提交 78e95abe 编写于 作者: Z Zhang Liangliang 提交者: Jiangtao Hu

Planning: fixed an issue at large loop -- left turn is too close to road...

Planning: fixed an issue at large loop -- left turn is too close to road boundary. (1) do not expand sample lateral shift until init_adc_l; (2) use 0.2m for sample distance to boundary.
上级 b5485584
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ bool DPRoadGraph::SamplePathWaypoints(
double right_width = 0.0;
reference_line_.GetLaneWidth(s, &left_width, &right_width);
constexpr double kBoundaryBuff = 0.10;
constexpr double kBoundaryBuff = 0.20;
const auto &vehicle_config =
const double half_adc_width = vehicle_config.vehicle_param().width() / 2.0;
......@@ -261,9 +261,8 @@ bool DPRoadGraph::SamplePathWaypoints(
const double sample_l_range =
kDefaultUnitL * (config_.sample_points_num_each_level() - 1);
double sample_right_boundary =
std::fmin(-eff_right_width, init_sl_point_.l());
double sample_left_boundary = std::fmax(eff_left_width, init_sl_point_.l());
double sample_right_boundary = -eff_right_width;
double sample_left_boundary = eff_left_width;
if (reference_line_info_.IsChangeLanePath() &&
init_sl_point_.l() > eff_left_width) {
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