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# Copyright 2020 The Orbit Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""A light weight utilities to train TF2 models."""

import time
Simon Kornblith 已提交
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Text, Union
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from absl import logging
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import numpy as np
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from orbit import runner
from orbit import utils

import tensorflow as tf

def _log_info(message: Text):
  """Logs `message` to the `info` log, and also prints to stdout."""

Hongkun Yu 已提交
class Controller:
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  """Class that facilitates training and evaluation of models."""

  def __init__(
      strategy: Optional[tf.distribute.Strategy] = None,
      trainer: Optional[runner.AbstractTrainer] = None,
      evaluator: Optional[runner.AbstractEvaluator] = None,
      global_step: Optional[tf.Variable] = None,
      # Train related
      steps_per_loop: Optional[int] = None,
      checkpoint_manager: Optional[tf.train.CheckpointManager] = None,
      # Summary related
      summary_interval: Optional[int] = None,
      summary_dir: Optional[Text] = None,
      # Evaluation related
      eval_summary_dir: Optional[Text] = None):
    """Constructs a `Controller` instance.

      strategy: An instance of `tf.distribute.Strategy`.
      trainer: An instance of `orbit.AbstractTrainer`, which represents model
        training details.
      evaluator: An instance of `orbit.AbstractEvaluator`, which represents
        model evaluation details.
      global_step: An integer `tf.Variable` indicating the global training step
        number. Usually this can be obtained from `iterations` property of the
        model's optimizer (e.g. `self.optimizer.iterations`), or users can
        create their own global step variable as well. If the users create their
        own global step variable, it is recommended to create the `tf.Variable`
        inside strategy scope, and with
      steps_per_loop: The number of steps to run in each "inner loop" of
        training (passed to the `num_steps` parameter of `trainer.train`).
      checkpoint_manager: An instance of `tf.train.CheckpointManager`.
      summary_interval: Step interval for training summaries. Note that this
        argument only applies to the summaries inside `trainer.train` function.
        Summaries outside like "steps_per_second" and outputs from
        `trainer.train` function will always be enabled. If set, the value
        should be divisible by steps_per_loop.
      summary_dir: The directory to restore and write checkpoints and summaries.
        If None, it will be set to ``.
      eval_summary_dir: The directory to write eval summaries. If None, it will
        be set to `summary_dir`.

      ValueError: If both `trainer` and `evaluator` are None.
      ValueError: If `steps_per_loop` is not a positive integer.
      ValueError: If `summary_interval` is not a positive integer or it cannot
        be divisible by `steps_per_loop`.
    if trainer is None and evaluator is None:
      raise ValueError("`trainer` and `evaluator` should not both be None")

    if trainer is not None:
      if steps_per_loop is None:
        raise ValueError("`steps_per_loop` is required when `trainer` is "

      if not isinstance(steps_per_loop, int) or steps_per_loop < 1:
        raise ValueError("`steps_per_loop` should be a positive integer")

      if summary_interval is not None:
        if summary_interval <= 0:
          raise ValueError("`summary_interval` should be larger than 0")
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        if summary_interval % steps_per_loop != 0:
          raise ValueError("The summary interval ({}) must be a multiple "
                           "of the steps_per_loop ({})".format(
                               summary_interval, steps_per_loop))
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    self.trainer = trainer
    self.evaluator = evaluator

    self.strategy = strategy or tf.distribute.get_strategy()

    self.global_step = global_step
    self.checkpoint_manager = checkpoint_manager

    if summary_dir is None and checkpoint_manager:
      summary_dir =

    if self.trainer is not None:
      self.step_timer = None
      self.steps_per_loop = steps_per_loop
      self.summary_interval = summary_interval
      self.summary_manager = utils.SummaryManager(
          summary_dir, tf.summary.scalar, global_step=self.global_step)

    eval_summary_writer = None
    if self.evaluator is not None:
      eval_summary_dir = eval_summary_dir or summary_dir
      if eval_summary_dir == summary_dir and self.trainer is not None:
        # Reuse the summary writer if train and evaluation summary directory
        # are the same.
        self.eval_summary_manager = self.summary_manager
        self.eval_summary_manager = utils.SummaryManager(
            eval_summary_dir, tf.summary.scalar, global_step=self.global_step)

    if self.global_step is not None:

