提交 ebfe517e 编写于 作者: J Jun Zhu 提交者: weidezhang

[perception] fix security for CNNSegmentation (#1595)

上级 281f4d99
......@@ -13,24 +13,14 @@ network_param {
instance_pt_blob: "instance_pt"
category_pt_blob: "category_score"
confidence_pt_blob: "confidence_score"
classify_pt_blob: "class_score"
heading_pt_blob: "heading_pt"
height_pt_blob: "height_pt"
feature_blob: "data"
feature_param {
use_max_height: true
use_mean_height: true
use_log_count: true
use_direction: true
use_top_intensity: true
use_mean_intensity: true
use_distance: true
use_nonempty: true
use_height_filter: true
use_dense_feat : true
width: 512
height: 512
point_cloud_range: 60
min_height: -5.0
max_height: 5.0
......@@ -44,15 +44,28 @@ bool CNNSegmentation::Init() {
auto network_param = cnnseg_param_.network_param();
auto feature_param = cnnseg_param_.feature_param();
range_ = static_cast<float>(feature_param.point_cloud_range());
width_ = static_cast<int>(feature_param.width());
height_ = static_cast<int>(feature_param.height());
if (feature_param.has_point_cloud_range()) {
range_ = static_cast<float>(feature_param.point_cloud_range());
} else {
range_ = 60.0;
if (feature_param.has_width()) {
width_ = static_cast<int>(feature_param.width());
} else {
width_ = 512;
if (feature_param.has_height()) {
height_ = static_cast<int>(feature_param.height());
} else {
height_ = 512;
/// Instantiate Caffe net
/// Instantiate Caffe net
int gpu_id = static_cast<int>(cnnseg_param_.gpu_id());
int gpu_id = cnnseg_param_.has_gpu_id()
? static_cast<int>(cnnseg_param_.gpu_id()) : 0;
CHECK_GE(gpu_id, 0);
......@@ -62,7 +75,6 @@ bool CNNSegmentation::Init() {
caffe_net_.reset(new caffe::Net<float>(proto_file, caffe::TEST));
AINFO << "confidence threshold = " << cnnseg_param_.confidence_thresh();
AINFO << "using Caffe CPU mode";
......@@ -71,34 +83,39 @@ bool CNNSegmentation::Init() {
/// set related Caffe blobs
// center offset prediction
instance_pt_blob_ =
CHECK(instance_pt_blob_ != nullptr) << "`"
<< network_param.instance_pt_blob()
string instance_pt_blob_name = network_param.has_instance_pt_blob()
? network_param.instance_pt_blob()
: "instance_pt";
instance_pt_blob_ = caffe_net_->blob_by_name(instance_pt_blob_name);
CHECK(instance_pt_blob_ != nullptr) << "`" << instance_pt_blob_name
<< "` not exists!";
// objectness prediction
category_pt_blob_ =
CHECK(category_pt_blob_ != nullptr) << "`"
<< network_param.category_pt_blob()
string category_pt_blob_name = network_param.has_category_pt_blob()
? network_param.category_pt_blob()
: "category_score";
category_pt_blob_ = caffe_net_->blob_by_name(category_pt_blob_name);
CHECK(category_pt_blob_ != nullptr) << "`" << category_pt_blob_name
<< "` not exists!";
// positiveness (foreground probability) prediction
confidence_pt_blob_ =
CHECK(confidence_pt_blob_ != nullptr) << "`"
<< network_param.confidence_pt_blob()
// positiveness (foreground object probability) prediction
string confidence_pt_blob_name = network_param.has_confidence_pt_blob()
? network_param.confidence_pt_blob()
: "confidence_score";
confidence_pt_blob_ = caffe_net_->blob_by_name(confidence_pt_blob_name);
CHECK(confidence_pt_blob_ != nullptr) << "`" << confidence_pt_blob_name
<< "` not exists!";
// object height prediction
height_pt_blob_ =
CHECK(height_pt_blob_ != nullptr) << "`"
<< network_param.height_pt_blob()
string height_pt_blob_name = network_param.has_height_pt_blob()
? network_param.height_pt_blob()
: "height_pt";
height_pt_blob_ = caffe_net_->blob_by_name(height_pt_blob_name);
CHECK(height_pt_blob_ != nullptr) << "`" << height_pt_blob_name
<< "` not exists!";
// raw feature data
feature_blob_ =
CHECK(feature_blob_ != nullptr) << "`"
<< network_param.feature_blob()
string feature_blob_name = network_param.has_feature_blob()
? network_param.feature_blob()
: "data";
feature_blob_ = caffe_net_->blob_by_name(feature_blob_name);
CHECK(feature_blob_ != nullptr) << "`" << feature_blob_name
<< "` not exists!";
cluster2d_.reset(new cnnseg::Cluster2D());
......@@ -127,7 +144,9 @@ bool CNNSegmentation::Segment(const pcl_util::PointCloudPtr& pc_ptr,
use_full_cloud_ =
cnnseg_param_.use_full_cloud() && (options.origin_cloud != nullptr);
(cnnseg_param_.has_use_full_cloud() ?
