提交 a5e4b624 编写于 作者: M MadoRui 提交者: homography

change calibration specs to pdf format (#1820)

上级 7f7008ef
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ When the calibration is completed, the point cloud stitched during the calibrati
Figure 1 shows the comparison between the stitched point clouds with good (a) and insufficient(b) calibration quality.
......@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
<center>图1.(a)高质量的标定结果 (b)质量较差的标定结果。</center>
# Method for Calibrating Extrinsic Parameters Between Multiple-beam LiDAR and GNSS/INS
## Introduction
In autonomous driving, combining multiple-beam LiDAR and GNSS/INS is a popular sensor configuration for high definition map production, point-cloud-based localization and point-cloud-based object detection. A precise calibration of the extrinsic parameters is necessary for a successful implementation.
In many applications, LiDAR is placed at the top of a vehicle horizontally to acquire 360 degrees field of view, while IMU is aligned with the vehicle axis to simplify the coordinate transformation, as shown in Figure 1. Apollo calibration service is mainly optimized for this type of installation.
<center>Figure 1. A typical sensor installation. Red circle represents the top-mounted LiDAR and the square is the IMU.</center>
## Method
In this section, we will introduce the basics of calibrating LiDAR and GNSS/INS.
#### 1. Calculate the initial value of extrinsic parameters by hand-eye calibration
As there is no direct correspondence between LiDAR measurements and GNSS/INS measurements, we need to solve initial value by hand-eye calibration.
For example, assuming that the GNSS/INS pose at time $t_i$ is $T_i^{ins}$ , while at the same time, LiDAR pose from LiDAR odometry or SLAM algorithm is $T_i^{lidar}$, the classic hand-eye calibration is defined as solving $T^{ins}_{lidar}$, such that:
$$T_{i,i+1}^{ins}T_{lidar}^{ins}=T_{lidar}^{ins}T_{i,i+1}^{lidar}, \tag{1}$$
where $T_{i,i+1}^{ins}=T_{i+1}^{ins}(T_{i}^{ins})^{-1}$, $T_{i,i+1}^{lidar}=T_{i+1}^{lidar}(T_{i}^{lidar})^{-1}$ are the relative motions of the two sensors, respectively. As the vehicle motion is approximately planar, the problem can be simplified as follow:
$$(R_{ins}-I)t=Rt_{lidar}-t_{ins}, \tag{2}$$
where $R_{ins}$ and $t_{ins}$ are the rotation and translation of the relative motion of GNSS/INS, $t_{lidar}$ is the translation of LiDAR, respectively, $R$ and $t$ form the extrinsic parameters. Let
$$R=\left(\begin{matrix} cos\theta & -sin\theta\\sin\theta & cos\theta \end{matrix}\right),$$
then Equation (2) becomes:
\left(\begin{array}{c|c} R_{ins}-I & \begin{matrix} -t_{lidar}^x & t_{lidar}^y \\ -t_{lidar}^y & -t_{lidar}^x \end{matrix} \end{array}\right)
\left(\begin{matrix} t^x\\t^y\\cos\theta\\sin\theta\end{matrix}
\right)=-t_{ins}. \tag{3}$$
From Equation (3) we know, a single relative motion places two constraints on four unknowns, so if we have three different motions, the equation is full rank, thus can be solved linearly. In order to collect sufficient constraints when solving initial value and optimizing point cloud alignment in the following section, the algorithm needs the vehicle be driven following the trajectory which looks like ‘8’, as shown in Figure 2.
**Note:** as the vehicle motion is approximately planar, the height between LiDAR and IMU cannot be reliably determined.
<center>Figure 2. The trajectory needed for calibration.</center>
#### 2. Point cloud registration based extrinsic parameters optimization
Using the pose from GNSS/INS and initial estimation of extrinsic parameters, the registration of point clouds captured at different places can be conducted. As the initial value is not precise, registration error can be found in the registration point cloud. The error makes the point cloud lack of details and edges blurred. So, the second step of our algorithm is optimizing extrinsic parameters by improving point cloud registration quality. A typical GICP or Entropy cost can be used in this optimization process.
# 多线激光雷达与组合惯导外参标定原理
## 引言
<center>图1. 一种典型的传感器安装方式。红色圆表示激光雷达,红色矩形表示IMU。</center>
## 方法
#### 1. 通过手眼标定获得外参初值
由于多线激光雷达与组合惯导两者的测量之间没有直接的对应,因此需要使用手眼标定的方法对外参的初值进行求解。假设在 $t_i$ 时刻组合惯导的位置姿态为 $T_i^{ins}$ , 使用激光雷达里程计或者SLAM技术得到多线激光雷达的位置为 $T_i^{lidar}$, 则经典的手眼标定问题为求解 $T^{ins}_{lidar}$, 使得:
$$T_{i,i+1}^{ins}T_{lidar}^{ins}=T_{lidar}^{ins}T_{i,i+1}^{lidar}, \tag{1}$$
其中 $T_{i,i+1}^{ins}=T_{i+1}^{ins}(T_{i}^{ins})^{-1}$, $T_{i,i+1}^{lidar}=T_{i+1}^{lidar}(T_{i}^{lidar})^{-1}$ 是两个传感器的相对运动。由于车辆在近似平面内运动,将问题简化为二维的手眼标定问题,则有以下式子成立:
$$(R_{ins}-I)t=Rt_{lidar}-t_{ins}, \tag{2}$$
其中 $R_{ins}$ 和 $t_{ins}$ 分别是组合惯导相对运动的旋转和平移部分, $t_{lidar}$ 是激光雷达相对运动的平移部分, $R$ 和 $t$ 是外参的旋转和平移。令
$$R=\left(\begin{matrix} cos\theta & -sin\theta\\sin\theta & cos\theta \end{matrix}\right),$$
\left(\begin{array}{c|c} R_{ins}-I & \begin{matrix} -t_{lidar}^x & t_{lidar}^y \\ -t_{lidar}^y & -t_{lidar}^x \end{matrix} \end{array}\right)
\left(\begin{matrix} t^x\\t^y\\cos\theta\\sin\theta\end{matrix}
\right)=-t_{ins}. \tag{3}$$
<center>图2. 标定所需车辆行驶的轨迹。</center>
#### 2. 基于点云拼接质量的外参优化
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