scope('anchor_grid'):
num = tf.shape(anchors)[0]
anchors = tf.cast(anchors, dtype=dtype)
......@@ -217,10 +220,10 @@ class GridGenerator:
class PairWiseSearch:
"""This method applies a pairwise search between the ground truth
and the labels. The goal is to indicate the locations where the
predictions overlap with ground truth for dynamic ground
truth constructions."""
"""Apply a pairwise search between the ground truth and the labels.
The goal is to indicate the locations where the predictions overlap with
ground truth for dynamic ground truth associations."""
def __init__(self,
......@@ -554,9 +557,10 @@ def get_predicted_box(width,
"""Decodes the predicted boxes from the model format to a usable
[x, y, w, h] format for use in the loss function as well as for use
within the detection generator.
"""Decodes the predicted boxes from the model format to a usable format.
This function decodes the model outputs into the [x, y, w, h] format for
use in the loss function as well as for use within the detection generator.
width: A `float` scalar indicating the width of the prediction layer.
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