提交 d000cf39 编写于 作者: D deidaraho 提交者: Qi Luo

planning: open space relax end state to debug infeasible problem issue

上级 f08ef8e2
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ distance_approach_config {
weight_a_stitching: 3.25
weight_first_order_time: 4.25
weight_second_order_time: 13.5
weight_end_state: 1.0
min_safety_distance: 0.0
max_speed_forward: 2.0
max_speed_reverse: 1.0
......@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ cc_library(
......@@ -162,6 +163,33 @@ cc_library(
name = "distance_approach_ipopt_relax_end_interface",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
copts = [
deps = [
name = "distance_approach_ipopt_interface",
srcs = [
* Copyright 2019 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
#pragma once
#include <omp.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "Eigen/Dense"
#include "IpTNLP.hpp"
#include "IpTypes.hpp"
#include "adolc/adolc.h"
#include "adolc/adolc_openmp.h"
#include "adolc/adolc_sparse.h"
#include "adolc/adouble.h"
#include "cyber/common/log.h"
#include "cyber/common/macros.h"
#include "modules/common/configs/proto/vehicle_config.pb.h"
#include "modules/common/configs/vehicle_config_helper.h"
#include "modules/common/math/math_utils.h"
#include "modules/common/util/util.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/planning_gflags.h"
#include "modules/planning/open_space/trajectory_smoother/distance_approach_interface.h"
#include "modules/planning/proto/planner_open_space_config.pb.h"
#define tag_f 1
#define tag_g 2
#define tag_L 3
#define HPOFF 30
namespace apollo {
namespace planning {
class DistanceApproachIPOPTRelaxEndInterface :
public DistanceApproachInterface {
explicit DistanceApproachIPOPTRelaxEndInterface(
const size_t horizon, const double ts, const Eigen::MatrixXd& ego,
const Eigen::MatrixXd& xWS, const Eigen::MatrixXd& uWS,
const Eigen::MatrixXd& l_warm_up, const Eigen::MatrixXd& n_warm_up,
const Eigen::MatrixXd& x0, const Eigen::MatrixXd& xf,
const Eigen::MatrixXd& last_time_u, const std::vector<double>& XYbounds,
const Eigen::MatrixXi& obstacles_edges_num, const size_t obstacles_num,
const Eigen::MatrixXd& obstacles_A, const Eigen::MatrixXd& obstacles_b,
const PlannerOpenSpaceConfig& planner_open_space_config);
virtual ~DistanceApproachIPOPTRelaxEndInterface() = default;
/** Method to return some info about the nlp */
bool get_nlp_info(int& n, int& m, int& nnz_jac_g, int& nnz_h_lag, // NOLINT
IndexStyleEnum& index_style) override; // NOLINT
/** Method to return the bounds for my problem */
bool get_bounds_info(int n, double* x_l, double* x_u, int m, double* g_l,
double* g_u) override;
/** Method to return the starting point for the algorithm */
bool get_starting_point(int n, bool init_x, double* x, bool init_z,
double* z_L, double* z_U, int m, bool init_lambda,
double* lambda) override;
/** Method to return the objective value */
bool eval_f(int n, const double* x, bool new_x, double& obj_value) override;
/** Method to return the gradient of the objective */
bool eval_grad_f(int n, const double* x, bool new_x, double* grad_f) override;
/** Method to return the constraint residuals */
bool eval_g(int n, const double* x, bool new_x, int m, double* g) override;
/** Check unfeasible constraints for further study**/
bool check_g(int n, const double* x, int m, const double* g);
/** Method to return:
* 1) The structure of the jacobian (if "values" is nullptr)
* 2) The values of the jacobian (if "values" is not nullptr)
bool eval_jac_g(int n, const double* x, bool new_x, int m, int nele_jac,
int* iRow, int* jCol, double* values) override;
// sequential implementation to jac_g
bool eval_jac_g_ser(int n, const double* x, bool new_x, int m, int nele_jac,
int* iRow, int* jCol, double* values) override;
/** Method to return:
* 1) The structure of the hessian of the lagrangian (if "values" is
* nullptr) 2) The values of the hessian of the lagrangian (if "values" is not
* nullptr)
bool eval_h(int n, const double* x, bool new_x, double obj_factor, int m,
const double* lambda, bool new_lambda, int nele_hess, int* iRow,
int* jCol, double* values) override;
/** @name Solution Methods */
/** This method is called when the algorithm is complete so the TNLP can
* store/write the solution */
void finalize_solution(Ipopt::SolverReturn status, int n, const double* x,
const double* z_L, const double* z_U, int m,
const double* g, const double* lambda,
double obj_value, const Ipopt::IpoptData* ip_data,
Ipopt::IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq) override;
void get_optimization_results(Eigen::MatrixXd* state_result,
Eigen::MatrixXd* control_result,
Eigen::MatrixXd* time_result,
Eigen::MatrixXd* dual_l_result,
Eigen::MatrixXd* dual_n_result) const override;
