提交 8518da7a 编写于 作者: S storypku 提交者: Xiangquan Xiao

Docs: updated "Formatters and Linters" based on changsh726's previous work

上级 c476cddf
# How to Lint and Format
## Coding style
- **C/C++ coding style**: Apollo adopted the
[Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html).
## Linters provided in apollo
Apollo uses the following lint tools to check the code style. **Note:** As for
now, ci will only check the style of C++ codes and it may do so in the future
for codes in other languages.
| tool | file type | usage (from Apollo root dir) |
| :--------: | :-----------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------: |
| cpplint | .h .c .hpp .cpp .hh .cc .hxx .cxx .cu | ./apollo.sh lint cpp <path/to/src/dir/or/files> |
| flake8 | .py | ./apollo.sh lint py <path/to/src/dir/or/files> |
| shellcheck | .sh .bash .bashrc | ./apollo.sh lint sh <path/to/src/dir/or/files> |
To make sure your code conforms to the style guide, you can use command
`bash apollo.sh lint all` to check if your code has any style problems and then
fix them manually. Another option is to use formatters to fix style problems
## Formatters provided in apollo
Apollo integrated a set of formatting tools that cover many types of files:
| tool | file type | usage (from Apollo root dir) | configuration file |
| :----------: | :-----------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------: | :----------------: |
| clang-format | .h .c .hpp .cpp .hh .cc .hxx .cxx .cu | ./apollo.sh format -c <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | .clang-format |
| autopep8 | .py | ./apollo.sh format -p <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | tox.ini |
| buildifier | BUILD .BUILD .bzl .bazel | ./apollo.sh format -b <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | NA |
| shfmt | .sh .bash .bashrc | ./apollo.sh format -s <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | .editorconfig |
| prettier | .md .json .yaml | ./apollo.sh format -m <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | .prettier.json |
For ease of use, you can format all the files with types listed above using
command `./apollo.sh format -a <path/to/src/dir/or/files>`
# Linters and Formatters used in Apollo 6.0
Programs should be written for people to read, and
only incidentally for machines to execute.
-- Harold Abelson
A great project is made out of consistent code. In the ideal world, you should
not be able to tell who wrote a certain line of the code for the project. Modern
linters and formatters help to close this gap by specifying a simple set of
rules to be enforced on all developers working on the project. Such tools also
stimulate developers to write better code by pointing out common mistakes and
introducing good programming practices.
Generally, linters are used for catching errors, whereas formatters are used to
fix coding style problems.
In this article, we will describe briefly the various linters and formatters
used in Apollo.
## Apollo Coding Style
As you may already know, Apollo adopted Google coding style for C/C++ and Python
programs. You can refer to
[Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html) and
[Google Python Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html)
for full text of specifications.
## Linters in Apollo
To enforce that everyone conform to Apollo coding style, the following linters
are provided for developers to check style issues.
> As the time of this writing, Apollo CI system enforced style check on C++
> files only. We hope that linters for other languages will be online in the
> near future.
| Linters | Source Extensions | Apollo Command Used |
| :--------: | :-----------------------------------: | :------------------------- |
| cpplint | .h/.c/.hpp/.cpp/.hh/.cc/.hxx/.cxx/.cu | scripts/apollo_lint.sh cpp |
| flake8 | .py | scripts/apollo_lint.sh py |
| shellcheck | .sh/.bash/.bashrc | scripts/apollo_lint.sh sh |
To make sure your code conforms to Apollo coding style, you can use
`./apollo.sh lint` to find any possible style problems and fix them manually.
## Formatters in apollo
To help ease your life with Apollo coding style, various formatters are
pre-installed into Apollo Docker image, to help you auto-format your code, and
avoid common mistakes when writing code.
The following table lists the formatters currently integrated into Apollo,
covering C/C++, Python, Bash, Bazel, Markdown, JSON and YAML files.
| Formatters | Source Extension | Apollo Command Used | Formatter Config |
| :----------: | :------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------: | :--------------: |
| clang-format | .h/.c/.hpp/.cpp/.hh/.cc/.hxx/.cxx;/.cu | ./apollo.sh format -c <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | .clang-format |
| autopep8 | .py | ./apollo.sh format -p <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | tox.ini |
| buildifier | .BUILD/.bzl/.bazel/WORKSPACE/BUILD | ./apollo.sh format -b <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | N/A |
| shfmt | .sh/.bash/.bashrc | ./apollo.sh format -s <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | .editorconfig |
| prettier | .md/.json/.yml | ./apollo.sh format -m <path/to/src/dir/or/files> | .prettier.json |
For easy use, you can format all files with types listed above with:
./apollo.sh format <path/to/src/dir/or/files>
For example,
./apollo.sh format WORKSPACE third_party/BUILD ./scripts/
which will auto-format Bazel `WORKSPACE` file under `$APOLLO_ROOT_DIR`,
`third_party/BUILD` file, and all the files under the `./scripts` directory.
> `./apollo.sh format` is expected to work outside Docker if relavant tools
> installed properly.
## Conclusion
To summarize,
- Use `./apollo.sh lint` to check coding style errors.
- Use `./apollo.sh format` to auto-format your code.
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