提交 f5f3efb7 编写于 作者: Z Zhang Liangliang 提交者: Jiangtao Hu

Planning: (1) fixed a bug in dp_st_graph. (2) used array instead of map in dp_st_cost.

上级 03a24eea
......@@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ DpStCost::DpStCost(const DpStSpeedConfig& config,
: config_(config),
unit_s_(config_.total_path_length() / config_.matrix_dimension_s()),
unit_t_(config_.total_time() / config_.matrix_dimension_t()),
unit_v_(unit_s_ / unit_t_) {}
unit_t_(config_.total_time() / config_.matrix_dimension_t()) {
double DpStCost::GetObstacleCost(const StGraphPoint& st_graph_point) {
const double s = st_graph_point.point().s();
......@@ -123,9 +124,14 @@ double DpStCost::GetSpeedCost(const STPoint& first, const STPoint& second,
double DpStCost::GetAccelCost(const double accel) {
double cost = 0.0;
constexpr double kEpsilon = 0.1;
const int accel_key = static_cast<int>(accel / kEpsilon + 0.5);
auto p_val = accel_cost_map_.find(accel_key);
if (p_val == accel_cost_map_.end()) {
constexpr int kShift = 100;
const int accel_key = static_cast<int>(accel / kEpsilon + 0.5) + kShift;
DCHECK_LT(accel_key, accel_cost_.size());
if (accel_key < 0 || accel_key >= accel_cost_.size()) {
return kInf;
if (accel_cost_.at(accel_key) < 0.0) {
const double accel_sq = accel * accel;
double max_acc = config_.max_acceleration();
double max_dec = config_.max_deceleration();
......@@ -141,9 +147,9 @@ double DpStCost::GetAccelCost(const double accel) {
(1 + std::exp(1.0 * (accel - max_dec))) +
accel_sq * accel_penalty * accel_penalty /
(1 + std::exp(-1.0 * (accel - max_acc)));
accel_cost_map_[accel_key] = cost;
accel_cost_.at(accel_key) = cost;
} else {
cost = p_val->second;
cost = accel_cost_.at(accel_key);
return cost * unit_t_;
......@@ -166,18 +172,23 @@ double DpStCost::GetAccelCostByTwoPoints(const double pre_speed,
double DpStCost::JerkCost(const double jerk) {
double cost = 0.0;
constexpr double kEpsilon = 0.1;
const int jerk_key = static_cast<int>(jerk / kEpsilon + 0.5);
auto p_val = jerk_cost_map_.find(jerk_key);
if (p_val == jerk_cost_map_.end()) {
constexpr int kShift = 200;
const int jerk_key = static_cast<int>(jerk / kEpsilon + 0.5) + kShift;
DCHECK_LT(jerk_key, jerk_cost_.size());
if (jerk_key < 0 || jerk_key >= jerk_cost_.size()) {
return kInf;
if (jerk_cost_.at(jerk_key) < 0.0) {
double jerk_sq = jerk * jerk;
if (jerk > 0) {
cost = config_.positive_jerk_coeff() * jerk_sq * unit_t_;
} else {
cost = config_.negative_jerk_coeff() * jerk_sq * unit_t_;
jerk_cost_map_[jerk_key] = cost;
jerk_cost_.at(jerk_key) = cost;
} else {
cost = p_val->second;
cost = jerk_cost_.at(jerk_key);
// TODO(All): normalize to unit_t_
......@@ -74,14 +74,13 @@ class DpStCost {
const DpStSpeedConfig& config_;
const std::vector<const PathObstacle*>& obstacles_;
const common::TrajectoryPoint& init_point_;
double unit_s_ = 0.0;
double unit_t_ = 0.0;
double unit_v_ = 0.0;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>
std::unordered_map<int, double> accel_cost_map_;
std::unordered_map<int, double> jerk_cost_map_;
std::array<double, 200> accel_cost_;
std::array<double, 400> jerk_cost_;
} // namespace planning
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ using apollo::common::math::Vec2d;
using apollo::common::VehicleParam;
namespace {
constexpr double kInf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
bool CheckOverlapOnDpStGraph(const std::vector<const StBoundary*>& boundaries,
const StGraphPoint& p1, const StGraphPoint& p2) {
......@@ -232,6 +233,12 @@ void DpStGraph::CalculateCostAt(const uint32_t c, const uint32_t r) {
double speed_limit =
st_graph_data_.speed_limit().GetSpeedLimitByS(unit_s_ * r);
if (c == 1) {
const double acc = (r * unit_s_ / unit_t_ - init_point_.v()) / unit_t_;
if (acc < dp_st_speed_config_.max_deceleration() ||
acc > dp_st_speed_config_.max_acceleration()) {
if (CheckOverlapOnDpStGraph(st_graph_data_.st_boundaries(), cost_cr,
cost_init)) {
......@@ -252,6 +259,13 @@ void DpStGraph::CalculateCostAt(const uint32_t c, const uint32_t r) {
if (c == 2) {
for (uint32_t r_pre = r_low; r_pre <= r; ++r_pre) {
const double acc =
(static_cast<int>(r - 2 * r_pre)) * unit_s_ / (unit_t_ * unit_t_);
if (acc < dp_st_speed_config_.max_deceleration() ||
acc > dp_st_speed_config_.max_acceleration()) {
if (CheckOverlapOnDpStGraph(st_graph_data_.st_boundaries(), cost_cr,
pre_col[r_pre])) {
......@@ -282,21 +296,12 @@ void DpStGraph::CalculateCostAt(const uint32_t c, const uint32_t r) {
curr_a < vehicle_param_.max_deceleration()) {
uint32_t lower_bound = 0;
uint32_t upper_bound = 0;
if (!CalculateFeasibleAccelRange(static_cast<double>(r_pre),
static_cast<double>(r), &lower_bound,
&upper_bound)) {
if (CheckOverlapOnDpStGraph(st_graph_data_.st_boundaries(), cost_cr,
pre_col[r_pre])) {
for (uint32_t r_prepre = lower_bound; r_prepre <= upper_bound; ++r_prepre) {
uint32_t r_prepre = pre_col[r_pre].pre_point()->index_s();
const StGraphPoint& prepre_graph_point = cost_table_[c - 2][r_prepre];
if (std::isinf(prepre_graph_point.total_cost())) {
......@@ -318,7 +323,6 @@ void DpStGraph::CalculateCostAt(const uint32_t c, const uint32_t r) {
bool DpStGraph::CalculateFeasibleAccelRange(const double r_pre,
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