提交 4a93fd8d 编写于 作者: 知行合一2018's avatar 知行合一2018 提交者: Yifei Jiang

Relativemap: fixed a bug which the lane width may not be calculated correctly.

上级 0289974d
......@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ using apollo::hdmap::Lane;
using apollo::common::util::operator+;
using apollo::common::util::IsFloatEqual;
NavigationLane::NavigationLane(const NavigationLaneConfig &config)
: config_(config) {}
......@@ -147,6 +146,17 @@ bool NavigationLane::GeneratePath() {
: default_left_width_;
double right_width = perceived_right_width_ > 0.0 ? perceived_right_width_
: default_right_width_;
if (!IsFloatEqual(left_width, default_left_width_) &&
!IsFloatEqual(right_width, default_right_width_)) {
left_width = left_width > default_left_width_ ? left_width - min_d
: left_width + min_d;
right_width = right_width > default_right_width_ ? right_width - min_d
: right_width + min_d;
ADEBUG << "The left width of current lane is: " << left_width
<< " and the right width of current lane is: " << right_width;
std::get<1>(current_navi_path_tuple_) = left_width;
std::get<2>(current_navi_path_tuple_) = right_width;
auto curr_navi_path_iter = std::find_if(
......@@ -613,13 +623,16 @@ void NavigationLane::ConvertLaneMarkerToPath(
point->set_dkappa((k2 - k1) / 0.0002);
perceived_left_width_ = (std::fabs(left_lane.c0_position()) +
std::fabs(right_lane.c0_position())) /
perceived_left_width_ =
common::math::Clamp(perceived_left_width_, config_.min_lane_half_width(),
perceived_right_width_ = perceived_left_width_;
perceived_left_width_ = std::fabs(left_lane.c0_position());
perceived_right_width_ = std::fabs(right_lane.c0_position());
// If the perceived lane width is incorrect, use the default lane width
// directly.
double perceived_lane_width = perceived_left_width_ + perceived_right_width_;
if (perceived_lane_width < 2.0 * config_.min_lane_half_width() ||
perceived_lane_width > 2.0 * config_.max_lane_half_width()) {
perceived_left_width_ = default_left_width_;
perceived_right_width_ = default_right_width_;
bool NavigationLane::CreateMap(const MapGenerationParam &map_config,
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