    # Restores the model if needed.
    # TODO(momernick): We probably only want to do this on certain occasions?
    if self.checkpoint_manager is not None:
      checkpoint_interval = self.checkpoint_manager.checkpoint_interval
      model_restored = self.restore_checkpoint()
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      if not model_restored and (checkpoint_interval and
                                 self.trainer is not None):
        # If the model is not restored from a checkpoint, and
        # `checkpoint_interval` is enabled for training, save an initial
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        # checkpoint.

  def train(self, steps: int, checkpoint_at_completion: bool = True):
    """Runs training.

    This method calls the `train` method on the Trainable object until the
    global step count is equal to `steps`. It will optionally save checkpoints,
    if a CheckpointManager was passed to the Controller instance's `__init__`.

      steps: The global step count to train up to.
      checkpoint_at_completion: Whether to save a checkpoint when this method
        returns. Defaults to True (write the checkpoint). This is always
        triggered, regardless of the checkpointing interval.
    if self.trainer is None:
      raise ValueError("`self.trainer` is required when calling `train` "
    if self.global_step is None:
      raise ValueError("`self.global_step` is required when calling `train` "

    # TODO(momernick): Support steps=None or -1 (training to exhaustion).
    current_step = self.global_step.numpy()  # This is an expensive access.
    while current_step < steps:"Train at step %s of %s", current_step, steps)
      # Calculates steps to run for the next train loop.
      num_steps = min(steps - current_step, self.steps_per_loop)
      current_step = self.global_step.numpy()  # This is an expensive access.

    if checkpoint_at_completion:

Simon Kornblith 已提交
  def evaluate(self, steps: int = None) -> Optional[Dict[Text, np.number]]:
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    """Runs evaluation.

    This method calls the `evaluate` method on the Evaluator object for `steps`
    steps, then writes the returned summaries (if any).

      steps: The number of steps to evaluate for.

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      The evaluation results as a dictionary of numpy values.

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      ValueError: If no checkpoint found in ``.
      ValueError: If `evaluator` is not provided.
    if self.evaluator is None:
      raise ValueError("`evaluator` must be provided to call `evaluate()` "

    steps = steps or -1
    current_step = self.global_step.numpy()
    if steps > 0:"Running %s steps of evaluation at train step: %s", steps,
      steps = tf.convert_to_tensor(steps, dtype=tf.int32)
    else:"Evaluating at train step: %s", current_step)

    with self.eval_summary_manager.summary_writer.as_default():
      eval_outputs = self.evaluator.evaluate(steps)

    if eval_outputs:
      eval_outputs = tf.nest.map_structure(utils.get_value, eval_outputs)

    info = "step: {}        evaluation metric: {}".format(
        current_step, eval_outputs)


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    return eval_outputs

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  def restore_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_path: Text = None):
    """Restore or initialize the model.

      checkpoint_path: An optional string indicates the checkpoint path to
        restore. If None, will restore from `self.checkpoint_manager`.

      The path to the restored checkpoint if a restore happened, or None
        if no restore occurred.
    with self.strategy.scope():
      # Checkpoint restoring should be inside scope. b/139450638
      if checkpoint_path is not None:
        return checkpoint_path
      return self.checkpoint_manager.restore_or_initialize()

  def save_checkpoint(self):
    """Checkpoint the model.

    This method will write a checkpoint containing the current state of the

      ValueError: if no CheckpointManager was provided to this Controller's
        init args.

  def train_and_evaluate(self,
                         train_steps: int = None,
                         eval_steps: int = None,
                         eval_interval: int = None):
    """Train and evaluate in an interleaved manner.