cnnseg_param_.use_full_cloud() : false) &&
(options.origin_cloud != nullptr);
// generate raw features
......@@ -146,15 +165,26 @@ bool CNNSegmentation::Segment(const pcl_util::PointCloudPtr& pc_ptr,
PERF_BLOCK_END("[CNNSeg] CNN forward");
// clutser points and construct segments/objects
float objectness_thresh = cnnseg_param_.has_objectness_thresh()
? cnnseg_param_.objectness_thresh() : 0.5;
bool use_all_grids_for_clustering =
? cnnseg_param_.use_all_grids_for_clustering() : false;
cluster2d_->Cluster(*category_pt_blob_, *instance_pt_blob_, pc_ptr,
valid_indices, cnnseg_param_.objectness_thresh(),
valid_indices, objectness_thresh,
PERF_BLOCK_END("[CNNSeg] clustering");
cluster2d_->Filter(*confidence_pt_blob_, *height_pt_blob_);
cnnseg_param_.min_pts_num(), objects);
float confidence_thresh = cnnseg_param_.has_confidence_thresh()
? cnnseg_param_.confidence_thresh() : 0.1;
float height_thresh = cnnseg_param_.has_height_thresh()
? cnnseg_param_.height_thresh() : 0.5;
int min_pts_num = cnnseg_param_.has_min_pts_num()
? static_cast<int>(cnnseg_param_.min_pts_num()) : 3;
cluster2d_->GetObjects(confidence_thresh, height_thresh,
min_pts_num, objects);
PERF_BLOCK_END("[CNNSeg] post-processing");
return true;
......@@ -32,28 +32,21 @@ bool FeatureGenerator<Dtype>::Init(const FeatureParam& feature_param,
out_blob_ = out_blob;
// raw feature parameters
range_ = static_cast<int>(feature_param.point_cloud_range());
width_ = static_cast<int>(feature_param.width());
height_ = static_cast<int>(feature_param.height());
min_height_ = feature_param.min_height();
max_height_ = feature_param.max_height();
range_ = feature_param.has_point_cloud_range()
? static_cast<int>(feature_param.point_cloud_range()) : 60;
width_ = feature_param.has_width()
? static_cast<int>(feature_param.width()) : 512;
height_ = feature_param.has_height()
? static_cast<int>(feature_param.height()) : 512;
min_height_ = feature_param.has_min_height()
? feature_param.min_height() : -5.0;
max_height_ = feature_param.has_max_height()
? feature_param.max_height() : 5.0;
CHECK_EQ(width_, height_)
<< "Current implementation version requires input_width == input_height.";
data_channel_ = 8;
// set output blob and log lookup table
out_blob_->Reshape(1, data_channel_, height_, width_);
out_blob_->Reshape(1, 8, height_, width_);
for (size_t i = 0; i < log_table_.size(); ++i) {
......@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class FeatureGenerator {
int width_;
int height_;
int data_channel_;
int range_;
float min_height_;
......@@ -8,14 +8,9 @@ message CNNSegParam {
optional float objectness_thresh = 11 [default = 0.5];
optional bool use_all_grids_for_clustering = 12 [default = false];
optional float confidence_thresh = 13 [default = 0.0];
optional float confidence_thresh = 13 [default = 0.1];
optional float height_thresh = 14 [default = 0.5];
optional uint32 min_pts_num = 15 [default = 3];
//optional bool return_bg = 16 [default = false];
//optional bool do_classification = 21 [default = false];
//optional string classification_strategy = 22 [default = "voting"];
//optional bool do_heading = 23 [default = false];
optional bool use_full_cloud = 31 [default = false];
......@@ -23,31 +18,14 @@ message CNNSegParam {
message NetworkParam {
optional string instance_pt_blob = 1 [default = "instance_refine"];
optional string instance_pt_blob = 1 [default = "instance_pt"];
optional string category_pt_blob = 2 [default = "category_score"];
optional string confidence_pt_blob = 3 [default = "confidence_score"];
optional string classify_pt_blob = 4 [default = "classify_pt"];
optional string heading_pt_blob = 5 [default = "heading_pt"];
optional string height_pt_blob = 6 [default = "height_pt"];
optional string feature_blob = 7 [default = "data"];
//optional string feature_map_blob = 8 [default = ""];
optional string height_pt_blob = 4 [default = "height_pt"];
optional string feature_blob = 5 [default = "data"];
message FeatureParam {
optional bool use_max_height = 11 [default = false];
optional bool use_mean_height = 12 [default = false];
optional bool use_log_count = 13 [default = false];
optional bool use_direction = 14 [default = false];
optional bool use_top_intensity = 15 [default = false];
optional bool use_mean_intensity = 16 [default = false];
optional bool use_distance = 17 [default = false];
optional bool use_nonempty = 18 [default = false];
//optional bool use_first_order = 19 [default = false];
//optional bool use_second_order = 20 [default = false];
optional bool use_height_filter = 24 [default = false];
optional bool use_dense_feat = 25 [default = false];
optional uint32 point_cloud_range = 26 [default = 60];
optional uint32 width = 27 [default = 512];
optional uint32 height = 28 [default = 512];
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