未验证 提交 49647ab0 编写于 作者: seasoulchris's avatar seasoulchris 提交者: GitHub

Perception: add gflag to make lidar height file could be specified (#13745)

* Revert "Perception: make lidar height file could be specified (#13226)"

This reverts commit 21099678.

* add gflag to make lidar height could be specified
上级 9999d285
......@@ -117,5 +117,9 @@ DEFINE_string(torch_detector_model,
"The torch model file for emergency detection");
// lidar sensor name
DEFINE_string(lidar_sensor_name, "velodyne128",
"lidar sensor name");
} // namespace perception
} // namespace apollo
......@@ -67,5 +67,8 @@ DECLARE_int32(num_classes);
// emergency detection libtorch
// lidar sensor name
} // namespace perception
} // namespace apollo
......@@ -65,6 +65,39 @@ static int GetGpuId(const camera::CameraPerceptionInitOptions &options) {
return perception_param.gpu_id();
bool SetCameraHeight(const std::string &sensor_name,
const std::string &params_dir,
const std::string &lidar_sensor_name,
float default_camera_height,
float *camera_height) {
float base_h = default_camera_height;
float camera_offset = 0.0f;
try {
YAML::Node lidar_height =
params_dir + "/" + lidar_sensor_name + "_height.yaml");
base_h = lidar_height["vehicle"]["parameters"]["height"].as<float>();
AINFO << base_h;
YAML::Node camera_ex =
YAML::LoadFile(params_dir + "/" + sensor_name + "_extrinsics.yaml");
camera_offset = camera_ex["transform"]["translation"]["z"].as<float>();
AINFO << camera_offset;
*camera_height = base_h + camera_offset;
} catch (YAML::InvalidNode &in) {
AERROR << "load camera extrisic file error, YAML::InvalidNode exception";
return false;
} catch (YAML::TypedBadConversion<float> &bc) {
AERROR << "load camera extrisic file error, "
<< "YAML::TypedBadConversion exception";
return false;
} catch (YAML::Exception &e) {
AERROR << "load camera extrisic file "
<< " error, YAML exception:" << e.what();
return false;
return true;
// @description: load camera extrinsics from yaml file
bool LoadExtrinsics(const std::string &yaml_file,
Eigen::Matrix4d *camera_extrinsic) {
......@@ -202,9 +235,9 @@ bool FusionCameraDetectionComponent::Init() {
// load in lidar to imu extrinsic
Eigen::Matrix4d ex_lidar2imu;
LoadExtrinsics(FLAGS_obs_sensor_intrinsic_path + "/" +
FLAGS_lidar_sensor_name + "_novatel_extrinsics.yaml",
AINFO << "velodyne128_novatel_extrinsics: " << ex_lidar2imu;
AINFO << FLAGS_lidar_sensor_name + "_novatel_extrinsics.yaml" << ex_lidar2imu;
camera_names_, visual_camera_, intrinsic_map_, extrinsic_map_,
......@@ -522,7 +555,8 @@ int FusionCameraDetectionComponent::InitCameraFrames() {
for (const auto &camera_name : camera_names_) {
float height = 0.0f;
SetCameraHeight(camera_name, FLAGS_obs_sensor_intrinsic_path,
default_camera_height_, &height);
FLAGS_lidar_sensor_name, default_camera_height_,
camera_height_map_[camera_name] = height;
......@@ -1111,46 +1145,6 @@ int FusionCameraDetectionComponent::MakeCameraDebugMsg(
return cyber::SUCC;
bool FusionCameraDetectionComponent::SetCameraHeight(
const std::string &sensor_name,
const std::string &params_dir, float default_camera_height,
float *camera_height) {
float base_height = default_camera_height;
float camera_offset = 0.0f;
if (!GetProtoConfig(&fusion_camera_detection_param)) {
AINFO << "load fusion camera detection component proto param failed";
return false;
std::string lidar_type =
try {
YAML::Node lidar_height =
YAML::LoadFile(params_dir + "/" + lidar_type + "_height.yaml");
base_height = lidar_height["vehicle"]["parameters"]["height"].as<float>();
AINFO << base_height;
YAML::Node camera_ex =
YAML::LoadFile(params_dir + "/" + sensor_name + "_extrinsics.yaml");
camera_offset = camera_ex["transform"]["translation"]["z"].as<float>();
AINFO << camera_offset;
*camera_height = base_height + camera_offset;
} catch (YAML::InvalidNode &in) {
AERROR << "load camera extrisic file error, YAML::InvalidNode exception";
return false;
} catch (YAML::TypedBadConversion<float> &bc) {
AERROR << "load camera extrisic file error, "
<< "YAML::TypedBadConversion exception";
return false;
} catch (YAML::Exception &e) {
AERROR << "load camera extrisic file "
<< " error, YAML exception:" << e.what();
return false;
return true;
} // namespace onboard
} // namespace perception
} // namespace apollo
......@@ -76,10 +76,6 @@ class FusionCameraDetectionComponent : public apollo::cyber::Component<> {
int InitMotionService();
void SetCameraHeightAndPitch();
void OnMotionService(const MotionServiceMsgType& message);
bool SetCameraHeight(
const std::string &sensor_name,
const std::string &params_dir, float default_camera_height,
float *camera_height);
int InternalProc(
const std::shared_ptr<apollo::drivers::Image const>& in_message,
......@@ -73,12 +73,13 @@ static int GetGpuId(const camera::CameraPerceptionInitOptions &options) {
static bool SetCameraHeight(const std::string &sensor_name,
const std::string &params_dir,
const std::string &lidar_sensor_name,
float default_camera_height, float *camera_height) {
float base_h = default_camera_height;
float camera_offset = 0.0f;
try {
YAML::Node lidar_height =
YAML::LoadFile(params_dir + "/" + "velodyne128_height.yaml");
YAML::LoadFile(params_dir + "/" + lidar_sensor_name + "_height.yaml");
base_h = lidar_height["vehicle"]["parameters"]["height"].as<float>();
AINFO << base_h;
YAML::Node camera_ex =
......@@ -208,9 +209,10 @@ bool LaneDetectionComponent::Init() {
// load in lidar to imu extrinsic
Eigen::Matrix4d ex_lidar2imu;
LoadExtrinsics(FLAGS_obs_sensor_intrinsic_path + "/" +
FLAGS_lidar_sensor_name + "_novatel_extrinsics.yaml",
AINFO << "velodyne128_novatel_extrinsics: " << ex_lidar2imu;
AINFO << FLAGS_lidar_sensor_name + "_novatel_extrinsics.yaml: "
<< ex_lidar2imu;
camera_names_, visual_camera_, intrinsic_map_, extrinsic_map_,
......@@ -511,7 +513,8 @@ int LaneDetectionComponent::InitCameraFrames() {
for (const auto &camera_name : camera_names_) {
float height = 0.0f;
SetCameraHeight(camera_name, FLAGS_obs_sensor_intrinsic_path,
default_camera_height_, &height);
FLAGS_lidar_sensor_name, default_camera_height_,
camera_height_map_[camera_name] = height;
......@@ -45,5 +45,4 @@ message FusionCameraDetection {
optional bool image_based_cipv = 30 [default = false];
optional int32 debug_level = 31 [default = 0];
optional bool enable_cipv = 32 [default = false];
optional string lidar_type = 33 [default = "velodyne128"];
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