    This method will train the model until the global step count equals
    `train_steps`, running an evaluation for `eval_steps` every `eval_interval`
    training steps. In addition, this method will run a final evaluation at the
    end of the training sequence.

      train_steps: The global step count to train up to.
      eval_steps: The number of steps to run during an evaluation. If None,
        this method will evaluate over the entire evaluation dataset.
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      eval_interval: The number of training steps to run between evaluations.
        If set, training will always stop every `eval_interval` steps, even if
        this results in a shorter inner loop than specified by `steps_per_loop`
        setting. If None, evaluation will only be performed after training is
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      ValueError: If eval_interval is not a multiple of self.steps_per_loop.
    current_step = self.global_step.numpy()  # This is an expensive access.
    eval_interval = eval_interval or (train_steps - current_step)
    while current_step < train_steps:
      interval = min(train_steps - current_step, eval_interval)
      num_steps = current_step + interval
      self.train(steps=num_steps, checkpoint_at_completion=False)
      current_step = self.global_step.numpy()  # This is an expensive access.

  def evaluate_continuously(self,
                            steps: int = None,
                            timeout: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
                            timeout_fn: Optional[Callable[[], bool]] = None):
    """Monitor a directory and evaluate on checkpoints in it.

    This method continuously monitors a directory as specified by this
    Controller's CheckpointManager init arg and runs evaluation on the
    checkpoints found there.

      steps: The number of steps to run when evaluating.
      timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait between checkpoints. See
        tf.train.checkpoints_iterator documentation.
      timeout_fn: Optional callable to call after a timeout. If the function
        returns True, then it means that no new checkpoints will be generated
        and the iterator will exit.

      ValueError: If no checkpoint found in ``.
      ValueError: If `evaluator` was not provided as a controller init arg.

    for checkpoint_path in tf.train.checkpoints_iterator(,

  def _train_n_steps(self, num_steps: int):
    """Run training for `num_steps`.

    It will also write training outputs to summaries if there is any.

      num_steps: An integer indicates how many steps to run for this training

      RuntimeError: If `global_step` is not updated correctly in
    if not self.step_timer:
      self.step_timer = StepTimer(self.global_step)

    # Calculates steps to run for the next train loop.
    current_step = self.global_step.numpy()
337 338"Entering training loop at step %s to run %s steps",
                 current_step, num_steps)
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    current_step += num_steps
    num_steps = tf.convert_to_tensor(num_steps, dtype=tf.int32)

    with self.summary_manager.summary_writer.as_default():
      # Create a lambda that returns true when summaries should be written.
      should_record = False  # Allows static optimization in no-summary cases.
      if self.summary_interval:
        should_record = lambda: (self.global_step % self.summary_interval == 0)
      with tf.summary.record_if(should_record):
        train_outputs = self.trainer.train(num_steps)

    # Updates and verifies the current step after a training loop finishes.
    if current_step != self.global_step.numpy():
      raise RuntimeError("`trainer.train` function is not updating "
                         "`global_step` correctly, expected: %s, actual: %s" %
                         (current_step, self.global_step.numpy()))

    # Print information like metrics and steps_per_second after a training
    # loop.
    if train_outputs:
      train_outputs = tf.nest.map_structure(utils.get_value, train_outputs)

    train_outputs = train_outputs or {}
    steps_per_second = self.step_timer.steps_per_second()
    info = "step: {}        steps_per_second: {:.2f}        {}".format(
        current_step, steps_per_second, train_outputs)

    train_outputs["steps_per_second"] = steps_per_second

  def _maybe_save_checkpoint(self, force_trigger: bool = False):
    """Save checkpoints if necessary.

      force_trigger: A boolean indicates whether to force saving checkpoints
        regardless of the checkpoint interval.

      A boolean indicating whether a checkpoint was saved.
    if self.checkpoint_manager and self.checkpoint_manager.checkpoint_interval:
      ckpt_path =
          check_interval=not force_trigger)
      if ckpt_path is not None:"Saved checkpoints in %s", ckpt_path)
        return True
    return False

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class StepTimer:
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  """Utility class for measuring steps/second."""

  def __init__(self, step):
    self.step = step

  def start(self):
    self.last_iteration = self.step.numpy()
    self.last_time = time.time()

  def steps_per_second(self, restart=True):
    value = ((self.step.numpy() - self.last_iteration) /
             (time.time() - self.last_time))
    if restart:
    return value