//*************** start ADOL-C part ***********************************
/** Template to return the objective value */
template <class T>
void eval_obj(int n, const T* x, T* obj_value);
/** Template to compute constraints */
template <class T>
void eval_constraints(int n, const T* x, int m, T* g);
/** Method to generate the required tapes by ADOL-C*/
void generate_tapes(int n, int m, int* nnz_jac_g, int* nnz_h_lag);
//*************** end ADOL-C part ***********************************
int num_of_variables_ = 0;
int num_of_constraints_ = 0;
int horizon_ = 0;
int lambda_horizon_ = 0;
int miu_horizon_ = 0;
double ts_ = 0.0;
Eigen::MatrixXd ego_;
Eigen::MatrixXd xWS_;
Eigen::MatrixXd uWS_;
Eigen::MatrixXd l_warm_up_;
Eigen::MatrixXd n_warm_up_;
Eigen::MatrixXd x0_;
Eigen::MatrixXd xf_;
Eigen::MatrixXd last_time_u_;
std::vector<double> XYbounds_;
// debug flag
bool enable_constraint_check_;
// penalty
double weight_state_x_ = 0.0;
double weight_state_y_ = 0.0;
double weight_state_phi_ = 0.0;
double weight_state_v_ = 0.0;
double weight_input_steer_ = 0.0;
double weight_input_a_ = 0.0;
double weight_rate_steer_ = 0.0;
double weight_rate_a_ = 0.0;
double weight_stitching_steer_ = 0.0;
double weight_stitching_a_ = 0.0;
double weight_first_order_time_ = 0.0;
double weight_second_order_time_ = 0.0;
double weight_end_state_ = 0.0;
double w_ev_ = 0.0;
double l_ev_ = 0.0;
std::vector<double> g_;
double offset_ = 0.0;
Eigen::MatrixXi obstacles_edges_num_;
int obstacles_num_ = 0;
int obstacles_edges_sum_ = 0;
double wheelbase_ = 0.0;
Eigen::MatrixXd state_result_;
Eigen::MatrixXd dual_l_result_;
Eigen::MatrixXd dual_n_result_;
Eigen::MatrixXd control_result_;
Eigen::MatrixXd time_result_;
// obstacles_A
Eigen::MatrixXd obstacles_A_;
// obstacles_b
Eigen::MatrixXd obstacles_b_;
// whether to use fix time
bool use_fix_time_ = false;
// state start index
int state_start_index_ = 0;
// control start index.
int control_start_index_ = 0;
// time start index
int time_start_index_ = 0;
// lagrangian l start index
int l_start_index_ = 0;
// lagrangian n start index
int n_start_index_ = 0;
double min_safety_distance_ = 0.0;
double max_safety_distance_ = 0.0;
double max_steer_angle_ = 0.0;
double max_speed_forward_ = 0.0;
double max_speed_reverse_ = 0.0;
double max_acceleration_forward_ = 0.0;
double max_acceleration_reverse_ = 0.0;
double min_time_sample_scaling_ = 0.0;
double max_time_sample_scaling_ = 0.0;
double max_steer_rate_ = 0.0;
double max_lambda_ = 0.0;
double max_miu_ = 0.0;
bool enable_jacobian_ad_ = false;
DistanceApproachConfig distance_approach_config_;
const common::VehicleParam vehicle_param_ =
//*************** start ADOL-C part ***********************************
double* obj_lam;
//** variables for sparsity exploitation
unsigned int* rind_g; /* row indices */
unsigned int* cind_g; /* column indices */
double* jacval; /* values */
unsigned int* rind_L; /* row indices */
unsigned int* cind_L; /* column indices */
double* hessval; /* values */
int nnz_jac;
int nnz_L;
int options_g[4];
int options_L[4];
//*************** end ADOL-C part ***********************************
} // namespace planning
} // namespace apollo
......@@ -72,6 +72,13 @@ bool DistanceApproachProblem::Solve(
horizon, ts, ego, xWS, uWS, l_warm_up, n_warm_up, x0, xF, last_time_u,
XYbounds, obstacles_edges_num, obstacles_num, obstacles_A, obstacles_b,
} else if (planner_open_space_config_.distance_approach_config()
.distance_approach_mode() ==
ptop = new DistanceApproachIPOPTRelaxEndInterface(
horizon, ts, ego, xWS, uWS, l_warm_up, n_warm_up, x0, xF, last_time_u,
XYbounds, obstacles_edges_num, obstacles_num, obstacles_A, obstacles_b,
Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::TNLP> problem = ptop;
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "modules/planning/open_space/trajectory_smoother/distance_approach_ipopt_fixed_dual_interface.h"
#include "modules/planning/open_space/trajectory_smoother/distance_approach_ipopt_fixed_ts_interface.h"
#include "modules/planning/open_space/trajectory_smoother/distance_approach_ipopt_interface.h"
#include "modules/planning/open_space/trajectory_smoother/distance_approach_ipopt_relax_end_interface.h"
#include "modules/planning/proto/planning.pb.h"
namespace apollo {
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ enum DistanceApproachMode {
message PlannerOpenSpaceConfig {
......@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ message DistanceApproachConfig {
optional DistanceApproachMode distance_approach_mode = 26;
optional bool enable_jacobian_ad = 27 [default = false];
optional bool enable_check_initial_state = 28 [default = false];
optional double weight_end_state = 29 [default = 0.0];
message IpoptConfig {
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